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pure poured out life—rooted in the life-g ivin g blood of His Father the Almighty everlastin g One true God.

Whom-so-ever can open their ears to hear, their mind, heart & spirit to believe, their mouth to chew upon the show-bread that came down from heaven—& to profess Yahshua will be saved & have eternal life—

will be raised up on the last day. The Son of YHVH God was given I AM’s full Divine Authority!

Yahshua is my Lord & Savior, & I shall not retract my Testimony, for the Father has given me to him.

Yahshua is The Door thru which I Return to my Father. I pray you, too, Come, Believe & be Saved.

One late find share discovered, May 5, 2022exactly 10-years, 1-month, 10-days after I AM revealed

the occupied Tau—crowned with God’s Sheen www.biblenumbersforlife.com But 1st, for the record,

#10 means divine order—to be in the Father’s will/hands/keeping. #1 represents God head aka ram head.

“HEBREW: LIGHT OF GOD (300) – Letter ‘Sheen’ SHIN The (21st) Hebrew letter...The spiritual number 21 means ‘Appointed Time’. The root numbers of 21 are ‘God’ (3) (appears in) ‘Time’ (7). In Hebrew the character Shin is used to represent the number 300. The spiritual number 300 means

God Appears’. The root numbers of 300 are ‘God’ (3) of ‘Holy Flock’ (100). The rabbis picture Sheen in a sacred but unspoken way. The letter is engraved on a mezuzah containing a scroll of Scripture. The letter is associated with God’s name ‘Shaddai’ (Destroyer and Nurturer), which begins with a Sheen. The root word of Sheen means ‘Teeth’. Christians picture Sheen as ‘Light of God’.

Light can both nurture living things like plants, or it can destroy...dry them up. Teeth can assist in chewing and digesting food, or teeth can bite a foe.” www.biblenumbersforlife.com by mark h lane July 2, 2012 4:03 a.m. I AM awakened me, saying “ONE HOUR”. I climbed out of bed & recorded His Word in the back of our then favorite Holy Bible a NKJV Max Lucado edition, reporting my first

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thought, “A day is as a 1,000 years”. And in my mind, I fully intended to research the matter when morning arrived, but...it was literally 77 days later when God allowed my hands to touch that Bible again! You see, the Book went missing...even though we used it daily & always kept it in the same place—readily available. Yet, it was no where to be seen! The rest of the truth—i had zero memory of I AM’s night time message, “ONE HOUR” until the day He returned the Bible to us!

July 27-28, 2012 I AM awakened me in the night, saying, “My little daughter, I need you to know”.

He led me outside to listen to 2-night owls talking to one another about a “Little Hawk”. When daylight arrived, He led me on a walk across YHWH freedom farm. By the time, we returned to the house, I was carrying 5-hawk feathers! I AM led me to replace the white feather on my walking stick with a stout, eye catching hawk feather. He taught me the white feather was one of peace, but now I was called to be a messenger of war. Everyone must choose—to walk with God or turn away from God. My first assignment was to hand write 2-w

arning letters ! The 1st went to incumbent President Barrack Obama.

The 2nd letter to presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. Both men were put on notice by the Almighty God.

Both men received his own original letter, plus a mimeograph copy of the letter written to his opponent.

The overview—Ezekiel 17, reminding us... one & all that the mighty Eagle with strong talons & many colored feathers had plucked us from the upper shoot of a tall Lebanon cedar & brought us to this land of milk & honey where we were given a fresh, do-over opportunity to try again—to stay true to God without idolatry. All was well in the beginning. We lived humbly, prospering beneath His loving Wings!

But then a 2nd eagle (our own lofty US mascot) came along—and we turned our attention to it. We forfeited God’s will & like our ancestors leaned into our own vain indulgence, for our own glory...not I AM’s!

2 0 1 2 S

tand Up! Stand Up! Stand Up! Where i s M

y Body? I AM y our H

ead. Take Me t o the s treet!


eptember 8 , 2012

I AM said “2-Sticks become 1

September 10, 2012 I AMEs

ther i s i n place . 2-H

ouse be

come on

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leopatra ha

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September 17, 2012 Yom Teruah e xactly 77-d

ays af

ter I AM s aid, O

NE HOUR ” I woke up to the

wonderful smell of breakfast cooking & coffee brewing! You see, on YHWH freedom farm

everything was transparent. Nothing separated our loft bedroom from the sights, sounds, smells, & Spirit other than free-flowin g, earth-tone, wooden hippie beads, serving as a welcoming door to our bedroom!

Anyway, I jumped out of bed & bounced over to the beautiful, open-air, natural wood balcony that my

husband built by his hands in love for meto do myIt’s a brand New Day HAPPY DANCE for him!

As I danced, m y sweet assistant chef husband looked up from the hot stove, smiling & said, “Breakfast is ready!” Enthusiastically, I ran downstairs to hug his neck & join Randy at the table as he was pulling my chair out! Fluidly, I lit; then, instantly, jumped up, “Wait! I wanted to bring a WORD this morning”!

You see, we started praying together at every meal in 2006—after the incredible Divine Encounter with I AM! And this day would have been no different, but I had a sudden compelling urge to run get the BIBLE from up stairs! Meaning the NKJV Max Lucaddo one that we had used regularly for 5 years—

before it went missing! Any way, I ran back up stairs and lo & behold—THERE it lay—right where it had always been...meaning previously! Anyway, I prayed in my heart, ‘Father, please give me a word’; then opened the Holy BOOK! Bam—the page with the “ONE HOUR” note stared back at me! I’d totally forgotten! And as I looked upon my handwritten note, I had the gall to say, ‘But Father, I wanted a word’, meaning a Word of scripture’. Ouch. Instantly, I felt ashamed...and said, ‘I’m sorry. You gave me a word and I forgot’. But our Father is kind & generous, patient & loving and so... even so, He led me to a scripture for the day. But I was keenly aware that I would spend the day figuring out how long

“One Hour” is according to God...and that I would start with what is known “a day is as 1,000 years”.

Note: I called Randy assistant chef because we both came to understand I AM is the HEAD Chef. The One who perfectly times the biscuits in the oven...& everything else. (* As I reported “biscuits in the oven”, I conceived pregnancy...and how people have long said, “You’ve got bread in the oven”.

Flashback: 2009, God said to me, “I’m sending you the child”. He did! Then years later, in a dream

—i was called in from the courtyard to check on a pan of biscuits in the oven in a square, crowded courtyard cafe’ where patrons seated in booths waited to be served. The one who called watched as I lowered the oven door, bent forward & looked in the oven. The biscuits were golden perfect! If I hadn’t been called, they would have gotten too done—and ruined! Fast forward: 2021, “Name her. Stella” .

Back to I AM’s “ONE HOUR” —the word spoken at 4:03 a.m. July 2, 2012...and handed back to me, Sept 17, 2012!

In order to SERVE the BISCUITS while they’re still warm, I have to skip some of the Holy Amazing background details...and pray that you have the capacity to simply receive the facts. In other words:

“Don’t swear to anything ( or feel compelled to prove it) just let your ‘yes’ be yes & your ‘no’ be no.

September 17, 2012 I AM r eturned our


ble , containin g His ONE HOUR revelation. He led me by His Spirit to conceive mathematically that “O

NE HOUR” e quals 7 7.7 d ays . As GOD would plan—

it was Y

om T

e ruah ! The day to shout, blow & rejoice— known in Biblical times as u

nknown d

ay & hour!

On that day, we didn’t know what to expect—if even to be gathered up & fly! For we knew, The Day was Holy, and felt spiritually compelled to bathe (mikvah) & ready ourselves for our Coming KING!!!

Using “ONE HOUR” as a time-table, measuring rod, I AM set a ½ moon rising son 10-Hour/777-

Day Preparation Hours, Birthing Pangs, Watch Clock to teach us to tune in & keep watch with Him.

Using His Watch Clock, Father prepared the soil & birthed us onto a 3-STAGE land map of TIME.


ct 2012 “JUDGMENT 20” I AM poured W

ATER c ontaining J UDGMENT &

the # 20

I caught it as bowl.

Judgment Are we w/The Lord or opposed to Him & His Way? 20 Biblical Hebrew = Redemption, Expectancy, Silver.


ctober 8, 2012

aka S hmini Atzeret 8 th G

reat Day “R

est in Me. I will walk y ou h

ome” “Know I AM ”


c tober 19, 2012 I AM said “YOD” to Randy in a dream meaning hand of God, Jew, hand reaching to God November 6, 2012 I AM pouredConcept 40” into my night dream. #40 in Hebrew is mem liken to mayim/water without boundaries. Think flood water. It can result in chaos & death, but its purpose is to purify: Noah 40 day/night flood; Moses 40-yr wilderness walk, 40-day mtn; Yahshua 40-day test.

January 27, 2013 I AM asked me, “Does it hurt to breath?” ‘No sir’. “W

alking wi

th M

e is the same .

My preparation slow, gentle. My wrath swift & mighty!”


arch 7–27 , 2013

Hour 3 of 777-Day, 10-HOUR Preparation Hours, Birthing Pangs, Watch Clock I AM e scorted m

e to JE


assover to w

alk so

lo w

ith H

im , learn the culture, share home

space w/a Holocaust survivor & witness I AM humble our US President Barack Obama internationally when he & his presidential car The Beast arrived, expecting to be welcomed—according to his instructions—

with pomp, flair, marching band, & cheering crowd, during PESACH/Passover preparation hours! But no way! Instead, God soured the Beast stomach, by causing its driver to feed it the wrong fuel! And at the end of the big adventure, God crushed the beast rider’s hopes for a grand helicopter exodus by sending a powerful SAND STORM! God chased the beast master away as he entered & exited God’s Holy City JERUSALEM!

By God’s will—NO Pope was in office! And there was NO WAY I AM was going to let any beast & its rider loftily roll into His City during Preparation Hours when His own Son entered lowly on a donkey!

Ultimately, Obama made it to Jerusalem after being humbled, & his shear presence complicated traffic, but it makes for a great story as i bear witness to the Amazing Glory of the ANCIENT Eternal ONE!!!

In Jerusalem, I travel by bus or walk. Friday, March 22, 2013, we (the Spirit & I) headed out early—to go to the Holy old City. Traffic was crazy. Many streets had been shut down & traffic rerouted to maintain security during the President’s visit. Our driver was young & the passengers were openly agitated due to the delays. For the biggest part, I didn’t know what they were saying, but it was easy to catch onto.

Finally, the driver blew his gasket like the father of a big unruly family, traveling with a car load of loud complaining children. He whipped the bus over , stood up & barked at us in Hebrew. I had no idea what he said, but knew he was serious! So I asked? He was taking us back where we started! Trip over!

The cool thing about buses—when they stop, the doors open. So when I heard the plan, I jumped up & climbed off. The other patrons started yelling at me that I can’t just get off! They said, “You don’t even know where you’re going!” But it didn’t matter because I walk with God and am never alone. He leads me by His Spirit, so I had zero worries. Any, I took off walking & the next thing I knew a girl—whose name I never knew came alongside me, saying, “I’m going with you!” I looked at her like she was nuts because I travel alone with the Lord. Clearly, she read my eyes, but still invited herself to walk with me, determining we had much in common. Anyway, inside the Holy old City, we prayed at the Wall. Truly, the prayer was not mine, for I loan myself to the Spirit. I have no idea how much time passed, but suddenly she touched me, asking, “How long are you going to pray? We’ve been here a long time!”

When my eyes opened, it was a total Spirit whiteout! I was shocked that anyone would ever stop another from praying, especially since I didn’t know her. Anyway, it was God’s move. For when my sight returned, I looked into the sky & saw a dense golden cloud approaching! I asked, “Have you ever seen anything like that?” She looked up without understanding & said, “No”. I declared, “It’s GOD!

Anyway, it was GOD, presenting Himself in a BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN SANDSTORM cloud! The

storm that chased Obama out of Jerusalem, during Shabbat preparation hours! And quite literally,

during the final 3-days preparation push for Pesach 5773!

There are so many wondrous Holy Wow stories of the Almighty God’s Glory here, but because it’s a must to deliver this report, I’m sticking with the SANDSTORM. Please understand, I am dancing like David with liberty thru the hours of the day…trying to get to the moment likened to Abraham & Moses walking with God—and I need His Help! Now! Please…

We were running thru the streets of Jerusalem, getting pelted by hard blowing sand, trying to find a bus stop & get to Kiryat HaiYovel aka Jubilee Town before the city shut down, for the Sabbath!!

PAUSE: If you’ve been to Israel, you understand. If not, you need to know—in Jerusalem—

people take God’s 4th Command to remember the Sabbath to keep it holy—to heart! At 3 o’clock pm—everything closes. Markets, businesses, and public transportation—except for a few Arab

taxi drivers, for whom you might be thankful. Anyway, it’s family time! And it’s a beautiful thing to see a nation of people willing to stop, rest & remember the 7th day, in order to honor the Creator.

