Cookies with Christ by Damilare - HTML preview

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Before time began the Lamb was slain.

Behold the outrageous fecundity of his love towards man as he hangs on the cross, his every lungful laced with untold grief, his back and bones bruised and broken by the hammers of hell upon the anvil of anguish, his skin lacerated by the executioner’s whip.

He is the quintessential romantic with a twinkle in his eye and a spring in his step, racing through the ravines of death, surging past the stockade of sin and sickness - all because of you. He is all together lovely. He is Love and holds all things together by the power of his Love. The kind of love that leaves you breathless and yet at the same time is the air you breathe.

Let your eyes soak in the breathtaking paradox of his persona. All at once He is the roaring lion that ravishes your heart, leaving in his wake a path of righteousness and refreshing for you to enjoy and yet He is the lamb.

Tell me that you are not roused to righteousness by this Prince who is not only charming but is full of compassion, a prince who is of Peace. The galaxies gush in excited metaphor.

The ghettos and grottos squeal surreptitiously as He, the King of Glory, approaches in all his grandeur.

The grand masters of the universe, the gate keepers of the Milky Way doff their hats in adoration. They stand in awe and amazement at his majesty.

I present to you a God who is sure of Himself. He doesn’t need offerings and oblations to appease him. I present to you a being who occupies the seat of power not by virtue of election nor by reason of an appointment.

I present to you the very being, indeed, the only being whose reason for existence is in Himself - the all sufficient one, the one from whom all things flow, the one who upholds all things by the word of his power.

He has his hands full of love for you. He is unchanging changer who changes things just because He loves you. Can you not marvel at the Father who races down the road passionately to embrace his lost son? Can you not see the joy plastered on the face of the weeping woman whose sin is forgiven? Hear her words, hear her mutterings, for in the midst of the assault and attacks, in the face of her assailants, Mercy stoops low to raise her up. Against the backdrop of such a passionate display of tenderness, can you not see the blind man leap for Joy has strengthened his limbs?

He stands at the beginning and with the  Word begins a tapestry of redemption. He has seen it all. He knows the outcome for He is Alpha and Omega and everything in between.

It was in beginning all things that He made a way where there seemed to be none. He watched and waited in perfect harmony with the Godhead. Surrounded by what appeared To be the deathly sting of Darkness He thought a thought.

As a master sculptor before a slab of amorphous stone, a painter in front of a blank canvas, a minstrel poised before a grand piano… a writer – pen in hand and thoughts all a-flurry – He stood and then He said…

“Let there be Light!”