Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What was the original reason this universe was created and brought into existence?

(A)  This universe is here for your enjoyment, for your learning, for your development. This is a place where trial and error can be exercised.  Much learning in any physical or energetic form is done so through reading, but much more is grasped and carried out when a form is placed within a situation and made to exercise judgment from within the confines of that reality.  There is much learning understood by reading on the theories of existence or the reason for any specific function you wish to learn, it is only by immersion and practice that you gain true knowledge and experience and the wisdom of those who have gone through before you.  There was a need for those in energy form to experience this world to exercise judgment.  Judgment is multifaceted and an important part of your creation and deliverance to higher realms.  This place is for learning, it is of importance to understand though that you are not isolated from any other realm or dimension while you are in this physical world.  There are many who travel between each area and there are none who are untouched or unrelated in terms of travel, ideas, and the energy that reaches each area.  All are related, all are in a cycle that is entrenched in their own creation.  It is important to know that there is much taking place on each level that the goal is to learn and move through trial and error; not simply for repeating knowledge that one finds necessary, because of the requirements of the position or how it could be considered repeating random facts within an academic classroom.  This is not the purpose; the purpose is to acquire true knowledge, to interact with the world.  Each is a creator in their own right and this also allows you direct and immediate contact with these abilities, though there are many, through the process of their learning, who are equally involved in destruction.  There are many attributes which still exist between your existence in this field and your energy existence in your true home, many of these relate to energy thoughts, actions, and abilities.  These too can be used in your physical existence.  There are some things that are more immediate because you are in a physical existence and there are some things that a greater time span is considered when implementing your thoughts.  This allows for true reflection, greater interactions between entities and so on.  There is not a place in the world that is unjust.  There is a need for you and others to raise yourselves and those around you so that there can be a change in the way this world is perceived.  There is a time when you may be concerned you are ‘behind the times’ in terms of evolution of ideas that are barbaric.  Look at how many in the U.S. who are focused on materials view the circumstances of less fortunate beings in Africa. These same views are applied throughout the universe and throughout each dimension and in between each area.  There is an understanding needed by those on every level to achieve an understanding and an independent unbiased attitude towards giving and receiving love.  While there are many other entities and energy beings who have evolved to a much higher state concerning this ability, there many who have not.  These goals have been established only by you for each individual in conjunction with the ability of each creator and higher being in terms of involvement.  We are here because we can assist you, not because we have greater knowledge at all times.  It is important to learn about this place and how to interact with it.  There is much that can be done to save many from grief but it will only happen when those who are focused only in their immediate area remove themselves from ways that make them indifferent to others on very small and even grand scales.  There are enjoyments here and they are allowed to be experienced.  Simply because a man enjoy games or alcohol does not make them negative experiences.  Many have great work to do and for some these can be hindrances and should be avoided, others seek comfort in these things.  For most, any activity can be experienced as part of your goal as to learn and experience all that there is to learn while it is within your reach in this lifetime.  There is no need to shun; many of you are doing this now.  Moderation in many things.  Much is done to excess, but there is much that should be done to a greater degree.  This place is to learn of these things.  There is much that takes effort, creating harmony takes effort.  Learning all there is to learn takes effort. Many slip idly through each lifetime, but no matter the acts done or left undone, each will accomplish and return with the same level or degree if information for their continued progress and learning.  Leaving this place you will find yourself surrounded by life, no matter how evolved or unevolved you consider yourself to be, each area is filled with the love that those relating and in common with you all have.  There are greater degrees of this, based on what each has done and accomplished, what each has focused on and what each is intending to complete or place their focus upon.  It is important to know that there is much that can be done while you are not in a physical incarnation.  There is much that is accomplished while you are simply an energy being, though there is much that is considered perfect by you in this place which you do not currently reside.

There is much that will only be experienced by viewing the records that others have created through their lifetimes.  It is not readily available to you to experience hate and murder and death while you are an energy being; these things are reserved for the physical plane where much is done to coax you through these areas and experiences. Each has accomplished the same tasks, though many on the earth have taken many lifetimes to accomplish these goals, others will ascend much quicker, this is not something to pass judgment against, it is simply the process of each individual energy being as it relates to their understanding of specific areas.  There is no need for worry about slacking responsibilities that may pose a problem later.  There is much outside influence when it is needed in order to accommodate that which is required from the earth at certain instances.  There have been many instances of life throughout existence in this universe and there have been many that have moved on or moved out of this universe or through it.  There are others similar to the appearance that you have now though they intend not to disturb your development.  They are wishing to communicate with you and assist you but there is much that is done by few in positions of control to disseminate the impression of negativity by anything which may not evolve from your planet and its current civilization.  You are not alone, clearly now, you are not alone.  Many should understand that there are movies depicting a wide variety of beings for entertainment purposes.  There are not a wide variety, there are only few, but there are variations and there are existences beyond that of your own in this same physical plane though this is a destructive planet and many do not wish to interact with you.  They are aware of you and many of you are not aware of them.  It is important to develop awareness beyond that of your immediate sphere or realm, and beyond that of your current world.  There is much that is controlled by dogma but there is much that is controlled by those out of dogma who simply intend on seeking comfort in their views of the earth plane which were conceived at very early stages in life.  For some this is acceptable and not relevant to their achievement in this lifetime, though any progress made in this area can have drastic changes in elevation for their sake in later times on many levels in which they may find themselves.  There is a reason to go in faith and explore, it is your destiny, there will be a time when many are aware of the true nature of this existence and will grasp it fully, until that time you will return here for experiences and understanding, even beyond that time there will be some here now who come and return to this place to develop on a another level.  Some will never return to this universe, nowhere in it, there are other places, developed in similar ways but with varying goals and attributes, that many will experience once they are prepared from leaving this or very proximate lifetimes.  Go in peace and seek truthfulness.