Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What is schizophrenia?

(A)  Schizophrenia is not just a disease of the mind but a problem of the overall person. This is what your medicine does not yet understand.  There must be another approach, differently, to overall health that focuses on what is not yet directly or scientifically measured by your experts.  There is much in the way of science that needs to mesh with your beliefs and this is happening in your lifetime.  There is much that can be done to improve the state of a person suffering and undergoing this trauma.  Lesser spirits and entities are torturing theses poor souls who have deformities so to speak of their creation. There are problems in their development as spirits that allows lesser communication of spirits to occur without their control.

They must learn to stop these, and take control.  Ignoring a problem with medication does not lessen the impact the spirit world, or any spirit kind, is having on a person. They must associate body, mind, and spirit as one.  Though there are some who experience this with the intention of learning and experiencing it in this lifetime, there are many who may come to this life and have an error in their creation or development that allows these lesser entities to communicate with them.  It is not easy to stop this; drugs quiet receptors in the mind and body and simply dampen the messages, a drugged mind is less receptive and less open to messages and input.  But this also includes input from any higher being or being wishing to help.  At the onset a person can be helped, there are times of need but there are times when a person is driven to a kind of madness because they are unable to control the messages received.  Schizophrenia actually occurs after the voices and messages drive a person into a psychotic state, not simply hearing these messages, this is not schizophrenia.  Once a person is unable to reason with what is occurring, that is when schizophrenia begins.  There is no need for this to bother you because no matter when a person experiences it, by choices or by partial impairment of the body by some intention or neglect, this is for their learning.  You will not experience this in your life as you feel your relatives have.  This is not for you.  Changes occur in the body that allow this to happen.  Drugs are not the answer; no drug is the answer or cure all, the mind is the only thing to be changed, studied, learned, understood, and the only thing that needs change within it to heal the entire body and cure most earthly maladies.  Your world is hell bent on pills, by commercialism and insecurity, this will stop and your healing will become evident when there is too much cost involved with the purchase and manufacture of pills that provide false hope and temporary relief.  Your doctors do not mostly focus on prevention and overall health, they fix a singular problem.  Your personal doctor is good at this, focusing on entire body and health, and mentality, and well-being to sustain life and health.  Happiness does not come from a pill bottle.  Happiness comes from within.


(Q)  What causes schizophrenia?

(A)  This is a reason as we have discussed.  As you have read there are breaks in the energy body of what a person has around them, this allows communication more easily as most would want if they understood this.  But for those who only hear negative messages this is because their mind and body is of a lower vibration and attracts the abundant number of lower beings that exist around us all.  Raise the vibration and hope can be seen.


(Q)  What is a schizophrenic person experiencing?

(A)  A change in their reality but it can be for the better.  Many do not understand that they have a psychic gift and communication connection between worlds.  This is something you want and that most who are aware of this ability hope to achieve. Schizophrenics have no filter in place yet to sort through the information they receive and their doctors are not aware of the world beyond this one, therefore, in a clinical setting, there is not much hope beyond a pill or isolation for these people who have gone mad by definition of your world.  There is hope for them if you come to understand the relation of all levels of spirit and body within one another.  All is related, science separates and isolates each system; we are all one.


(Q)  What can I do for a person who has schizophrenia?

(A)  Any level of healing will do wonders for them, but as with any health or spirit matter, energy does so much until a person returns to their old behavior and mentality. There must be a change in thinking, a new way of understanding.  If a person has the mental capacity for learning, as all do, then thought should be created to understand health and to learn more about the self body.  There is much that can be learned, healed, accomplished by inner work, not outside stimulation.  Plants are helpful but again, often unnecessary, but can be aides, because all can be accomplished with your mind, with your energy and the purest form of it.  We are not alone and the communication these souls receive is evidence of that.  They are still stuck in the realm of yours where the doctors are feebly trying to comprehend these “problems” by years of medicine that does not confront the changes in humanity and their metaphysical abilities.  You will come to be able to measure and understand these; this is when a shift will occur.  A change will happen.  You can direct thought, healing, and energy towards this resolution to bring peace and calm to those who are undergoing that type of experience.  They are not lost, living their life gives them the greatest satisfaction when they come to our plane.  There is not much that cannot be learned from this mental stated compared to yours or any other.  Positive physical and mental health are related, there must be something more that doctors can do, this is what they say and wish for but little work is done to accept new ways of thinking.  The label ‘new-age’ creates a wall and barrier between doctors and thinkers in this field but this is what will join them.  Many mental health problems will evaporate when this change is seen.  Many will receive help because our world will be acknowledged, people will have hope, not fear, because they can locate easily those who understand.  These beings can have a higher spiritual level because of the communication if they could harness it for the use of mankind.  They are not defective or broken by our standards.  Man places many labels on their own kind which serve no purpose other than placing that person in negative energy.  Often times the doctor visit makes worse the ailment or condition because of the labels associated with each ‘problem.’  There are no problems; people instantly become negative about things because of outside stimulation by doctors, society, pills, drugs, and stigma.  All unnecessary.  If alone in the woods, this would not be experienced, and differences would not be seen or felt, a person can work through many things on this plane without intervention by ‘unnecessary medicine.’  You can do this, you can plant the seed and help those eventually make the turn away from this type of doctrine.  There are those who are open to it.  You will not increase their psychosis or mental delirium, you will help them and we can aid you in this.  All man should help those in need, help those above and below your level because all need basic requirements to survive and each can help the next achieve.