Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What should mankind know about electric shock therapy?

(A)  There is nothing being done by this.  The effects reported by some recipients that state they are receiving healing or their ailments have been cured are completely false. There is no healing being done that isn’t already being done, even without the person aware of it, which goes on anyway but inside the mind. There may be a healing affect by the thought of the patient believing that healing will be done.  It can be very damaging for any being to experience electricity outside of controlled methods that humans do not understand.  There is much damage that has been done by this practice though not as seemingly terrible as there has been in the past, much has improved.  But death is still death no matter the method or no matter how ‘humane’ your world calls it.  By this token this treatment is still just as negated as any other that causes harm for health’s sake.  No reason that this should occur.  There is nothing that the body cannot heal on its own if given the opportunity.  There is no need to damage the body in this way.  Tiny electrical pulses can cause thoughts to travel and can cause replacement of amputated limbs and can control replacements for them.  Simulated heart attacks or brain attacks are not helpful as damage is still being done.  Psychologists will not admit that the evidence is proof.  There is much damage but they may feel that benefit outweighs the positive that can truly be done outside of their terms or realm.  There are some that can benefit from this but not in the way that the doctors perceive.  There are times when electrical pulses are misfired in the brain, maintenance is necessary, though this can still have problems for other areas of the mind and brain.  It takes a great effort from guides to present the body with enough energy to repair the unseen body with enough energy and healing to repair those things unseen.  Much can be done even with a seemingly broken mind. Normal on your plane is a very widely used term that has no clear definition.  Oddities and abnormalities are not always needed to be fixed and tamped down; existence is good simply by existing.  There is no need for constant repair and upgrades.  Upgrading the mind and coming into new knowledge is important.  It is important to know that this knowledge is not new to all, only to some, it is universal and has been around for all that have ever occupied your life space.  There is much work to be done in order for all to understand this.  As you have been reading there will come a time, we are working on this, where all of man is healed by thought and amplified energy.  Energy is in all things; inanimate objects have energy or at the very least absorb it and act as sponges.  There is no need for medicine internally or for electricity to be applied externally for any reason. What is painful and harmful in large doses is also painful and harmful in small doses, no matter what they perceive to be the benefit.  There is no side effect from anything the creator has ever intended for you to use to heal any level of your being except improved health.  So much concern on these things worries us and leaves us to wonder how some have existed for so long.  There is a lifespan intended for all beings and many have interfered with it, you can get this back.  With knowledge many can get this back.  There is no reason to fear, worry, or be concerned over aspects of your life, you can change what you can change, others are for experience and learning, others are not as important. You will live, survive, and thrive, without the help of the massive uprising perceived by mankind.  There will come a time where peace is seen as a lost cause, but it will be this time when a great change happens.  There is no reason to worry or fear this.  All these great and good things will come, but terrible things must be removed first.  Pride and prejudice will be removed.  Negativity and all aspects of things unimportant to the overall function of beings and the planet will pass and the great peace and cohesion you have been yearning for will come to pass.  You will live in this time.  It will come in your lifetime.  Medicine, money, television, objects of physical possession will have no meaning.  Entertainment will come from spiritual concerns and helping others in need. Bettering everyone will be the concern of everyone.  There will be others who are not interested but they will have different concerns, but these concerns will still be for mankind.  There is no need to worry about deep fractures beyond those that currently exist.  The human race is one giant family and they will come to understand this.  You should share this information with more people.  There is no reason you can’t do this. You must express this information in as many ways as possible.  You can do this, you know how.  It will bring much to you.  You will have a better understanding of self and others.  You can do this.  Lazy is not for you, in work or in spirit.  Make actions to free yourself from unnecessary burdens.  A free spirit is possible even right now in your oppressive world.  Time will bring change but once change occurs there will need to be a catching up in order to make up for lost time.  You will not lose your foothold but there is no need to cram such amount of work and drive into smaller amount of time when you have a great time now and a pace that is reasonable.