It doesn’t take long for even foreigners to get with the program. In order for the city to shutdown by 3

—activity ceases between 2-2:30 pm. And so like Abraham & Moses, I cried out to God, “Which way do we Go? And please, don’t make me have to figure it out! ” As soon as the words parted my lips, an IDF vehicle carrying armed soldiers appeared in the dense fog-like storm! The driver slowed, to not run over me, but didn’t stop. In the middle of the street I stood, crying out, “Which way to the bus stop?

He pointed the way & kept rolling. TIME was SHORT, so we kept running our lungs & legs burning.

Suddenly a new looking Humvee labeled UN passed by, giving me instant hope! But didn’t even pause!

Behind it, a red, sporty car (odd for Israel) filled with young Arab men stopped & called out to us come ride with them. The young woman with me, said, “Let’s do it!” I declared, “NO WAY!” They yelled a few words fortunately blurred by the high wind & sand as they sped off. By the time we arrived at the Hebrew University bus stop—it was a ghost town. Everyone had already packed out & headed home to keep Pesach with their families. The bus left! We watched it pull away from the stop 50’ feet before us!

We were late! My heart sank! We plopped down on the bench exhausted...hopeless! Miracle! The same bus rolled back up! The driver saw us & felt compassion on our SAND STORM Shabbat eve dilemma!

Praise God who stirred him...& knit kindheartedness into his being! Thank God for rescuing us—again!

Hold up. By Father’s will, there is a mighty message that must go out!

One day—by God’s will—in the Holy Old City, I met a kind rabbi. He asked me why I came to Israel.

For hours, we stood & talked. Well, walked...& mostly i talked lit up by the Spirit. He was a good listener...and inclined to ask questions like most religious men that I’ve been privileged to meet. I shared with him the Divine Encounter I had 7-years earlier with the ONE who said I AM. I AM y

our F

ather ,

January 2, 2006. He was very interested! I even told him about the heavenly court’s ruling against us—

To become fuel for the rest” and how the holy one who escorted me there stepped up among them & spoke “I believe all negative energy can be transformed if held long enough by the hand in love”.

From time to time, the rabbi & i walked to follow the shade to get out of the beating sun. By God’s will, many (mostly tourist) heard my testimony & his inquiries! It was beautiful & intense. God provided space to speak & an audience to hear. He caused me to relive the Divine Encounter in its entirety! The rabbi also listened intently to I AM’s revelation of TIME. And speaking of time, each time I stopped talking, the rabbi asked, “Was there anything else?” Eventually, I said, “Not that I can think of”.

With those words, I was shocked to notice the sun was setting, for we began our conversation when the sun was high. At that point, I said I need to catch the bus & get home before dark. He said, “No stay & finish talking. I’ll pay for a taxi”. It was a nice gesture for a holy reason, but I prefer other men not do me favors since I’m married. So I started walking out of the walled city & he walked with me, talking as we went, refuting most everything I’d shared! My heart burned in disbelief! I wasn’t a good listener.

As we reached the sidewalk, he asked, “So tell me what happens if I don’t believe what you’re saying?”

I knew it was a direct reference to the Ancient of Days saying, “I gave My Life, My Son f or you


So there we stood on the street outside the Holy Old City, waiting for the bus, when I suddenly felt the snare! The teeth of his trap pierced my throat & made me look away from his gaze, “I don’t know”. He yelled, “You KNOW! Tell ME! !” I could feel the heat & boldness of my zeal overtake my fear—as my voice answered him, “You burn in hell for ever!” He challenged, “Ah ha!! That’s what I thought!” Then he added, “Would you ever subject your children to burn in hell for ever!?” That’s when the Spirit w/in rose up again, “No. I wouldn’t. But His ways are not my ways. They are higher than my ways.”

He then shouted 14-haunting words, “If that were true, this whole place would be filled with Christians declaring that!” In that moment at the height of our heated exchange, a taxi entered the roundabout. The driver pulled alongside us, asking “where to?” The rabbi said, “Kiryat HaYovel. (Jubilee Town built in early

50’s for new immigrants) How much?” The Arab driver answered, “100 shekels”. In utter shock, the rabbi questioned, “100 shekels?!?” The taxi driver said “Obama” (meaning it’s hard to get a ride. The rabbi waved his hand in the air like shooing flies, dismissing the driver—overwhelmed to think of paying 100 shekels!

Now it was dark. And I was compromised. I declared, “I didn’t want you to pay for my taxi anyway!”

I stepped off the curb to cross to the other side of the roundabout & figure out how to get home...in the dark. As I did, the taxi driver looped back around, cutting me off from taking another step. He said to the rabbi, “80 shekels”. The rabbi answered, handing him 100 shekels, saying “the other 20 is for you!”

Humans are odd, but GOD is good! He defended my honor, tipped the taxi driver handsomely, tested my conviction...& only charged the rabbi 100 shekels for 5-hours of Holy Wow I AM TRUTH from above.

Truth isGods rebuilding family ties 2-house become 1 between the rabbi & me...& the Arab 1+1+1 makes 1



ril 19, 2013 Warsaw Holocaust Museum opened— exactly 70-years after Warsaw Ghetto Uprising S

e ptember 2013 I AM gave Randy dream G

olden Capstone of


yramid bl

ew off leaving black snake-

like trail of smoke in the sky

October 12, 2013 I AM said “We’re about to set sail”

October 13, 2013 New York Times published international article “4-19-2002 Knitting the World Together globalization”. Huh? One World Order time sensitive coded message!! R epub’d 11-years after the fact!!


c tober 19, 2013 I AM said “Climb Aboard” (reference to “A Spiritual Noah’s Ark”) N


mber 12, 2013 I AM said “Don’t lose Hope. I’ll be there”


e c 31, 2013—Jan 7-14, 2014 Do you want to build a snowman” found child’s crescent moon over & over J an

11, 2014 I AM by G

od’s Divinely Ordered will “ 1-1

1-14 10”


EAL f oretold Ariel Sharon’s death.

J an

19, 2014 I AM whispered to me “In the stillness of the moment, feel My Heart”



ril 11, 2014 I AM inspired “ARISE in GLORY” another Spirit-led event hosted at Temple Beth-El A


ril 14- 22

, 2014



1 st of



J u

ne 10, 2014 I AM assured & comforted “It will be difficult, but you will make it

July 7, 2014 I AM said “The End” The word “the end” numerous times in Ezekiel 7

July 18, 2014 I AM said to me “Ezekiel 6” (idolatry—explaining whythe end” comes) I AM gave Randy a dream, saying “Spelt

J u

ly 19, 2014 I AM said to me “Be A BOLD WITNESS

July 20, 2014 I AM awoke me, pouring into my heart, “R

un f or t he S





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October 3, 2014 I AM called me “Prophet” during Hour 10 on His 777 Preparation Hours Clock O

ctober 8–17, 2014 S

UKKOT 5775 aka Booth

s 2 nd



- R

are BLO


October 19, 2014 I AM said to Randy in a dream, “AliYah! AliYah! AliYah! Hour 10—Prep Hours Same night I AM gave me a dream: In dream, i was sleeping in upper loft of an Ark-like house w/a mother & her children who keep commands of God & carry the Testimony of Yahshua.

Suddenly, I awakened to the roaring sound of a huge S

NOW wave —a

virtual T

sunami . When it

struck the Ark, ice crystals came under the door jam, crossing the thresh-hold! As I thought, I heard sound of another SNOW WAVE coming, & wondered what to do? Suddenly, it too struck the Ark! Ice crystals flew thru the air & landed on my face! Then I woke up.

October 20, 2014 I AM awoke me, “S







Prep Hour 10

Image 129

Image 130

Image 131


euteronomy 16:9 - 10

Another celebration the Eternal your God wants you to have is the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) Hold this celebration seven weeks after you first begin to cut and harvest the barley in your fields.

Each of you will choose something to contribute out of what He has blessed you with.

Same night I AM drew Randy outside for I SAIAH 37 picnic beneath the moon & twinkling stars.

Oct 25, 2014 I AM instructed “D

on’t Go Back. Heed. The 1 st h

urdle is to yield

November 8, 2014 I AM said “Come as Close as Your Heart will allow

November 13, 2014 I AM said “GOD will Deliver You” Think Azuriah in fiery furnace & Daniel in lion’s den December 3, 2014 I AM declared “WORSHIP ME! 10 days after Kislev began January 22, 2015 I AM said “Investing in Our Relationship” As He invests in us, we’re to invest in others.


e bruary 19, 2015 I AM awakened me to Get Up & Go outside and S


e S


February 20, 2015 I AM spoke 4-words to me in my sleep. I only remembered two:

The Day was April 19

Walked among them 7-months & was No More

2015 I AM said “Sell” for 2nd time; 1st Nov 2011 A reference to our home—an open portal farm on the lake.



ch 3, 2015 Upon invitation, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited USA @ Time of PURIM 2015 asking our nation to help ISRAEL; our US President B. Obama refused to see him!!

Flashback Remember the story I shared about Pres B.O. visiting JERUSALEM at Time of PASSOVER

2013? GOD shut down his unthinkable arrogance: “Beast” mobile entrance & lofty helicopter exit!



ch 8, 2015 Sunday morning. A young child—barely school age—sketched a Calendar Building vision received from the Lord. She & a friend were siting at a desk, doing art projects while I sat in the same room at the computer writing yet another report of this amazing grace—Hallelu-Yah journey. As normal, I was deep in thought when suddenly the child stood at my right hand. She was showing me a colorful picture she’d drawn. I was about halfway listening when the Lord instructed, “Listen to her”.

Instantly, I stopped writing and tuned in. In all seriousness she was saying, “It’s a Calendar Building”.

Thinking out loud, I challenged as if her word choice didn’t make sense, “A Calendar Building!?”

Instantly, she retorted as if her added word would explain it all, “At


” At that moment,

I paid attention to the details, noting the buildings looked like dominoes—complete with numbered dots! The 1st domino was 2; the 2nd 7. The 7 was divided as 4 & 3. Beneath the Calendar Building words—formed as a question: “Do You see Good News for Modern Man?” I looked at her picture carefully, and then at her workspace where a copy of a Bible lay, titled Good News for Modern Man Samekh: 15th letter

Paleo Hebrew Alephbet

= Grab on, Pierce, Protect


# 15 = RESCUED

YHWH freedom farm


Prophetic Artist

18-days later, a pile of rubble & debris lay at the intersection of 2nd Ave & 7th St. in New York City!

An explosion caused at least 2 apartment buildings to lay in rubble in NEW YORK! At least 2 died in 7-ALARM fire @ intersection of 2nd & 7th ! FDNY ladder truck 43 took center stage in one photo!

East Village Explosion: 2 -- maybe 3 -- missing | CNN

Mar 27, 2015 The explosion scattered debris, prompted street closures and hurt some who suffered burns in their airways. Three buildings collapsed and four others damaged by the raging fire…”

“2015 East Village gas explosion | Wikipedia

A gas explosion occurred in the afternoon of March 26, 2015, in a building located at 121 2 nd A

venue , in the East

Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. The explosion was caused by an illegal tap into a gas main.

The explosion caused two deaths, injured at least nineteen people, four critically, and the resulting fire completely destroyed three adjacent buildings at 119, 121, and 123 2 nd


venue between East 7th Street and St. Marks Place.”

It is of extreme interest to know this child was fore-promised by God who said, “I am sending you the child” when it was medically determined her mother would never give birth again. This same child had a Divine Encounter with The Lord when barely 3-years old. It was early morning when we were awakened to the contagious, happiness of little feet running down the hallway laughing & leaping! Her voice was fresh golden sun-shine, filling the air & spreading across the room where we slept “JESUS!

JESUS! JESUS! He opened my door & came in my room! ” I took hold her little hands & helped her climb onto the bed. Giddy with joy, she raised her night shirt, boldly smacked her belly-button and said,

He crushed my alligator! ” ‘What? Oh, yes! I get it! Life is in the blood, and we’ve all inherited the sin that originated in the Garden of Eden!’ As my mind raced, she kept lifting her night shirt higher till finally she reached her heart—and then tenderly laying her little hands upon her own chest—she cooed,

“Then He opened the Door of my heart & went inside! He said, ‘I will never leave you!’

Isaiah 54:13 Voice All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.

