Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Barry Martin, who uses automatic writing to channel President Kennedy, how accurate are his books and messages?

(A)  Barry Martin is correct; it is the time that is fluid.  The majority of information concerning events is dependent on many factors.  There is much being done to interfere with them, as they were planned, by those on your plane.  This is not a negative impact; this is for the evolution of the planet and the forms of life that humans take.  This interference and raising of their own energy and the slow awakening was not expected.  It is important to know that there is much done using your sources of communication and spreading of information that leads some to believe that their ideas or notions or beliefs are not shared.  It is not true.  Many share beliefs and hold values that are not expressed through these means.  It is important to isolate yourself from these types of information. There is much evidence that no matter your beliefs, you will begin to challenge them should you be open and allow them to impact you.  Do not allow others to cause doubt within you, learn to remove doubt from yourself.  There is much information within his books that should be understood and focused on by those in this time.  There is much in terms of outside influence, protection, and negative impact that is taking place on the planet.  There is much, just as on the surface, taking place.  There are many who enjoy the negative or lower vibration and accusatory and harmful war-like actions.  It is important to know that you are here to evolve, simply because these beings that meddle are in a different form it does not infer that they are here in a higher vibration or capacity. There are many on other planes that can travel from period to period, plane to plane, it does not necessarily infer a higher vibration or different spiritual progress.  It is merely another life form that may be possible for you to take.  As there are many creatures on the earth plane there are many creatures and forms throughout existence.  It is important to know that the last word on truth is settled with the being receiving the information. Perspective may play a role in judgment but know that perspective and understanding can be changed and opened.  It is the attempt of many to share this information without bias. Speaking the word without certain motivations is difficult on your plane and there has been much to cause mistrust, therefore not a good deal of information is accepted by large populations of people because of their previous mistrusts.  There is a time for preparing and it should be enacted now; preparation in mind, body, and spirit for a change in mankind.  Though, it is not enough to sit by idly and wait for a change, it is important to choose to contribute to the mass change that is currently underway.  Soon the talking heads on the televisions and radio, newspapers, and other media will be a quiet whisper in society.  Currently they flex their grip over you by holding a select group of views and using only specific ideology.  It is important to know that these are not the beliefs of most people and even those who are not experienced in the human form, who have not had much experience in their spiritual path or many years in various lives, all of these will come to know truth, they read many things that are universally accepted and many beings will know this.  It simply takes time to break the masses out of information that has been given to them repeatedly in many forms of conveyance.  This is wrong information.  It is about control.  There will be change but there must be more done to convey the importance of change.  There is no outside menace that will involve itself directly and cause the overthrow of hostile governments.  There should be a stirring, an action within the people who are experiencing this punishment, this negative role of an exalted dictator and the controlled masses.  People must change and speak out.  Even doing nothing is simply not acceptable.  Speaking to others, even in a passive manner, will plant seeds, will share information.  Soon it will be unavoidable the thoughts of man and how wrong they truly are, they will come to know the true meaning of existence. Much is fluid, much based on times and calendars are impacted by actions and the thoughts, minds, and energy of those on your plane.  There can only be a desire on our side to show you the way, to hope the best for you, to show you unconditional love and hope that you share it with your neighbors, but in most circumstances we cannot directly intervene.  Many uprisings are from the initiative of one.  He may have had a slight push because of predetermined beliefs prior to his arrival in a human spirit but there will be much that people come to on their own, even while in the rigid confines and structure that this present society has boxed every single mind into.  There will be a time of greater change, it is important to know that this is ongoing, that it is not subtle and it is not grand, it is continuous.  There will be an expungement from the earth.  Many will not change, many will experience new lifetimes in other areas.  Barry Martin may touch on this, it is his work that President Kennedy influences and is not outwardly available or recognized in mainstream press.  It is important to know that this information is true and correct. Know truth, know that there are some things that are only true for some, only true for certain groups, only true for certain individuals.  Know this is why many things are true for some and not true for others even though they believe them to be universal truths. This does not include earthborn manmade concepts, only those that can be experienced in every form of existence.  Peace to all.  Accept nothing as evidence of itself at first.