Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Are Angels, Archangels, and the like just names we give to higher beings or do they exist in their own right?

(A)  There are many divisions or castes of beings though the names simply give recognition to the type of work they do.  Some have specific goals and specific areas in which they work.  There are so called Angels and many Archangels are higher beings returned to this other plane to help, others can travel between planes and provide help. There are many you can call on though many will not come because of name, simply because of the assistance or guidance needed.  There is a special type of being that is called an Angel and this is a specific function for them.  They do not guide in the same way as most other spirit guides or workers do, they have ascended much higher, they may be compared to the religious view of  gods simply because of their ability to intervene and offer assistance and ability to help many at once.  How do you think the world came to be?  The angels sent me here.