Joel 2:28 The Voice Then in those days I will pour My Spirit to all humanity; your children will boldly & prophetically speak the word of God. Your elders will dream dreams; your young warriors will see visions.



ch 30, 2015 I AM gave a dream-vision—like a hard thrown spiraling football, hitting me square in the numbers! As a kid, I loved playing football and admit, I never lost my love for the game as an adult—especially at our annual family humongous TURKEY BOWL Thanksgiving mornings. I loved being wide-receiver, and longed to be chosen to go out for the big throw! So GOD Himself chose me to catch His perfectly executed, forcefully thrown winning pass! And it hurt—enough to awaken me from sleep to grab hold of His telling & painful WORDS “LEGEND”! A


e gend b


A Key for Understanding I t ( USA) w

ill one day be a LEGEND ” “I w

ill w

ash M

y h

ands of



For the next few nights, I AM gave me WORDS to put in His LEGEND as A Key for Understanding TIME

March 31, 2015 * Draconian key” R

ev. 13:

4/8 People worshiped...dragon because he gave his authority to...beast,

& they worshiped the beast because of its power. 8...earth will worship it...all...whose names... not recorded...in book of life of…Lamb slaughtered

April 1, 2015 * Draco Revelation 12:7/9 A battle. .in heaven. .against. .dragon. .9the great dragon, that ancient serpent...called devil & Satan...deceiver of...whole world...cast down to...earth along with his messengers.

April 1, 2015 * RED SEAL

Rev. 12:10-12 salvation. Power, kingdom God & authority Anointed One has come

The “Red Seal” allows us to look at “2-sides of the same coin

John 6:25-29 Voice 25...Crowd: Teacher, when did You arrive at Capernaum?

Jesus (Yahshua): 26 I tell you the truth—you are tracking Me down because I fed you, not because you saw signs from God.

27 Don’t spend your life chasing food that spoils & rots. Instead, s eek the fo

od that lasts into all the ages

a nd c omes f rom t he S

on of Man , t he O

ne on


om G

od t he F

ather h

as pl

aced H

is seal .

Crowd: 28 What do we have to do to accomplish the Father’s works?

Jesus (Yahshua): 29 If

you want t o do God’s work , then b

elieve in t he O

ne He sent .

Revelation 6:3-4 Voice 3 The Lamb broke the second seal (red seal), and the second living creature called out. Come!

Image 132

4 Then another horse, fiery red, sped forth. Its rider was granted the power to steal peace from the earth and received a large sword so that people would slaughter each other. In 2022, I AM told R.Houck PhD, “The Red Horse is running!”

I AM allowed me to photo—His Seal (sheen/shin/mark) Crowning the Head of His promised/beloved Son Immanuel aka God with us on the Tau/Tav (signsymbol of truth)

Remember: “You’re looking at 2-sides of the same coin” —I AM

I sa

iah 7:14 Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive & bear a Son, & shall call His name Immanuel... God with us.

Mark 1:11 Then a voice came from heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”


uke 1 :28-35

[Gabriel] came to [Mary] & said, “Greetings. . The Lord is with you

Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31. .behold, you will conceive i n your womb...a Son, &

. . c all His name J ESUS . 32He wil be great,… wil be cal ed the Son of the Highest;. .the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. 33He will reign over the house of Jacob. . 35 The Holy Spirit will come upon you, & the power of the Highest will overshadow you;. .that Holy One. . to be born wil be cal ed. . Son of God.

Take the RED SEAL upon yourself—I AM’s life-giving LOVE—the sacrifice of His Son poured out like oil.


pril 1 o r 2 , 2015

I AM released another word to be put into His LEGEND box “LOVE Key”

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Listen, Israel! The Eternal is our True God—He alone. 5 You should love Him , your True God, with

all your heart & soul, with every ounce of your strength. 6 Make the things I’m commanding you today part of who you are. 7 Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you’re sitting together in your home & when you’re walking together down the road. Make them the last thing you talk about before you go to bed & the first thing you talk about the next morning. 8 Do whatever it takes to remember them: tie a reminder on your hand & bind a reminder on your forehead where you’ll see it all the time, 9 such as on the on the doorpost where you cross the threshold or on the city gate.

Romans 15:4-6 Voice You see, everything written in the days of old was recorded to give us instructions for living. We find encouragement through the Scriptures & a call to perseverance that will produce hopeful living. 5 I pray that our God, who calls you & gives you perseverance & encouragement, will join all of you together to share one mind according to Jesus the Anointed. 6 In this unity, you will share one voice as you gl orify t he on

e True God, t he Fat

her of our Lord

Jesus, the Anointed One, our Liberating King.



ril 3-11, 2015 PASSOVER 5775 —3 rd






ril 3, 2015 PASSOVER eve Traveling I-35 south thru Texas to celebrate Passover with friends, we stopped at an H.E.B in Waco, Texas to buy Unleavened Bread. Now here’s where the idolatry rubber met the well-traveled road...and it sickened me to the core of my under holy renovation soul. In order to enter the store, we had to pass thru seasonal sidewalk decor, including Easter bunnies, eggs & life-size BRONZE-colored BULLS if we wanted to celebrate PASSOVER or The RESURRECTION of Christ! I declared, “NO WAY!!” Randy said, “Come on! Don’t be silly.” It turned out to be one of the biggest, baddest disagreements in our married life, but he won...momentarily. Truth is—we both lost. We turned tail & went back to freedom farm to overcome the shock & awe of it all. It was sad, but not all bad…



ril 4, 2015 We spent PASSOVER alone...and I mean alone. One-on-one with the Lord. Randy used his time to finish reading the Holy Scriptures for the 2nd time—while I spent reflective time on the Tabernacle of David, reading & seeking GOD’s insight into the whole crazy matter. As I headed back to the house to apologize I hope I had to travel thru a portion of YHWH freedom farm dubbed Spirit Alley because many, including myself, had heightened spiritual experiences in that open heaven dimension.

Anyway, as I approached Spirit Alley, I saw a Red Beam of Light coming down from out the heavens, passing thru the trees. I began walking towards the light to see where it was going...or what it was landing upon. That’s when I was astounded! The Red Light Beam landed squarely upon the LORD’s PRAYER Prayer Bench that Randy made me for Mother’s Day as a place to teach our Grandchildren!

Not only did it land on the bench itself, but it highlighted one of our young Grandchildren’s writings—

capturing in its circle of light certain letters, appearing to say, “EN

OCH Komi .



ril 4, 2015 PASSOVER day 1 dreamed of the ARK...& one calling “JUMP ON!

Image 133

April 6, 2015 PASSOVER day 3 a new song “ Bar

uch h

aba atu


zariah aka “blessed/welcome is the

one who Yah/God has helped” passed thru my brain over & over throughout the day.


ay 15, 2015

God gave Randy a word in the night, “BENEFICIAL REVOLUTIONARY

May 18, 2015 God said to me, “A


ead of th

e Curve

June 4, 2015 God took hold my mouth, declaring “U


NAKES ” as I tried to say United States

June 5, 2015 God began to show me my affiliation with “TRIBE of JUDAH

June 9, 2015 God gave Randy dream of GREEN SHEAVES of Barley

June 10, 2015 God gave me dream “ A

ZARIAH & his friends w

ritten on a th

eater marquee ! Inside

the theater myself & many joyful black people dressed in after 5 type attire were exiting the theater. It seemed we were exiting a BIG AWARDS (i think) CELEBRATION. Everyone was singing and dancing!

I was in silent shock. Side note: As a teacher, most of my closest & most trusted friends were black. In many of my dreams, I travel with soulful, faithful blacks. Among them I am the only white.

J u

ne 11, 2015 I AM declared just after midnight “40 & 2” Exactly 3 & ½ years after instructing me

To know what else is 3 & ½”!! Ezekiel, Daniel & Revelation all report on the “forty two months”

June 13, 2015 I AM declared 3 Li

ght be

aring WO

RDS “9! 11! 15!” Vision 12 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Tamuz

Revealing a land map of the United States of America & one at a time 3-STAGES appeared on it!

 “9revealed Stage 1 a top d epressed ar

ea i n l ower s

outhwest (May 28, 2006 Head of woman in labor)

9 means The End

Stage 1 O


ned November 3, 2014 & closed May 24, 2017

Hour 9, Stage 1 contains 9th Av = known as Hebrew ’s lowest day—both Temples fell 9th Av!

 “11 revealed Stage 2 in center of land map aka H

eartland of


SA (May 28, 2006 ripe belly womb)

11 means chaos, disorder, disintegration

Stage 2 O


ned May 24, 2017 & Closed December 12, 2019

Stage 2 Closed on 8-Year Anniversary “Tell them I AM calling... Seek Me... Come out of her!

Dec 2019 during 1st of “4 Not Good years COVID-19 arrived USA from China— where Dragon is national mascot

 “15revealed S tage 3 on northeast inland side of mountain 2/3 way up! (Think about fruit of our labor) 15 means S

aved/Rescued b

y th

e H

and/Yod of


od !

Stage 3 O


ned December 12, 2019 on 8-yr Anniv of Tell them… Closes October 11, 2023

By I AM’s will, Stage 3 hosts HOUR 15 during extra ½ measure of time

Extra ½ Time begins July 2, 2022 on 10- year Anniversary of “ONE HOUR & ends October 11, 2023

Cool side note: A

v 15 a ka T

u B A

v sa

id to be h

ighest mou

ntains & lowest val

leys i n our l ife & world.

Tu B’Av is a day of LOVE— like Valentine’s Day! They say, “It’s a GREAT DAY for Weddings!”



B’Av 5782 = sundow

n A

ugust 1 1— sundo

wn A

ugust 12, 2022

is Stage 3 extra ½, Day 40/41, Hour 13 # 13 = LOVE!

Tu B’Av 5783 = sundow

n A

ugust 1— sundow

n A

ugust 2, 2023 is Stage 3 extra ½, Day 7/8, Hour 18 * See Psalm 110 notes Psalm 110:1 Voice 1The Eternal said to my lord, “Sit here at My right hand, in the place of honor & power, And I will gather your enemies together, lead them in on hands and knees; you will rest your feet on their backs.”

Psalm 110:1...“most quoted OT verse in NT—18 times!” 18 consists of Divine Order 10 + 8 New beginning T


e Voice note, “Psalm 110: may have been written to celebrate the coronation of one of David’s sons as king. The Eternal invites the royal son of David to take his rightful place at His right hand, the place of power and authority—

not just over Jerusalem but over his enemies as well. But the royal son is to be more than a king, he is to be a priest according the order of that mysterious and enigmatic figure, Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17-24). God promises to give this royal priest-king victory over his enemies as he marches out to war.

This psalm is the psalm most quoted by early Christian writers in the New Testament. As they considered the significance of Jesus, they found that this psalm, more than any, expressed their conviction that the risen Jesus now occupies a unique place at God’s right hand and will be victorious over His enemies.”

Question: Is it possible both interpretations are true? Like much of the Bible—a living, breathing Word.

June 15, 2015 Randy dreamed of a N


an enormous B

l ack I RON HORSE Army

marching up from underground! The uncountable army of iron horses & their riders were like giants, stepping across a downed forest of trees along a railway line as if mere toothpicks! The dream was intense. Started as travel by train along a multi-lane highway; then he got off & walked. Sudden GLOW

in sky! A shock wave blew all the trees down in the same direction! 1,000’s of BLACK IRON HORSE

ARMY & their riders MARCHED UP out of the ground in an endless stream! In the beginning, Randy didn’t know where it was except possibly I-45 thru the Woodlands north of Houston, Texas. However, during our 5th return trip to the States from ISRAEL, we traveled to the Tel Aviv Airport by day for the first time! Then and there, Randy grabbed his phone, pulled up Google maps & exclaimed “That’s it!

aiming his phone down the highway beyond Tel Aviv. The Nuclear Blast destination is “ASHDOD”!

June 26, 2015 In direct opposition to GOD, US Supreme Court approved “Same Sex Marriage”. For the record, we’re called to love one another. There’s no room for hate, but rather vote to uphold God.

June 30, 2015 The STAR of BETHLEHEM lines up with Venus & Jupiter

July 7, 2015 God shown me a wooden yard sign staked into ground “The YEAR was 5761 aka 2001

Connects “The Day was April 19” with US Pres Bush & SS C. Powell reprimanding Israel PM Ariel Sharon for not agreeing to another untrustworthy Palestinian peace treaty!

Exactly 7-days later... God made it clear—the nations of the world are siding against the wrong team...

J u

ly 14, 2015 United Nations Nuclear Regulatory Commission dropped Sanctions against Iran!

Genesis 12:1-3 Eternal One called: Abram, get up and go! Leave your country. Leave your relatives & your father’s home, and travel to the land I will show you. Don’t worry—I will guide you there. 2 I have plans to make a great people from your descendants. And I am going to put a special blessing on you & cause your reputation to grow so that you will become a blessing & example to others. 3 I will also bless those who bless you & further you in your journey, and I’ll trip up those who try to trip you along the way. Through your descendants, all of the families of the earth will find their blessing in you.

The very next day...

July 15, 2015 P

res Barrack Obama i nitiated JA


reconnaissance mission across U


One day later...Time to put it all in perspective!

