Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Will China ever stop being a communist nation?

(A)  This is the system of government that works best for those who are incarnating there. There will be much done in terms of the rights of the people and the ability to raise one’s voice above the level being maintained by an orderly populous.  The changes in their social structure will bring a great change to their leadership.  Their government will not change, that is the label will not change, but there will be a vast difference between China in your time of 1980 and that of 2020.  Their people enjoy many things that the populations of many other industrialized countries do not.  They know a great sense of security in terms of artful expression and health.  Though there is still much that cannot be said out of respect for their leadership, there is much done to work to curtail the pollution and many other social issues.  In terms of change, China and the United States will undergo greater transformational periods, but it is unimportant who goes first.  It is important to see that no matter the type of government, those the U.S.A. has marked as different is only that, they are different.  Their differing views are not ones that should be looked upon or thought of as less evolved or advanced.  There is much that each form of government and society could learn of itself if each difference was not used as a reason to segregate and isolate.  There are terms that are used that are now associated with negative imagery for other societies.  It is important to open one’s eyes to the differences and see what can be expressed around you, see what can be learned around you.  It is possible to see the good in each creation and bring those ideas together to experience a peace that all can enjoy.  First, before any evolution can take place, the goal should be understood to not make personal possessions the reason for existence.  There should be greater assistance between neighbors and neighboring countries.  Not a selling of resources at a high rate to gouge the neighbor in need, but to offer resources so that all can prosper and experience the true nature of self and what should actually occupy one’s time, of course, none of which should be taken up with the worry over materials non-living.  It is important to look within and find what truly causes you to be in existence, and then you will find the true cause and purpose for yourself.  Each entity has a reason for being, and many of these are not to exist within a label that its society or another has placed upon it. There is much energy associated by labels and terms.  Even if those who are labeled do not give credence to such labels there is still energy attached to it.  This is why, at many times, there have been evolutions in the term used to label a group, or an action.  It is to dissociate with that energy of the past.  Often times this same energy reappears after being brought into existence and replacing the previous term, but there is a brief change while the expression is still being understood.  It is important to not be caught up in the terms, words, and labels that are used on your plane.  It should be important to recognize the act or situation or object as one that is uplifting or one that does not serve a greater purpose for self or others.  Too quickly people will focus on the word or terms used and not look beyond it, to see what is truly in existence.  This is true of the inability of many to care for the sick and dying or those who need medical intervention.  While it is not always necessary to find medical intervention, because much healing can be done by one’s own self or with the aid of others, it is important to see that the inability to create a system of healthcare for all is the inability of a country to care equally for all citizens. How can any country truly assist the citizens of the world when they cannot appropriately exercise compassion for those in their own country who need some sort of assistance?  It is important to make changes, not be caught up in words, for as with labels of government that many see as negative, there are other freedoms that they enjoy that are never mentioned when compared briefly and quickly to what a person knows as their own.