Cult - A Memoir


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Pages: 420

Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description

CULT reads like a novel, yet is the testament of authentic cult experience by someone in the inner-circle of "The Context." Its purpose is to give a true taste of what it is to be in a cult so that the reader gains the inside story of cult life, along with inoculation against cult seductions. The story involves five Americans --well-educated, innocent, sensitive seekers--who move to Victoria, BC, to be close to a charismatic man professing to hold the secrets of fully realized humanity. Their ride depicts the devastating, beautiful, juicy, hyperbolic dead-end that characterizes all cults--for they all use the same tactics of seduction, initiation, endearment and purification. CULT offers an education unlike any other, a vital knowledge in our strange yet promising times.

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William Howell

William Howell has had the great good fortune to study with adepts in many spiritual traditions. Author, poet, teacher, retreat master, he lives to share what he has been given. He also has survived a diabolical cult, thereby reluctantly acquiring the d