Image 134

J u

ly 16, 2015 God shown to chronologically S

CROLL His revelations , according to 777 & Daniel’s

1260 days, 40 & 2 months, 1290 days, 1335 days & 2300 days! And extend multiples thereof. He also shown to take SHAVUOT 22 projected date 6-6-2022 & back track -777 April 20, 2020 & -7770 Feb 26, 2001



gust 6, 2015 God said to me, “You MUST Know the Bible” Although, I regularly read the Bible (January 2006 thru present), I’d never entered the Bible’s Genesis/Bereshit front door, walked the full length of the house, and exited Revelation’s back door.



gust 7, 2015 God led Randy to discover a website that explored time, according to Daniel’s 1260, 1290 & 1335 days! The scholars suggest Y

eshua w

as baptized in t

he R

iver Jordan A

ugust 7, 0029

Mark 1:9-11 It was in those days that Jesus left Nazareth (a village in the region of Galilee) and came down to the Jordan, and John cleansed Him through baptism there in the same way all the others were ritually cleansed. 10 But as Jesus was coming out of the waters, He looked up and saw the sky split open. The Spirit of God descended upon Him like a dove, 11 and a voice echoed in the heavens.

Voice: You are My Son, * My beloved One, and I am very pleased with You.

Following his baptism, Yahshua/Yeshua went immediately into the wilderness for 40-days & nights—

where he was purified by fasting...and tested by satan. In both cases, the LAMB of God was victorious!

We believe it likely Yeshua came out of the wilderness on YOM KIPPUR—the Day of Atonement!!

Another Holy WOW detail to cherish—1,335 days passed from the going out of I AM’s word (12-12-2011)

“To know EXACTLY how long My Earth walk ministry” & “To know what else is 3 & ½” unto August 8, 2015! Compare to Randy’s August 7, 2015 discovery—Yeshua believed baptized Aug 7, 0029!

The same site says Yeshua was crucified 1,335 days later—April 3, 0033—Passover preparation hours!

By the way, according to NASA, the sky went dark due to a BLOOD MOON eclipse, April 3, 0033 (?)

Image 135

The interesting holiness of that TRUTH—contains another revealed mystery! On December 27, 2021, God led me to read & note the relationship between: D

a niel 12:12



e cember 12 ak

a 12-12

Daniel 12:12 Complete Jewish Bible How blessed will be anyone who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days.

Daniel 12:12 The Voice Those who remain true to God & reach the end of the 1,335 days are sure to experience God’s blessing.

Daniel 12:12 NKJV Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred & thirty-five days August 7, 2015 A large HAWK crashed into our homes big, south-facing, waterside, living room window! It was only stunned, but we were both shocked and awakened. Over the years, many birds lost their lives, trying to enter our ARK-like refuge home that looked like an Angel in flight! And each time, a poor

little b

ird died , t rying to enter our sanctuary , I grieved. Then one day—many bird funerals later, GOD allowed me to bring one of the dead, dried, shrunken eyed birds BACK to Life!

How did that work, you might ask? Good question. Thru heartfelt, teary eyed grief...& remembering the WORD ‘ oh yeah—we have the POWER to bring the dead back to life’! And then acting upon that remembrance in full faith! I turned my head towards the lake, looked up into the sky, and declared,

Yahshua! We need you!” I looked back down at the bird & nothing. It still lay one with the concrete

—its eyes shriveled & wings stuck in its own dried blood. Then without thought—the HOLY SPIRIT

took over!! I felt my entire body turn towards the WATER! I heard my VOICE as if a rocket launched into the heavens, declaring “JEEEEEEES


BAM! The birds head pulled up off the concrete, its feathers unstuck from the dried blood, its wings shifted & twirled as if once broken & being reset! Its shriveled eyes sprung back to moist life! Its head rotated like a lawn sprinkler, spritzing fresh red blood in a semi-circle across the porch!!! It started walking!!! I laughed out loud & shouted with joy! I ran to get my phone to tell the world what just happened!!! Oh wow! Holy wow—the everlastin g POWER of the NAME buried in my heart!!!!!

This same day, August 7, 2015, a rolling tumbleweed, blowing westward in an East driven wind landed squarely against the wrap around porch handrail on the East freedom farm road side of our home INSTANTLY it reminded me of May 28, 2006—the Vision of 2-STORMS squarely hitting the USA—

both coming from the East. The first milder storm was likened to a steady moving TUMBLEWEED

rolling full length along our southern border.

Again on this day August 7, 2015, Randy experienced the Divine PRESENCE of GOD as he walked thru our kitchen. Mostly likely it was his reward for the time & energy he spent to know the answer to God’s long awaited instruct, Dec 12, 2011: “To know EXACTLY how long My Earth walk Ministry



gust 15, 2015 , we began...& tried to uphold the LORD’s 40-Day fast, and made it 10- blessed days.



gust 18, 2015 I entered t he BI

BLE front door...reading aloud & consuming the fullness thereof—

recording every word! 31-days later, I exited Revelation’s back door—ENLIGHTENED to the max!!!

7 a.m. August 19, 2015, I took this picture from the

East facing porch of our YHWH freedom farm

home to capture the Glory of the morning sun-rising!

Notice a green horse & its rider sculpted by the

hand of God appears in the mighty oak tree—

between us & the glorious sun-rise.

The point is that at life’s darkest moments, “Look

Up! Look Up High!” for One will come from the

East, riding upon a white horse—in GREAT


The KING is Coming!

August 25, 2015 God said to me, “ASHDOD” Nearly three-years later, we saw Ashdod is Nuclear Blast site!

Sept 14, 2015 Scientists proved EINSTEIN former THEORY of RELATIVITY to be legit! This is a big deal because January 2, 2006, during my Divine Encounter with I AM, God dropped 2 names

“Einstein. Hitler” into my head, saying, “2 came close to understanding. 1 came closest, Einstein!

The point being—‘Einstein’ used his knowledge—his anointed discovery for good. On the other hand, Hitler used his insight for evil! So...even though, I understand God’s message and knew my call was to obey the One who chose me to be His messenger, it troubled my soul to think of saying any good thing about Hitler! Yet in obedience & with a troubled heart, I delivered God’s Word on social media...and eventually to an important rabbi in Israel. I was greatly concerned he would think I was a Jew hater & liar, but I am under obligation to God above humans, so I was greatly relieved when the holy man said,

“We have forgiven Hitler.” Now, that was astounding level of love, forgiveness & desire to honor God!

Which leaves me a final thought, we must respect God who said, “There is much you’ll never know”.

The REASON—there’s only ONE TRUE GOD who can hold all knowledge, yet He always sends a messenger like Gabriel. Even the Son of God acknowledged— only the Father knows the day & hour.

Amos 3:7 The answer to al is the same: No. The Eternal Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets. They are His spokespeople.

Matthew 24:36-37 36 No one knows the hour or the day, not even the messengers in heaven, not even the Son.

Only the Father knows. 37 As it was at the time of Noah, so it wil be with the coming of the Son of Man.


e pt 22, 2015 God gave Randy a marquee dream, highlighting 2- distinct messages—one at a time:

“1,335 days” and “October 8”

Let’s unravel I AM the LORD of Hosts warning message to us, during the days preceding the final BLOOD MOON Holy Days TETRAD of 2014 thru 2015.

Sept 23–25, 2015 three-days of offense to God! Recall: Pres B. O. & many elected Congresspersons

rejected ISRAEL PM Netanyahu’s plea for Help for the nation of ISRAEL—duri ng P

urim ! Yet the

s ame elected people warmly embraced the P

ope’s Call f or G

lobal Governance aka One World Order, on


om Kippur —t

he Day of Atonement! The USA was weighed in the balances and found lacking!

Sept 23, 2015 US Pres Barrack Obama met one-on-one w/Pope Francis in oval office Yom Kippur!

Sept 24, 2015 Pope Francis 1st pope ever invited to address a joint US Congress. Yom Kippur!

Sept 25, 2015 Pope Francis addressed United Nations assembly, regarding GLOBAL Governance!

This date was the true Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement, according to sighting of 7th new moon!!

Sept 27—Oct 6, 2015 SUKKOT/Booths 5776–4 th of


are BLO


October 3, 2015 I AM presented 7-lit Candle sticks in the sky, during Sukkot 5776 aka Booths 2015!!

It was before first light on day 5 of Sukkot. Literally, it was the final 7-days festival of the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad

a rare 4-pack of holy days set apart by I AM himself to serve as sacred memorial assemblies to be kept unto Him & used by us to teach our children upon His ways as recorded in Exodus 23 & Leviticus 23.

Anyway, this particular morning was my 62nd Earth birth day. Randy & I were to travel back home to celebrate with our family, so we rose early, took down our tent, loaded our camping gear & guitars into the car while it was still dark—and headed north. Unfortunately...or fortunately as it turned ou t:) our GPS didn’t work in the deep woods, wilderness setting and we had NO IDEA how to get home in the dark! At first, we became a bit distressed. Randy was declaring, “I don’t even know which way to go!” At that exact moment, I looked up into the sky & saw 7-lit Candle Sticks! With a squeal of delight, I declared,

“Look! GOD gave me BIRTHDAY CANDLES!!” Randy looked up & said something like “Nice, but I still don’t know which way to Go!!” Immediately, the flames on all 7-lit Candle Sticks bent in the same direction, pointing the way we should turn at that exact minute!! We both laughed out loud with delight

& praised GOD all the way home!!!!!!!

Image 136

Image 137

Image 138

Image 139

And if that’s not enough to make you shout “Hallelu-YAH!!!” try this on for size—when we pulled onto YHWH Freedom Farm Road and rolled up to the East gate door, Randy said, “What’s that”?

I looked in the direction of his pointing finger and saw a BEAUTIFUL BATCH of RED FLOWERS

growing at the southeast corner of our home! We were both greatly taken by their presence as NO

flowers had ever grown anywhere along our homes foundation aside from native SUNFLOWERS & some gifted-transplanted purple Iris’! Anyway, it was so amazing! We didn’t go up to the festival until Sukkot day 2 because we wanted to stay home & camp on YHWH freedom farm in order to see & photo the final Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad. Therefore in less than 5-days—I AM caused fully mature, never seen RED FLOWERS to bloom! I declared, “GOD gave me CANDLES & FLOWERS

for my BIRTHDAY!!!” I photoed them then headed inside to look them up on the computer to know what kind? And oh my HOLY GOD! Father, how I praise YOU from beneath Yahshua’s veil—they’re TEXAS RED WEDDING TRUMPET FLOWERS!!!

Oct 3, 2015 And He didn’t stop there! I AM the LORD of Hosts presented His calling card in the sky

again in the form of Y

’HSHUA nailed t o the C

ross , t

he T

av —hovering above our YHWH freedom

farm home!! It was the Lord Himself who put 7-Candlesticks in the morning sky to wish me a Happy Birthday & serve as our Divine GPS! It was the Lord Himself who caused TE



TRUMPET FLOWERS to grow outside our door on my birthday! And it was the Lord Himself who hung upon the Cross to make sure we understood who was leading & guiding our walk like Abraham!

You see, our dear friends aka Tents O’ Witness boldly & lovingly took up the Sukkot hosting helm in 2015

after Randy said, “Never again!” in 2014. Now why would a God-fearing, God-loving, God-following, super host of a man declare “Never again!”? Well it has to do with pouring everything into a project—

body, mind, spirit, soul & energy—morning, noon & nightie, night, night after finishing your daily tractor jobs for months and still face criticism. And yet, that reasoning was on a human level. The greater story is I AM’s!

By His SpiritI AM led us to know & keep the ancient ways including remember Keep Sabbath holy.

He led us by His Eye, Word & Spirit teaching us like little children how & when to observe His sacred festivals & weekly sabbaths—without judging others. He filled us with “Unthinkable Joy” ! He even filled our lives & hearts with each other—truly amazing, trustworthy, interesting friends! Truth seekers, scholars & fun, wholesome people! Unpretentious. Willing to study, learn, explore, sing, dance, praise, work, cook, help-one-another, pray together and just be a family—laughing & crying together...several days a week. No one was over another. We co-existed in oneness & holy love. We encouraged & lifted one another. We anointed one another, prayed for healing & washed each others feet. We listened.

YHWH Freedom Farm was built & maintained in love, peace, joy, faith, enthusiasm & unity—

Our core group started when Father led me into town—with hand-written letters to pass on His LOVE

& majestic announcement “The KING! The KING is Coming!” to whom-so-ever would accept the envelope. Frances B. a free-lance writer & all around groovy person was one of my faves. We hit it off so well, that we met regularly in town at the hip local coffee house—inspired by GOD—2-Doors Down to discuss The Lord & prophecy. She became & remains one of our dearest friends—along with her equally amazing husband Howard. Both Frances & Howard are devoted body, mind, spirit, soul...and

heart to serve The Lord & His Body.

