Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What is the main significance for the winter solstice date of 12/21/2012?

(A)  This is an awakening.  This is a greater time of evolution.  There has been much written about this and there are some truths in each, though there is a great deal of material that has been lost or ignored for the sake of profit or to fit it with other ideals on the earth.  There is nothing negative coming from this date or the changes preceding it or following it.  There is a changing taking place and a large amount of energy will culminate on this date.  There will be a pressure felt by many and it will be lifted on this date.  There will continue to be changes but this will be a tipping point, the date has also served to bring notice to these ideals and processes in nature and in the mind and human spirit.  The calendar that has counted this off was in place for this reason.  An abrupt stop to any seemingly forever calendar will cause major attention, though many force it to become a dreadful thing when speaking this information to others.  Attention, a focal point for discussion and an awakening.  This was a mere road sign on the path of life that was set in motion many centuries ago.  This allows a talking point, as it were, to create a window to the past and allow those who may not find an interest in past civilizations, to delve deeper into the reasoning for earth changes, not simply a calendar to them, but a reason for investigation.  This date, and the counting system, are a catalyst for initiating thought in the humans and spirits of current times.  Just as with many items, thoughts, or reasons, it is a blend of  mans’ ideas and need for change, and a subtle nudging for this side of the veil so that men will not fall too far off the path of life and understanding.  For at this time it is becoming increasingly difficult for some to live on this plane due to conflict, war, profit, greed, and others.  This will serve as a reminder that life and time are always changing, there is a cycle, and nothing ends.  A catalyst for changing.  Some will doubt it until it is felt.  There may be some who experience this as only earth changes and do not take advantage of a deeper energy that is being brought forth at this time.  Though, the end result will be peace, a more peaceful time.  You will still have conflicts, this is not to say that each person will ‘have there own way’ until they end their life, what would be the purpose of experiencing life if there were never difficulties to experience?  This lifetime will come to a close on this date and a new beginning will be marked by its passing.  This is a time for celebration.  This is a time for deeper thinking.  Know that the calendar with which the date was counted off was brought by a higher form than man alone.  A reason for this work; change.