Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Do our sinus cavities serve a purpose in psychic or medium skills and abilities?  If so, what do they do?  Does being congested, having a cold, or having allergies change this in any way?

(A)  These areas are intensely sensitive to energies.  It is also important to know that the energy and light from the sun directly affects these areas.  These were placed within the physical body in these areas because of their ability to be in the sun as it relates to the sleep and waking cycles of a person and therefore receive more energy through these areas because they are in direct light while the person is waking.  It is important to say that these areas are receptors and antennas.  They are not simply a method of filtering your breathing air.  They serve the function of a reservoir of energy while the skills is needing it for interpretation or as a full reserve to experience the sensations and to use the qualities of a particular skill that has been developed in a medium or person that is able to sense and perceive beyond that of which is widely acceptable on your plane.  They do not receive information that is harmful, though they are able to interpret the energy of others and may act as a warning.  Negative energy and information is not supplanted in these areas and you do not need to worry about harm.  You cannot be harmed in these areas. That is why it is important to know that when you experience certain energy or emotions, that is to say, when your mind experiences them, they are not yours.  You often can experience the energy, vibration, or emotional state of those near you, as well as those at a distance, those not directly in your presence because of an ability to connect through the many forms of energy and medium skills and healing.  It is important to notice their placement, they are directly over the brain and are direct receptors, as are the eyes, of that which is being seen and experienced by the body.  On a much deeper level they interpret data and energy much more than what is on the surface and visible to the eyes.  These areas are unaffected by hate and anger, they are only able to sense them.  They are able to sense many things and often bring this energy in the form of an emotional or physical response process within the brain.  Please know that there is much focus that should be paid to these areas.  Many parts of the body were only discovered prior too many beliefs held by current society but current society has not reexamined much of the body in order to understand its purpose and function by today’s methods and interpretations.  Today’s understanding is still that of prior misunderstanding.  These areas serve the same purpose as many might consider the antennae of insects.  They can be filled with energy by that of spirit; we can bring energy and gas, and chemicals, to these areas for your development, to balance the body, to develop an ability in you.  To bring about a deeper level of trance. Often there will be a sensation in these areas as though one has experienced a sun burn or has been in the sun though they were only in an apartment or dwelling.  This experience is because of the energy that was used and is similar to that energy that is delivered by the sun.  There is much manipulation here, not for negative or personal gains, but there is much here that the human existence does not know and takes for granted, and therefore much intervention is needed by those with the knowledge, those in the spirit realm, to balance and correct these areas.  It is possible at times that these areas succumb to sickness because of sensory overload within a body or existence that has not yet adjusted to the sensory perceptions of these areas.  It is also simply just a matter of physical imbalance that causes these areas to be irritated and filed with mucus.  In most cases these areas being infected do not impact your ability to conduct your usual routine, your practice and utilization of your skills, only when they restrict, prevent, or change your breathing, which also changes the blood flow and rhythm of the body – that is when these areas can be impacted.  Many can experience some degree of all those possible interferences that you have mentioned and never suffer a need for rest from spirit while resting the physical body in order to recuperate.  When you do experience the need for rest it is important that your use of mediumship abilities do not interfere with your physical rest and wellbeing.  Simply because the skills and qualities and senses that you are using do not appear physical they still impact the body in much the same way as any physical activity.  They can change the energy levels in the body and this may pose problems when healing is required or rebalancing to allow health to return to the body. As chakras dispense energy, they serve as possibly you could call them miniature heart centers for the manner that they spread and dispense the energy through the body as the heart does with blood – that is the manner in which your sinus cavities, those contained within the structure of the skull, spread the energy to the brain and pass messages back and forth from internal to external and vice versa.  Do not worry that an infection has made these areas less able to interpret data or less functional.  There is little that is stopped in an energetic process because of physical mucus.  Some energy will always flow through any physical form and much more energy can be supplied if it is something that is hampered by a physical passing through in order to reach an area.  The breath is what should be focused on when one is concerned if their health may contribute their communication or other skill negatively.  The breath has the most direct impact on your physical health.  Diet is second, but as the natural process are concerned, the breath affects many rhythms and cycles, all must breathe, no matter their diet or other variables, the breath is always required and respiration is the beginning process of the cycle within the body that regulates many things.  These things being in top physical order should dictate your use of your perceptions, skills, senses, and other abilities when considering actions to take while you may be in an imbalanced stage of physical or energetic health. Sinus cavities can be cleaned using water; they can also be aided by hands on healing, the healing of mind, or the healing of distance healing.  These also serve to balance the areas and empty them from any cause of inflammation and empty them from any excessive substance.  Much of a person’s perception of another is by sending and receiving information that is expressed through these areas.  It is not always the expression, the physical outward view of the emotion that a person perceives in another that makes them react in a certain manner or behavior, it is the energy being expressed through these areas in that one person that are being received and interpreted by the viewer that have the greatest impact.  Much is connected within the human body and within the human head. There is much that is known about the body and how all processes relate to one another. There is less known at this time about all ducts, glands, and connectedness and passageways are all interrelated within the skull, the brain, and the head.  There are many physical secretions that use these areas but there is much for energy exchange within these forms.  Expression on many levels and receiving information takes place within these areas.  It is only by experiencing the exchange that occurs between all senses, their merging through connectedness in these passageways, that an experience is truly felt.  The true nature may be missed because it is only felt by what is directly and immediately available to the degree that a person is aware of their senses.  Most often these are only the physical sense.  Records are maintained of these experiences so that they may be understood later should they have been missed while in the physical existence.  Do not use any drying substance on the glands or ducts within these areas or within the body.  Let excess be expressed naturally when there is an imbalance.  The excess must be passed in order for balance to again be achieved.  Balance cannot be forced, though much is not done by medicine to balance, it only masks.  Masking these problems does not help them to alleviate the imbalance in the body.  It is true, the body must now work physically more in order to bring forth a change because it is now working through tougher conditions, not just walking up hill, but now scaling a mountain because of the medicinal interference.  It is possible to take a natural plant substance to prevent further infection, however, if there was balance in fluids within the body, balance within the diet, these substances would not have to be taken and an infection would not be a concern.  In that situation the fluids could pass freely if other areas of balance were maintained.  There is also fluid exchange to and from the body with these cavities; energy is exchanged which also gives the impression of fluid exchange because of it.  Dryness occurs because of this. Fluid, water, it is important to maintain a high quantity of this with regularity, within the body.