Everyone who came to YHWH Freedom Farm was chosen by I AM in one way or another, including our own big beautiful Family Humongous! Justin R. family; Summer & Mike M. family; Stacey R. & Justin M. family; Wade S. family; Steve S. family; Mom & Dad, Wyatt T; Jim & Joan P; Cyenthia & Norris B; Valerie B; Alton R. family; Shumara family & his friend Cj & all the rest; Rahegene & Edlyn C; Thurston & Billie M; Russ aka Pappy & Brenda H; Eddie R.; Paul & Laurie; Bryan & Kendra B

family; Melodious & David; Pastor Tom & Becky & family; Pastor Ricky V to drill a well & loan us his truck when ours broke down; Terry S family; Sabra K; 2-Doors Down Coffee S hop owner Todd; Norma

& Herb F; the last Circuit Riding Preacher & Grace & family; Grandmother White Eagle, and so many others—led by the Holy Spirit to freedom farm to heal & share their Testimonies for The Lord.

Beginning Passover 2011 & ending Passover 2015, we hosted Pesach/Passover & Sukkot/Booths annually for the full duration of each 7-day festival on YHWH freedom farm. It was a blast! A joyous GOOD TIME—not a religious activity. Everyone was welcome—family, friends, friends of friends,...& strangers.


ov 15, 2015

APOSTASY DREAM: A Catholic friend of ours shared her night dream. In her dream, she entered a Catholic Church and sat down on a rear pew. The house was filled to overflowing because it was a special day. The aisle way leading to the altar was filled with families, escorting their young children forward to be Christened aka baptized. At the altar, 3 religious men stood waiting to receive the children & christen them: one was a Catholic priest, one was a rabbi, and one was of an unknown faith.

Our friend was very distressed about her dream, saying something was NOT right!! Mixed religions.

Dec 12, 2015 Hosted our final Temple Beth-El gathering “We Are ONE in the SPIRIT

Dec 15, 2015 CONFIRMATION! Donna B. called, saying “The Lord says, ‘You can’t go forward till you Add 3-layers to the Clock”. Truth—the task was complete in my spiral—awaiting confirmation!

Dec 16, 2015 Dream “1998” & “It’s GOD!” Had to do with packing & counting batteries...& the cost.

Dec 21, 2015 God gave Randy a dream: we stood together at an OPEN DOOR with White Light Trim. God said, “You have time to learn a new language”.

Dec 23, 2015 In a dream, God shown Randy a map of ISRAEL covered with a torn purple curtain!

The VOICE said, “A Rip in the Curtain ISRAEL

March 5, 2016, Friday our chosen friends Cyenthia Skywatcher & Norris and Grandmother White Eagle joined us to keep the Sabbath holy, to worship the Almighty God & to fellowship with each other! As it was, we gathered weekly on YHWH freedom farm to give GOD thanks! To eat, worship, sing, dance, praise, laugh & share our latest individual Holy WOW God moments with each other!

On this particular Sabbath, as Randy & I stood side-by-side at the sink washing dishes after our friends headed home down the long, dark, rugged wilderness road known as freedom farm road—the Lord spoke to me, inquiring, “ Wh

at would happen i f you


plied t h

e #

’s to


e S



Immediately, I leapt in the spirit & ran down the hall to prophecy command aka JBUS Radio studio!

Standing face-to-face with 4-large clock-faced scrolls, containing I AM’s 3-revealed Stages of Time, I applied His Spoken S



UMBERS 9, 11, 15” to each illumined TIME STAGE!



ch 6, 2016 about 3 a.m. my incredible post Sabbath/Shabbat dinner journey with The LORD ended

—immediately after He taught me a few things about Christopher Columbus’ RESCUE voyage to the Americas! At that point, after a full evening of singing, dancing, eating, cleaning, & learning from God, I was good & tired...and filled with satisfaction! So I reached up to flip off the light and head up to bed, when the LORD instructed, Focus now on AliYAH & SHAVUOT 22


onomy 16:9-10 Another celebration... Eternal your God wants you to have is...Feast of Weeks Shavuot.

Hold this celebration seven weeks after you first begin to cut and harvest the barley in your fields.

Each of you will choose something to contribute out of what He has blessed you with.

J u

ly 2, 2016 Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) Holocaust (1941-45) survivor & author NIGHT died. By I AM ’s own will, I read NIGHT aloud 5-times a day for 3-years 2,001-2003 to my annual 100+ Bar & Baht Mitzvah age students. Together as one big family, regardless of our background, we openly wept 40 minutes per day as we drank from time’s cup of human vile—consuming the unthinkable—bred by hate, fear & evil oppression.

Excitement that I witnessed Ellie Wiesel honored in his lifetime by former President Donald J Trump.

J u

ly 14, 2016 I AM spoke as I pondered Time, our Unthinkable Joy journey like Noah, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Mordecai, Esther...& His We’re entering the season of fire & tribulation call to Walk with Him.

I need y ou T

o h

elp Me r e - i nstitute t he A


cient P


. L

ike in the beginning w

hen y ou c ould hear


y Heart f rom fa

r away. I don’t need one

more C


h-ed lady, b

ut a wi

llin g



I asked, ‘Who is this speaking? Is it You, my Lord Yahshua?’

He responded, “I t is I—I AM w

ith you

I cooed, ‘Thank You, my Lord! Thank You!’

He closed, “Be

blessed. Be blessed. Our time ha

s come T

o w

alk unt

o the fi

ery furnace—Azariah

July 27, 2016 10- divine days after Stage 1- God head Hour 9- the end openedPresident Barack Obama seemed to mock the LORD God Almighty, the Son of God & presidential hopeful Donald Trump with one chiding remark @ the Democratic National Convention— when he (in utter rebellion) laughingly declared,

“We’re not a fragile people. Our power doesn’t come from some self-declared savior, promising that he alone can restore order as long as we do things His way. We don’t look to be ruled!”

August 2016 I AM instructed Randy audibly, “Go to Jerusalem. Go to Jerusalem.”

Twice I AM told us to “Sell”. The first time it was explained away “He means pour everything in—

don’t hold anything back.” I asked “Isn’t that what we’re doing?” The second time I AM told us to sell, Randy called the Realtor that very day! Everyone kept asking us WHY? Why would we sell the farm called by God’s name—built in His honor & making such a profound & powerful impact on so many?

We answered, “Because God said “Sell”. There was no other reason. So people asked the most natural question, “Where will you go?” We answered, “We don’t know. He didn’t tell us where to go—He just told us to sell.” After nearly one year on the market—and no potential buyers scheduling appointments to visit our INCREDIBLY HOLY Wow OPEN PORTAL HOME on the lake—we were ready to believe

it had simply been a test by our Father-in-heaven to see if we were willing to obey. In that moment, we knew we had passed His test! Our hearts breathed free, knowing we’d been faithful to His instruction.

Barely had we relaxed into this awareness—than we got back to back offers on the farm!!! Days later, Randy rose early & walked into our upper loft prayer closet rest room. As he entered The Holy DOOR

made of a tree, containing the story of those who were called & walked with God—like Abraham, Mary

& the promised child—the Son given for us, I AM spoke, “G

O to JERUSALEM. Go to Jerusalem .

Exodus 12:1-9 the Voice. One day, the Eternal One called out to Abram.

Eternal One: Abram, get up & go! Leave your country. Leave your relatives & your father’s home, & travel to the land I will show you. Don’t worry—I will guide you there. 2 I have plans to make a great people from your descendants. And I am going to put a special blessing on you & cause your reputation to grow so that you will become a blessing & example to others. 3 I will also bless those who bless you & further you in your journey, and I’ll trip up those who try to trip you along the way. Through your descendants, all of the families of the earth will find their blessing in you.

4-5 Without any hesitation, Abram went. He did exactly as the Eternal One asked him to do. Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran. He took with him his wife Sarai, his brother’s son Lot, all of their possessions, & all of the persons they had acquired for their household while in Haran; & they all set off toward the land of Canaan. When they reached Canaan, 6

Abram kept going through it to a sacred place called Shechem where the oak of Moreh stood. (At this time, the Canaanite people were living on this land, so Abram could not take it as his own.) 7 There the Eternal appeared to Abram.

Eternal One: I am going to give this land to your future generations.[c]

So, out of honor & respect, there Abram built an altar table to the Eternal One, who had appeared to him and spoken these

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words of promise. 8 After that, Abram traveled on to the hill country east of Bethel, & there he pitched a tent and made a home for himself & his family between Bethel in the west & Ai in the east. Here Abram built another altar table for the Eternal One, where he called upon the name of the Eternal frequently. 9 Then Abram journeyed south toward the Negev...

September 7, 2016 we closed on the sell of our home—a farm on the lake aka YHWH Freedom Farm 10-days later...

September 17, 2016 we flew out of USA & into ISRAEL for 1st time together by God’s Divine will!

E xactly 4-years earlier, I AMO


UR driven777 aka 10-Preparation Hours, Birthing Pangs, Watch Clock’—

Struck One on Y




eptember 17, 2012 ! I AM’s eternal plan is & was that we would spend 40-

days & nights in His holy city Jerusalem walking with Him by day & staying nights in the home of a dear sister of the faith, Pnina who herself left the U.S. A. to serve the Lord when she was 52-years old!

God blessed us to keep & experience all 3-Biblical fall feast Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, & Sukkot.

Truly, we were a bit disappointed. Why? Because in Texas, we flew freely beneath the wings of the Mighty Eagle who led us by His Spirit! Read Ezekiel 17. See the Ruach Ha Kodesh became our guide in 2006. It was a holy journey. Not religious, but pure & true. But then in Jerusalem 0ur wings were clipped.

Our free-flowing Spirit walk with I AM...like Abraham & Moses...was challenged. Our Texas style Sukkot tent was uprooted & tossed by human hands 2 or 3 times. We experienced the rigid lines of human made religion. We realized our Holy Spirit free flow wasn’t welcome. I yearned to go back to Texas & have fun, keeping the feast, but we’re our Father’s guests on this planet. We’re His children.

We’re learning... like Abraham & Moses. Chosen by the most High to hear, obey...& go. To honor God

& walk by faith as one with Israel without grumbling. And we’re called to gather as many as humanly possible to the Holy Majestic ONE—whom I knew instantly as Father & Truth— by the hand in love.

During our stay on this planet,

I AMhas opened many doors by His Spirit for us to speak His Truth

& deliver His revelations into the chosen hands & hearts of His people, His family, including but not limited to— super cool guy & dear friend Russ Pappy Houck, PhD Theology, author EP


Infected roots of Judaism & Christianity; Ovadyah Abrahami Commonwealth of Israel president; Cyenthia Skywatcher & Norris B., prophetic minister/musicians; Pnina Ben Yaakov prophet music & warrior for ISRAEL; Valerie B. prayer warrior for ISRAEL & worshiper; Miqedem (ancient path from

the East) prophetic musicians; Steven Spykerman author Wh

o Are You America? ; Donna B prophetic

minister with Esther anointing; Rahegene & Edlyn C II chosen by God to lead a people out of Babylon; head rabbi of Yeshiva located above Holocaust museum in the Holy Old City; Rabbi Yitzhak Naki of Noam Eliezer Yeshiva; Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office staff & IDF

bodyguards; Mordechai Greenfield a university Torah teacher for women; Tshibangu Mukumbay anointed like David to one day lead Democratic Republic of Congo in the ways of the LORD; Meir prophet whom God used to inspire Wall of Life cemetery; Patricia Solverson prophetic artist who with God’s help hand-painted Bible story on Wall of Life in Jerusalem, Israel; Dov Stein Secretariat of Sanhedrin whose “role is (was) to receive kings & governors”. Dov received us 7 times unto himself to hear the prophetic revelations & words released into our care by the Ancient of Days—the Holy One of ISRAEL who simply says, “I AM. I AM y

our F

ather ”. “K

now t hat I

AM ”. “T

ell them I

AM c alling .

Tell them to seek Me. Tell them to Come out of her”. HaShem”. “I AM the LORD of Hosts

“Tell them I AM coming” “Tell them I AM coming soon” Tell them I AM the Ancient of all Eternity

October 17, 2016 While in Jerusalem the first time together, Randy located Sanhedrin of 72 website.

His job is to find. Mine is to deliver. And since everything we were sent to deliver came from GOD, I wrote to the Sanhedrin’s President. Interestingly, the Secretariat responded...which is how we came to know Dov Stein. My first correspondence to him was a lengthy list of what GOD had revealed to us in vision, dream, song, spoken word and scripture. The very interesting thing is that Dov’s return correspondence measured up with our 83-year old hosts greatest concern—that we would “be stoned to death”! According to our host, a woman had been stoned a year or 2 earlier for what she wore.

October 18, 2016 Anyway, Dov responded to my share, during the night while we slept, letting me know, that ‘since i insisted on calling myself a prophet that I would be executed if it didn’t come to pass’. Now I’m not going to lie, his bold declaration shook me to the core. Literally, i trembled silently as I read...& reread Dov’s email. As an educated American woman who’d never been in a land other than the USA—a free-spirit reared on “freedom of speech”—I was greatly shocked to read such a threat against my life, for speaking God’s TRUTH. Besides, I NEVER called myself a prophet! I laugh now, realizing that when we declare “GOD said” or “GOD shown” that we’re claiming to be a prophet aka messenger of the Lord, but at the time, I didn’t understand why Dov would say such a thing against me!

