Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  Can a spirit being be forced into an incarnation against its free will?

(A)  It is the desire of each being to progress and grow and to experience life, even if it is without progression.  There are some that have been reluctant to accept this form of experience, this living of lifetimes, but it is a choice to do so only made the by the entity in question.  No one, no being, at any time, will force you to return.  There may be counseling or the urging of others that you accept this, for we all grow when one grows, but you are not forced to experience a lifetime simply because another person or entity will benefit from it or believes it is in your best interest to do so.  There will be counseling to relate that information to you, that it is their belief that it is your best course of learning to encounter the experiences within the lifetime in question or to experience specific tasks within a physical existence.  It is only the duty of those around you to guide and provide information from their perspective, from their point of view; it is not their way to punish you by forcing you to undergo an area in which you have no interest.  You are able to progress through other means without experiencing a lifetime in a physical human body but it is also your own right to never progress or to progress at a different rate relative to those around you.  You are able to do as you please.  There are many reverberations in terms of the result of taking on a lifetime or choosing to forge this option, but none of these are punishments, they are not sanctions because you refused to follow the orders of some higher ranking entity.  You are only passed from one area to another according to your level of development and your vibrational harmony with those that are progressing through the same functions as you.  There are beings who simply do not wish to return or experience a first lifetime, this is of their own accord.  There are entities that do not wish to accomplish anything that was set for them or planned for them while in a specific lifetime, this is their free will and it is acceptable just as all actions. There are many who are reluctant, but there is no guilt, there is no pressure, there is no forcing an entity to enter into this human form and experience certain life events.  You are aided in selecting experiences and events and circumstances which best suit the requirements or goals of your intended areas of learning.