Anyway, I thought about our children & how they feared we would be killed in ISRAEL for Testifying.

As I trembled, the Holy Spirit entered me, reminding me that those WORDS & VISIONS I shared with Dov weren’t mine, but that they came from the living, loving GOD who said to me “I AM. I AM

your Father”. Instantly, my fear died. Courage overcame me. I remembered my Lord was crucified because people claimed “blasphemy” against Him, and that he forewarned us that if they did it to him, how much more to us? Emboldened, I sat down at the computer and wrote, “You’ve just spoken what my children fear most. Even so, the Bible tells me not to fear man, but to fear God.” I let Dov know that since God delivered me to him to deliver His messages on behalf of all Israel, that I had no choice but to continue. So I wrote several more pages of what I AM had said & done. Dov wrote back instantly that since I was willing to die for what I had received, that he was willing to listen. He told us to be at his home in “one hour”! Hallelu-Yah! Only God could inspire such a TIME SLOT!! It was a simple matter of walking to the bus stop, catching the bus, traveling to Dov’s side of town, then walking the streets till we found his residence. And not only were we there in one hour, but our first face-to-face divinely arranged encounter, lasted 5-hours!

Special note: During the night between my 1st outbound letter to the Sanhedrin President, Dov’s first response and our meeting—God gave me a cartoon like dream: I was walking thru an enchanted forest, hearing excited voices sing, “S

now Whi

te is


ing ! S

now Whi

te is


ing! ” As I came thru

the trees, I saw a long WHITE TABLE set up for a party— exactly like Dov’s table!!! And unplanned

—a ll 3 of us wore WHITE! Holy wow! SUKKOT is final fall feast aka Wedding Supper of LAMB!

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I’ll never forget Dov’s opening question as we sat down at his 5777 Sukkah table, “Is JESUS God?

Nor will I forget my deer in headlights feeling or the 1st thought in my mind John 1 or my answer,

Well the Ancient of Days said of Himself I AM. I AM your Father, & He said, I gave My Life! My Son for you! So He’s The SON of God” Dov dismissed my answer with, “That’s every Jewish male.

I said “No. He was talking about One specific SON. Not sons”. Then I remembered Pnina our 83 yr old prophetic friend who prepared me the night before, “Get me my Bible & read Isaiah 9:6-7. This is what you’ll need to know when they ask you about Jesus.” I read it out loud to her 3-times per her prompting, but I had zero plan to talk to the Sanhedrin about Jesus, for my focus was singular to give to Israel I AMs messages & Scroll of Time.

Anyway, I reached across Dov’s Sukkah table, opened his dual language Tanach & read Isaiah 9:6-7

out loud to him. He looked shocked, leaned forward to read the Hebrew for himself; then, went to get another translation. Meanwhile, I read Isaiah 9:6-7 out loud3-times as Dov read from the 2nd book!

He declared, Th

en we

’ll r ip I saiah out

of Th

e BOOK! ” I exclaimed, Y

ou can’t te

ar something out

o f

the Bible! ” He retorted, “W

e can i f i t doesn’t agree with T

ORAH! ” I charged, “It does! Genesis 1:11-14.


ather s hown me th

at, too! ” By God’s will, we became 1- family. Not always agreeing, but respectful.

Dov was moved greatly by two of our shares from God:

1) I AM’s “ONE HOURdriven 3-STAGE land map Scroll of TIME, times & ½ time I laid the 4- unrolled, scroll-like documents side-by-side on Dov’s long, white Sukkah table.

Each document contained one of I AM’s 3-light revealed Stages of TIME, plus the extra ½ measure of time given to Stage 3. Dov looked closely & asked, “What is this?” I said, “He didn’t tell me to tell what it is. I am just to give it to you”. Dov looked, a g ain, placing his open palmed hands face down and moved them across the full expanse. Ultimately, his hands hovered over STAGE 1 & Stage 3’s Extra ½

Measure of Time & declared with Unthinkable JoyI know what this is! It’s the coming of Messiah!

I declared, “Then you know by the Spirit , for I did not tell you that

GOD always calls for 2 or 3 WITNESSES. So on top of a Tower of Water in Beth-El, an unidentified Asian woman saw the unrolled scroll & declared, “Jesus is coming!

We applaud our Father in Heaven, who tendered human hearts around this world, to receive His news time & again—to hear I AM’s prophecies released unto us! To see, touch & receive I AM’s Scroll of TIME — a 3-STAGE land map, revealed when GOD declared one-by-one 3-LIGHT BEARING

WORDS, 9! 11! 15! Each # LiGHT revealed 1 of 3-Stages! Each # helped to explain His message.

STAGE 1 revealed by light word # 9The End” like evidence being gathered for a divine court case.

STAGE 2 revealed by light word # 11 found to be filled with “disorder & chaos

STAGE 3 revealed by light word # 15To be Saved or RESCUED by the Hand of God

2) “GABRIEL” visit! Dov said since Gabriel came that I had found favor with God. Then, he said, “Because you’ve found favor with God, you must be tested as a prophet”. He also said Sue the worshiper who sang “Midnight Cry & “Lily” must come to Israel & be tested also. My response stuck a wedge in the door, “I’m compelled like Esther to gather my friends & pray 1st. ” During that down time, Dov spoke to other Sanhedrin council members. They refused to hear us becausewe’re non Torah observant”. At any rate, as I mentioned before, we were true to the call upon our lives, and Dov was true to his position...and to the move of the Ruach HaKodesh aka Holy Spirit.

Let it be known, even though Dov received us & the prophetic words & signs I AM released to us, he did not receive me asprophet” since i could not be “tested” by their standards because I’m “not Torah observant”. At any rate, according to Father’s instructions, per Ezekiel 2 & 3, we delivered to Israel all I AM entrusted to us, including our entire spreadsheet of every word, dream & vision.

Dov received us six times, during YHVH perpetual feasts (Exodus 23 & Leviticus 23) from Sukkot 2016

thru Passover 2019. He received us a 7th time days before SHAVUOT 2017 although he was gravely ill.

Despite culture, Dov privileged us like trusted family members to lay hands on him & pray for healing.

During each visit, he listened with interest & inquired of us. He spent considerable energy trying to get other Sanhedrin members to receive us, to hear the prophecies & to see the land map Scroll of TIME

revealed by I AM. Dov’s a faithful, hard-working, kind & intelligent man. We pray a mighty blessing over him & his household. We pray Father himself draws & teaches Dov, for like Yahshua said,

“All whom the Father teaches will know truth.”

Flashback: May 28, 2006 a.m. God led me by His Eye to Ezekiel 1; by His Spirit to Ezekiel 2 & 3.


z ekiel 2 L iving Bible And he said to me: “Stand up, son of dust, and I will talk to you.”2 And the Spirit entered into me as he spoke, and set me on my feet. 3 “Son of dust,” he said, “I am sending you to the nation of Israel, to a nation rebel ing against me. They and their fathers have kept on sinning against me until this very hour. 4 For they are a hard-hearted, stiff-necked people. But I am sending you to give them my messages—the messages of the Lord God. 5 And whether they listen or not (for remember, they are rebels), they wil at least know they have had a prophet among them. 6 “Son of dust, don’t be afraid of them;...7 You must give them my messages whether they listen or not (but they won’t, for they are utter rebels). 8 Listen, son of dust, to what I say to you. Don’t you be a rebel too! Open your mouth & eat what I give you.” 9-10 Then I looked and saw a hand holding out to me a scroll, with writing on both sides. He unrolled it, and I saw that it was full of warnings and sorrows and pronouncements of doom.

Ezekiel 3 he said to me: “Son of dust, eat what I am giving you—eat this scroll! Then go & give its message to the people of Israel.” 2 So I took the scroll. .4 Then he said: “Son of dust, I am sending you to the people of Israel with my messages. .7 I am sending you to the people of Israel, and they won’t listen to you any more than they listen to me! For the whole lot of them are hard, impudent, & stubborn. 8 But see, I have made you hard

& stubborn too—as tough as they are. 9 I have made your forehead as hard as rock. So don’t be afraid of them,

or fear their sul en, angry looks, even though they are such rebels.”. .17 “Son of dust, I have appointed you as a watchman for Israel; whenever I send my people a warning, pass it on to them at once. 18 If you refuse to warn the wicked when I want you to tel them, ‘You are under the penalty of death; therefore repent & save your life,’ they wil die in their sins, but I wil punish you. I wil demand your blood for theirs. 19 But if you warn them,

& they keep on sinning & refuse to repent, they wil die in their sins, but you are blameless—you have done al you could. 20 And if a good man becomes bad, & you refuse to warn him of the consequences, & the Lord destroys him, his previous good deeds won’t help him—he shal die in his sin. But I wil hold you responsible for his death & punish you. 21 But if you warn him & he repents, he shal live, & you have saved your own life too.”

Matthew 10:26-28 26 Do not be afraid of those who may taunt or persecute you. Everything they do—even if they think they are hiding behind closed doors—will come to light. All their secrets will eventually be made known. 27 And you should proclaim in the bright light of day everything that I have whispered to you in the dark. Whatever whispers you hear—shout them from the rooftops of houses.28 Don’t fear those who aim to kill just the body but are unable to touch the soul. The One to fear is He who can destroy you, soul and body, in the fires of hell.

April 16, 2017 “BEHOLD! The ARK!!” met 2nd time w/Dov Stein Sanhedrin Secretariat in his Yeshiva tent. I shared with him my holy dream had in Jerusalem a few days earlier: Walking along, I saw an attractive woman sitting in a dusty road, leaning against the grill of her large, turquoise, non- functioning older car.

She looked up at me with hope in her eyes, but we did not speak. My dream sequence repeated & again I encountered the same woman on the same road leaning against the same car—but this time she & her car were dusty like the road—and she did not look up to me for help. She had lost hope in me. Instantly, God shown me the woman had gone to see a man who held a pen, sitting at a desk. She was asking for his help, but he never looked up from his desk. He never wrote anything down. He never recorded her request. In that instant—the Spirit of the LORD came upon me! I went to see the man at the desk on her behalf. There was a long line of people, waiting to see the same man who never looked up or used his pen. I walked to the front of the line—as to declare, “You will hear me!” And in that instant, a voice from heaven, declared, “BEHOLD! The ARK!!” I looked towards the Voice & saw a mountain! On its peak sat the ARK of the Covenant—which instantly became The TEMPLE!!! In that real moment, convicted by the Spirit, Dov grabbed my mind & heart, drawing me back to reality, declaring, “I am The Man!

Flash back: INTERSECTIONS of the ARK

F ebruary 13, 2010 I AM sculpted A SPIRITUAL NOAH’s ARK” on a rooftop using a record 10” snowfall in Fort Worth, TX, during the night & illumined it with crystalline orange light— of prophecy!


ly 6, 2011 aka Tammuz 4, 5771 I AM A

r k of


e Covenant flown & opened over YHWH freedom



ctober 12, 2013 I AM announced, “We’re about to set sail”!


ctober 1 ? , 2013

I AM instructed, C

limb Aboard S

piritual Noah’s Ark !


pril 4, 2015 I AM gave me a dream about the Ark, instructingJUMP On!



ril 17, 2017 “ Th

ese are your op

tions ” Pesach/Passover Day 7 S


ekinah Glory &

r usty ol

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Randy dreamed the night after we met 2nd time with Dov Stein Sanhedrin Secretariat. Rusty handcuffs dangled from a leather strap hanging from the interior corner of an empty white drawer. The cuffs were instantly replaced by brilliant light as God declared, “These are your choices!” Later that morning, Randy & I walked to the local, open-air market in Karyat Hai Yovel aka Jubilee Town area of Jerusalem to buy fruits & vegetables. Along our path, we passed a large, green, community garbage vessel, sitting on the sidewalk—at its feet a discarded empty white drawer! O•my there’s none like I AM the One True God!

God’s dream revelation & trustworthy wordThese are your options” were handed to Dov Stein along with what we witnessed the same day on the street in Karyat HaiYovel aka JUBILEE Town.

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“Shekinah... Light. The majestic presence or manifestation of God which has descended to “dwel ” among men”, according to: www. JewishEncyclopedia. com A


ril 4, 2018 I AM invited us to keep Pesach 5778 Passover day 4 Abu-Gosh where ARK of Covenant was temporarily stored in a man’s home in the days of David.

2Samuel 6:1 Once again David gathered the elite soldiers of Israel, some 30,000, 2 and they went down to Baale-judah to bring back the covenant chest of the True God, called by the Name: the Eternal One, Commander of heavenly armies

[LORD of Hosts], who sits enthroned above the winged creatures who protect the [Ark of covenant] chest.

Ponder: Testimony, Ark, Atonement cover, curtain/parokhet, Holy Place, Holy of Holies? Who & what?

Exodus 25:16 You are to put the Testimony, which I wil give you, into the Ark.

Exodus 25:21 You are to put the atonement cover on top of the Ark, and inside the Ark you wil put the Testimony that I wil give you.

Exodus 25:22 “I wil meet with you there. I wil speak with you from above the atonement cover—from between the two cheruvim that are on the Ark of the Testimony—about al that I wil command you, for Bnei-Yisrael.

Exodus 26:33 You are to hang the curtain under the clasps, & bring the Ark within the curtain of the Testimony. The parokhet wil divide for you between the Holy Place & the Holy of Holies

Exodus 26:34 Then you are to put the atonement cover on the Ark of the Testimony in the Holy of Holies.


ay 28, 2018,

12-year Anniversary of 2-Storms coming upon USA & 3- fold Verbal Warning “You will scream...!

I AM gave Randy a dream “1-Y

ear of


lenty &


ears Not Good I AM gave me understanding.

* Randy’s dream was given on the 12-Year Anniversary of USA STORM Vision gave me, May 28, 2006.


ear of


lenty ” = 7th Year of 7-years Plenty =Y

om T

eruah S

ept 2018 th

ru Yom T . Sept 2019

7-Years Plenty = Yom Teruah Sept 2012-13; 2013-14; 2014-15; 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018-19

4-Years Not Good” initiate the first 4-years of 2nd 7-year cycle of “ONE HOUR” Watch

1 st Year N

ot Good 2nd 7-year cycle One Hour= Y

om Teruah S

ept 2019 t hru Y.T. S

ept 2020

2 nd

Year N

ot Good 2nd 7-year cycle One Hour = Y

om Teruah Sept 2020 t hru Y

.T. S

ept 2021

3 rd


ear N

ot Good 2nd 7-year cycle One Hour = Y

om Teruah S

ept 2021 t hru Y

.T. S

ept 2022

Yom Teruah 2021-22 is Shmita year aka Shamitah... 7th year of Biblical set of 7’s (years)

4 th Y

ear N

ot Good 2nd 7-year cycle, One Hour = Y

om Teruah Sept 2022 t hru YT S

ept 2023

Many say, Yom Teruah 2022—Yom Teruah 2023 is a JUBILEE Year...the 50th Year , following 7-7’s

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Image 155

Next 3 years beg the QUESTION: Restoration, Judgment or Tribulation?

5 th Year u

ndefined of 2nd 7-year cycle ‘One Hour’ = Y

om T

eruah Sept 2023 t hru Y

om Teruah Sept 2024

6 th Year u

ndefined of 2nd 7-year cycle ‘One Hour’ = Y

om T

eruah Sept 2024 t hru Y

o m T

e ruah Sept 2025

7 th Year u

ndefined of 2nd 7-year cycle ‘One Hour’ = Y

om T

eruah Sept 2025 t hru Y

o m T

e ruah Sept 2026

Will Gods slow gentle preparation continue OR His swift & mighty wrath begin?

J anuary 11, 2022 my spirit conceived Ez

ekiel 37-42



remiah 47-52 a ligning w

/ fi

nal hours.

spirit w/in inspired to connect Ezekiel 37 Stage 3 extra ½ Hour 37 and Jeremiah 47 w/overall Hour 47

spirit w/in inspired to connect Ezekiel 38 Stage 3 extra ½ Hour 38 and Jeremiah 48 w/overall Hour 48

spirit w/in inspired to connect Ezekiel 39 Stage 3 extra ½ Hour 39 and Jeremiah 49 w/overall Hour 49

spirit w/in inspired to connect Ezekiel 40 Stage 3 extra ½ Hour 40 and Jeremiah 50 w/overall Hour 50

spirit w/in inspired to connect Ezekiel 41 Stage 3 extra ½ Hour 41 and Jeremiah 51 w/overall Hour 51

spirit w/in inspired to connect Ezekiel 42 Stage 3 extra ½ Hour 42 and Jeremiah 52 w/overall Hour 52

It’s very important to know:

This update was written for you, during STAGE 3, Hours 11 & 12—the final 2 hours of STAGE 3.

It concluded during the opening days of STAGE 3 Extra ½ measure of Time... HOUR 13 aka 37 aka 47

* Time now to refocus I AM’s word, “Focus now on AliYah & Shavuot 22” which has come & gone.



projected www.hebcal.com to be June 4-6, 2022 aka Days 50-52, Hour 12, STAGE 3.

This is huge because Shavuot aka Pentecost is D

ay 50

of the annual omer/grain count from Passover.

Do you know the Biblical history of Shavuot (Exodus 23 & Leviticus 23) •Moses received 10-Commands on Mount Sinai & delivered to all Israel •Yahshua’s disciples saw a tongue of fire as flame came upon their heads, empowering each one to Testify Yah’s Truth in unknown languages to all people gathered in Jerusalem for Shavuot! The people heard in their own language! And many were saved!! (Acts 2) So what’s I AM’s message? What happened “Shavuot 22”? Were the people of I AM empowered by His Spirit to do greater works than the suffering servant Son of God, during his earth walk ministry?

Prepare to go up. The Lord announced “Make it Purple, saying, “TIME to get the PARTY started!

Were we instantly empowered from on high in Yahshua’s name to be the long awaited hope of the faith

I declare ‘Yes Lord! Let it be so! Henini—Here we are! ’ Where two or more agree it will be done.

Heal the sick body, mind, spirit, & soul

Eliminate the need for over priced pharmaceutical nations—and noxious vaccines!

Speak life abundant into those burdened by old hurts, wounds & emotional scars!

Feed the hungry body, mind, spirit, & soul

Eliminate world hunger—pray over every morsel & multiply the provisions

Serve Living Water & Bread of Life to all who hunger—repair the breach & fill the void

Cloth the naked—physically & spiritually

Teach the WORD of GOD to cloth the many peoples in righteousness

•Visit the incarcerated—body, mind, spirit & soul

Open minds & hearts to set the captives free

•Raise the dead—physically & spiritually

Can this body live? Dry bones arise!

The TIME is surely now! The many peoples of earth—young & old, rich & poor, faithful & unknowing are equally lost, lonely, hurting, thirsty, hungry and deceived! They are being tormented morning, noon

& night—physically, spiritually, mentally & emotionally by the powers that be, the entities of darkness

& governments affected by the dragon thrown down!

Ephesians 6:10-24 Finally, brothers and sisters, draw your strength & might from God. 11 Put on the full armor of God to protect yourselves from the devil & his evil schemes. 12 We’re not waging war against enemies of flesh and blood alone.

No, this fight is against tyrants, against authorities, against supernatural powers & demon princes that slither in the darkness of this world, and against wicked spiritual armies that lurk about in heavenly places.

13 And this is why you need to be head-to-toe in the full armor of God: so you can resist during these evil days & be fully

prepared to hold your ground. 14 Yes, stand—truth banded around your waist, righteousness as your chest plate, 15 and feet protected in preparation to proclaim the good news of peace. 16 Don’t forget to raise the shield of faith above all else, so you will be able to extinguish flaming spears hurled at you from the wicked one. 17 Take also the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 Pray always. Pray in the Spirit. Pray about everything in every way you know how! And keeping all this in mind, pray on behalf of God’s people. Keep on praying feverishly, and be on the lookout until evil has been stayed. 19 And please pray for me. Pray that truth will be with me before I even open my mouth. Ask the Spirit to guide me while I boldly defend the mystery that is the good news— 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains—so pray that I can bravely pronounce the truth, as I should do.

23 Brothers and sisters, let me leave you with a blessing:

May peace and love with faith be yours from God the Father and the Lord Jesus the Anointed. 24 May His grace surround all who love our Lord Yeshua the Anointed with a never-ending love.

Stand Up! Stand Up! Stand Up! Where is My Body? I AM your Head. Take Me to the street

December 27, 2021 I AM confirmed again 1,335


ays is the EXACT length of His Earth walk ministry

by leading me to D

a niel 12:12

(Witness 1). As it is from the going out of I AM’s Dec 12, 2011 instruction

To know Exactly how long1,335 days passed till I AM led Randy (Witness 2) to discover August 7, 2015 a website that establishes (Witness 3) Yahshua’s Earth Walk Ministry to be 1,335 d


January 21, 2022 aka Shevat 19, 5782 Randy just woke from a nap, saying “I had a dream. ‘You & I were walking with a group on a boardwalk like at Sea of Galilee’.” A Voice spoke thru the air


ecember 11, 2022. Don’t miss the boat. D

on’t be fooled

10-days later

January 31, 2022 I AM gave Randy a dream, answering his question about going to JERUSALEM.

Randy said “G

od’s Eye z oomed i n on Earth ti


as the center of H

is foc

us . The boot of Italy &

ISRAEL were prominent. There were squiggly lines but I couldn’t read what it said!” See May 26 entry March 5, 2022 Testimony Book Exodus 39:30-42 “Holy to the EternalequalsYo Holiah. Yo Holiah. Yo Holiah

March 11, 2022 Dream: Angels & Muhamad written like scripture. Unknown message, yet knownGabriel” visited him.

March 26, 2022 Shabbat morning. Standing in our RV, I suddenly saw Spirit WATER pour from the sky as I ate a grape! I declared, “You thought of everything!” I AM responded, “When I thought of you”. A bit later, while focused on Jubilee 2022–5783, I AM said “Don’t shut the door. I AM with you

March 27, 2022 Using His (May 8, 2006) SEAL1 · 1 1 , 14, 1 0”

–-I AM planted desire to know h ow many

days exist between SHAVUOT 22 and Yom Teruah 2022. This same morning, Randy awoke saying, God’s leading me “to know when JUBILEE begins?” These 2 God-led night revelations meet at the INTERSECTIONS of Yom Teruah aka Rosh Hashana 5783 & Yom Kippur aka Day of Atonement 2022



ril 3, 2022 I AM is very active, today! “S

ilence. H

ear wh

at I

s ay . I AM th

e LORD y our G

OD .


ere is none other. N

ow, G

o in My name! Where I say. When I say. The day is young. The Time

i s Ancient, Eternal. N

ow.” Then He started again, “C

an y ou fe

el My presence?

‘Yes Sir. I saw Your vapor in my left eye.’ (meaning this morning as we read this weeks Torah/Bible portions)


e struggle is Mine. The joy is y ours . I

will be glorified, received, accepted by


y people Israel.

Father closed our time together, saying “K

indheartedness (uni

ty). N

othing less will do .

Then, I AM z oomed i n o n Isr

ael , connecting Randy & I with 5 -7 me mbers of

t he S


conference lasting approximately 1 Hour & 11 minutes! The purpose—to deliver to the new Sanhedrin Secretariat Rev Ha Levi & other elect members I AM’s messages, visions, dreams & revelations!

It was a Holy, YAH arranged experience! The members had open heart & open mind. The Spirit was full.

Near the end, one asked, “What can we do to help you? ” I was momentarily stumped, for no one ever asked. I heard my mouth declare, “Prepare for a great exodus coming from USA”. I heard my inner

voice, beckon, ‘ receive me Israel, to hear all that I AM revealed’. As I thought to release that word, Randy stepped into the moment, saying “The Abomination Desolation. You need to know Daniel”.

And that’s when the Sanhedrin turned their attention to scripture & ZOOM conference time ran out.

20-days later

April 23, 2022 Shabbat 3 am DST. God spoke to me about “Walled Cities”. This day’s worldwide Bible read/study contained “walled cities”! Exodus 13:17–15:26, Numbers 28:19-25, 2Samuel 22:1-51 & John 20:1-14

April 26, 2022 woke up to word “dies”. Exactly 1-month later, Randy had acute stroke. Praise YHWH he lives!


ay 22, 2022

3:33 am awoke thinking about 2022...“SHAVUOT 22& AliYAH! Based upon this night visit & prayer, Father returned my thoughts to His May 8, 2006 Scroll’s SEAL1/11, 14, 10”. This night, He rolled the understanding together like tightening a SCROLL, birthing PROPHECY 111’.

So when GOD instructed, “Focus now on AliYAH & SHAVUOT 22”, His message was simply to look.

Therefore, the result of my focus on AliYAH & Shavuot 22...is simply called PROPHECY 111


1 11 d ays af

ter S

havuot 22 e

nds ( 6-

6-2022) = e ve Y

om Teruah 1 Tishrei 5783 aka Trumpets Sept. 25, 2022

Sept. 25, 2022 = Day 8 New Beginning, Hour 14 Salvation, Stage 3 New Life/complete/harmony extra ½ measure Will GOD will gather His Body Yom Teruah 5783/2022—to enter Spiritual Ark & be safely protected for 1-year or...

Sept 27, 2022 = 7-Years, 7-months, 7-days since I AM said, “Walked among them 7-months & was No more


eptember 27, 2022 =


ay 10


ivine Order, H

our 14 S

alvation/Deliverance, S


3 e

xtra ½ measure



11 +

1 4 d

ays af

ter S havuot 22

e nds 6-6-2022 =

e ve S

UKKOT 15 Tishrei 5783 aka Tents/Booths Oct 9 2022

October 9, 2022 = Day 22 El is my father aka God is my Father”, Hour 14, Stage 3 extra ½ measure



11 +


d ays af

ter S

havuot 22 e nds 6-6-2022

= Yom K

i ppur 10 Tishrei 5783 aka Day Atonement Oct 5 2022

October 5, 2022 = Day 18 new life/Y’shua servant/oppressed/bondage Hour 14, Stage 3 extra ½ measure Y

ear of




l debts a re s ettled on


om Kippur ak

a D

ay of


tonement —

f ully for

given !


ay 26, 2022

3:37 a.m. Randy had an acute left posterior Ischemic Stroke 3-days before we were to fly out of the USA. Our perceived AliYAH journey to JERUSALEM for SHAVUOT 22 was canceled.

Did we take it anyway? In a way other than we expected? Like the WORD declares, God’s ways are not our ways. They are higher. For we see in part & know in part. We invite you to z oom back wi

th us to

January 31, 2022. Then walk thru each experience again. Ask I AM for wisdom to Connect His Dots!

May 27, 2022 Randy was admitted into a local Texas hospital. His situation was challenging. His brain swollen & bleeding. His life slipping… But GOD! Father placed him into the trained hands & caring service of a TEAM of doctors and nurses who planted their GOD-ordained seed into our lives. Truly we hit the floor on our knees, calling in every true prayer warrior we know! For like we say to you, now...

In times of trouble—Call upon the LORD. Trust Him. Read the Bible & humbly yield to His answer.

J u

ne 24, 2022 Praise GOD! Stay the executions. In a vote of 5-4 the UNITED STATES of AMERICA SUPREME COURT Justices overturned ROE v WADE! After 49-years, 6-months, 1-day & 63,000,000

lives lost—t he federal blanket protecting the right to ABORT UNBORN HUMANS has been removed!

The issue of ABORTION has been sent to each individual state. Now STATE governments must decide.

Will the people of the land STAND with GOD & have JUDGMENT removed or continue in rebellion?

In early 2009, God said to me, “I am sending y

ou th

e child ” And an amazing thing happened!!

12-years later, in 2021, God said, “Name her”. My mind raced, but I had no idea. So I AM spoke for me, “Stella!

Lord’s Prayer: Our dear Father... Holy is YOUR name... please forgive us our sins as we forgive others...

Finally “Treat this as if a JUBILEE. Focus on Forgiveness” “KIND-Heartedness; nothing less will do”

This reminds me of a vision the Lord gave to our dear sister of faith, Pnina. Grieved by thoughts of the Holocaust—the evil horror & death experienced by 6,000,000 + men, women & children, yet to believe upon YHWH Yahshua the Son of YHWHgiven for our Salvation. As she wept, God spoke to her,

I appeared in every box car & furnace. Those who could forgive — saw Me.

J u

ly 3, 2022 Shabbat In unison with the family of God “1+1+1 makes 1” we read Numbers 16-18, I Samuel 11:14-12:22, and John 19:1-17. Truly, it struck some deep chords within me. I stopped reading mid-stream & cried out to God from the deep water of my existence, asking Father to forgive us, again, in Yahshua’s name. He said, “Th

en declare Me , G

OD ”. I asked, ‘ How shall I do that? ’ He said


y pr

oclaiming T he Risen



So we proclaim The Risen Christ!

That advice was a perfect fit for the word the Ancient of all Eternity eventually poured into me,


ell them all the same thing : T


Oh...how you are loved! And how much more there is to the Ancient of Days unconditional LOVE

STORY, His Son’s GLORY & their Divinely orchestrated pre-planned foretoldRESCUE 911” !

Still wondering, seeking & uncertain? Receive the wisdom handed to me in 2004 by a lost sheep found:

You believe in GOD. Ask Him to show you Truth—& He will

We’re grateful to Almighty GOD to know as much as we do, and at perfect peace to know No more.

I AM said, “T

here i s mu

ch you ll

never know ” Sela

So, we rest peacefully knowing & trusting the ONE who knows everything & has plans to help us!

To whom-so-ever reads, please know this is a work in progress...living & breathing as I AM lives & breathes thru us. It’s far from complete... like encountering the tip of eternity.

We’ve recorded hundreds of “Thus sayeth the LORD” revelations...and simply cannot report all here, but sincerely do the best we can, taking every word & revelation to heart, for the responsibility is real.

Our greatest hope is to lift you up in love & encourage you to Gather close to the ONE calling Come”.

Like the Voice said, “There is No judgment & No condemnation in Christ Jesus.


here is a choice. W

ill you be a holy, set-apart people? ”

I AM is calling you. He wants you to seek Him while He can be found... and for you to come out of her.


ome as close as y our heart will allow

AND though there’s mountains more to report—we conclude this report, declaring the simplicity of it all—GOD is good. GOD is great. GOD is real! GOD LOVES You! Unthinkable Joy awaits you.

TIME to Come—Walk with GOD. ..and let it all go. GOT QUESTIONS: Ask GOD to show you Truth.

To be sure the record’s straight, we’re now in Stage 3 Extra ½ measure, Hour 13 aka 52 overall, Day 13

So much shalom love & blessings released from the inner chamber of our heart to yours, Cynthia ‘Cj’ “Little Hawk& Randy Randolph

Modern day Messenger/Witnesses for I AM

Friday, January 21—SHAVUOT 22—unto Friday, July 15, 2022

YHVH freedom farm aka Planet Earth —our temporary home away from home w

ww. r everbnation.com/2faithful Beach Bums


JBUS Radio internet cafe...serving manna from Heaven & Living Water 24/7

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Like Abraham

Letting The Eternal—ONE LOVE—Light Shine

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May we remember & never forget—


hyeh a sher E

hyeh .. . I A

M t hat I AM

Unprecedented times. Like the world has never known. But GOD. He went before us. Stands among us. Lives within us. Calls to us. Cheers for us. LOVES without end. Has plans to help us.

God’s heart & voice travel thru time & space, seeking His many children. The lost, lonely, tired, hungry, broken, desperate, shattered & hopeless ...huddled in the corner of time. Hoping & crying.

His ears & eyes are ever drawn to His Creation. He Listens. Watches. Waits. Hopes. Cares. Cries. for us

& with us...and He Stands at the door Ready to RESCUE us...when... if

2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV

if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Some nuts are tough to crack—so God opened my eyes & heart wider, by pouring His thoughts in! Truth, I thought I was a stel ar songwriter until I broke wide-wide open, spiritual y forced to cry out to GOD for help!

All 7.8 billion of us on this planet, today...and our ancestors who walked this land before us were chosen by our Father to be laid upon our Earth Mother’s breast the day we were born to be nourished day-by-day as we walk out the physical journey to become sons of light!

You see friends—and I have only now truly seen—though I’ve been hand fed like a little bird!

This flesh life has NOTHING to do with physical gain. Nothing to do with riches & treasures—

gold, trinkets, comfort and physical beauty! It has everything to do with serving others & loving others. To pour everything in. To Lift others up to the greater light. To teach our children to honor their Creator’s wil . To be kindhearted, for nothing less will do. Glorifying GOD.

Oh GOD, how I hope & pray to convey to each & everyone—into whose hands, hearts & minds You lay our Testimony—the purpose of this flesh life. The eternal purpose & hope for which we have been birthed into the flesh on to this planet Earth. That we who once were lost and last might step forward and serve Your 1st fruit Son in this RESCUE MISSION by gathering as many as humanly possible to Him by the hand in love. . & thus back to You in this active Redemption.

Isaiah 7:14 The Voice

Suit yourself. The Lord will give you a proof-sign anyway: See, a young maiden [virgin] will conceive.

She will give birth to a son & name Him Immanuel, that is,

God with us.

* Isaiah’s mysterious prophecy is partial y fulfilled, yet still unfolding past present future Isaiah 9:6-7 The Voice

6 Hope of all hopes, dream of our dreams,

a child is born, sweet-breathed; a son is given to us: a living gift.

And even now, with tiny features and dewy hair, He is great.

The power of leadership, and the weight of authority, will rest on His shoulders.

His name? His name we’ll know in many ways—

He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Dear Father everlasting, ever-present never-failing,

Master of Wholeness, Prince of Peace.

7 His leadership will bring such prosperity as you’ve never seen before—

sustainable peace for all time.

This child: God’s promise to David—a throne forever, among us,

to restore sound leadership that cannot be perverted or shaken.


e w

ill ensure just

ice wit

hout fail and absolute equity. Al


John 1 The Voice

The Eternal Word

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend [overcome] it.

John’s Witness: The True Light

6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9 That[b] was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.

10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own [things/domain], and His own [people] did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right [authority] to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

The Word Becomes Flesh

14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 15 John bore witness of Him…

A Voice in the Wilderness

19 Now this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests & Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” 20 He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, “I am not the Christ.” 21 And they asked him,

“What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” And he answered, “No.”

22 Then they said to him, “Who are you, that we may give an answer to those who sent us? What do you say about yourself?” 23 He said: “I am ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Make straight the way of the LORD,” as the prophet Isaiah said.” 24 Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. 25 And they asked him, saying, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?” 26 John answered them, saying, “I baptize with water, but there stands One among you whom you do not know. 27 It is He who, coming after me, is preferred before me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose.”

The Lamb of God

29 The next day John saw {Y’Shuah} coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is He of whom I said, ‘After me comes a Man who is preferred before me[ranks higher], for He was before me.’ 31 I did not know Him; but that He should be revealed to Israel, therefore I came baptizing with water.” 32 And John bore witness, saying,

“I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. 33 I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me,


pon whom you see the Spirit descending, a nd re

maining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the


oly Spirit. 3 4 And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”

John 3:16-18 The Voice

16 For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life. 17 Here’s the point.

God didn’t send His Son into the world to judge it; instead, He is here to rescue a world headed toward certain destruction.

18 No one who believes in Him has to fear condemnation, yet condemnation is already the reality for

everyone who refuses to believe because they reject the name of the only Son of God.

July 3, 2022 Just when I thought I was finished...the Father blew His holy breath upon the pages of my Bible. On this very date, Day 2, Hour 13 STAGE 3 Extra

½ measure of Time

God chose Gospel of John 15 to support His living WORD,


e clare Me, G O

D! B y proclaiming— T


e R is

en C



John 15 The Voice

Jesus: I am the true vine, and My Father is the keeper of the vineyard. 2 My Father examines every branch in Me and cuts away those who do not bear fruit. He leaves those bearing fruit and carefully prunes them so that they will bear more fruit; 3 already you are clean because you have heard My voice. 4 Abide in Me, and I will abide in you. A branch cannot bear fruit if it is disconnected from the vine, and neither will you if you are not connected to Me.

5 I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear great fruit.

Without Me, you will accomplish nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is like a branch that is tossed out and shrivels up and is later gathered to be tossed into the fire to burn. 7 If you abide in Me and My voice abides in you, anything you ask will come to pass for you. 8 Your abundant growth and your faithfulness as My followers will bring glory to the Father.

Jesus: 9 I have loved you as the Father has loved Me. Abide in My love. 10 Follow My example in obeying the Father’s commandments and receiving His love. If you obey My commandments, you will stay in My love. 11 I want you to know the delight I experience, to find ultimate satisfaction, which is why I am telling you all of this.

12 My commandment to you is this: love others as I have loved you. 13 There is no greater way to love than to give your life for your friends. 14 You celebrate our friendship if you obey this command. 15 I don’t call you servants any longer; servants don’t know what the master is doing, but I have told you everything the Father has said to Me. I call you friends. 16 You did not choose Me. I chose you, and I orchestrated all of this so that you would be sent out and bear great and perpetual fruit. As you do this, anything you ask the Father in My name will be done. 17 This is My command to you: love one another.

18 If you find that the world despises you, remember that before it despised you, it first despised Me. 19 If you were a product of the world order, then it would love you. But you are not a product of the world because I have taken you out of it, and it despises you for that very reason. 20 Don’t forget what I have

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spoken to you: “a servant is not greater than the master.” If I was mistreated, you should expect nothing less. If they accepted what I have spoken, they will also hear you. 21 Everything they do to you they will do on My account because they do not know the One who has sent Me. 22 If I had not spoken within their hearing, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for ignoring My voice.

23 If someone despises Me, he also despises My Father. 24 If I had not demonstrated things for them that have never been done, they would not be guilty of sin. But the reality is they have stared Me in the face, and they have despised Me and the Father nonetheless. 25 Yet their law, which says,

“They despised Me without any cause,” has again been proven true.

26 I will send a great Helper to you from the Father, one known as the Spirit of truth. He comes from the Father and will point to the truth as it concerns Me. 27 But y ou wil

l a lso po

int others to the truth

a bout M

y identity , b ecause you h ave j

ourneyed with Me since this all began .

Oh how We LOVE YOU—as we all proclaim The Risen Christ!

We BLESS YOU & THANK YOU for JOURNEYING with us since this all began!