And everything I own,
I owe to You.
There is no right or wrong
There is no way to You
You are the path
The path of wisdom and self discovery.
We promptly will investigate
What wonders lie above our heads
Into the abyss of the night sky ?
We seek and interrogate
What lies into the deepest sea floor ?
And sadly, we die
Not knowing who we're to the core!
Words can't and will never define what or who You are.
Why look into books, why seek You in marble temples
Why trust in those who say that represent You...
When You are so close...
With You, Life smoothly flows.
When all I have to do,
All I'll ever need to do
Is to close my eyes
and seek within my heart!
No need to seek into the unreachable skies...
Those are just more lies!
They do not understand... just like me, in the past...
The Universe might be vast,
But You have never forsaken me!
I was, and I am the one who have always turned my back to You.
And my troubles and lack of solutions redouble!
I am the one who only remembers You in times of trouble.
And how many times have I denied You... ?!
Too many!
Why....? Is it too great the humiliation of accepting something that I can not see?
How much sadness we bear, emptiness and our souls' miseries!
But You are the only one who can set me free!
Oh, I am so pathetic! We will never be able to answer all the world's mysteries.
And humanity's wars certainly won't end with victories!
And no... You are not the mean, evil, vicious prick that they describe,
Always ready to punish humanity for all crime...
In You we find the comfort and the love to nestle,
We are only arrogant children inside these bodies, just a temporary vessel...
We have so much to learn, and yet, we know nothing!
Science can not create Life from dust...
Our material possessions will rust!
The greatest miracle of all is just in front of my nose...
The greatest truths are always so close!
When my mind is clearer,
Every morning I awake and look into the mirror...
No matter how wrong goes life,
I still have mine
Good, bad, messed up or just fine!
It is just so easy to point the finger at You and blame You for all that goes wrong,
isn't it?
Just another consequence of our childish lack of will to assume responsibility for our actions!
" - We all need a Saviour (*) !!" - they say.
" - Excuse me... Saviour (*) ?! To save us from who or what? From ourselves, certainly!"
And for all the pain I have ever experienced,
For all the experiences I've been through,
Because of all the things that I've felt and tasted,
Plus all the joys, hopes and tears...
Deep inside I know that to be alive is a bless!
And all I have,
And all I will ever be,
I owe to You.
And to You I shall return,
With nothing but joy and gratitude.
(*) “Saviour” – Christ Consciousness
Are you familiar with the expression: "The Truth shall set you free." ? Well then... can you handle the Truth ? Because you see, there are thousands or even millions of lies out there... but they are
just that... lies. There is only one Truth, there is only one true shepherd – God’s love. Living in fear
brings you nowhere. Actually, I am starting to realize that the more I know, the more I conclude
that I know NOTHING !
"We promptly will investigate
What wonders lie above our heads
Into the abyss of the night sky ?
We seek and interrogate
What lies into the deepest sea floor ?
And sadly, we die
Not knowing who we're to the core!"
Sad... but so true. Do you want be another one who dies not knowing who you are, not knowing
your soul’s longing? As far as I am concerned that is your right. We have the right to know who we
are, we have the right to ask questions, we have the right to explore and seek answers, we have the
right to know the Truth, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHO WE ARE IN OUR
INNERMOST CORE !! That is the only reason why we are here on Earth, we are here to
remember who we are.
Perhaps you think that you are worthless, maybe you keep saying that you don’t deserve people's
kindness and respect, maybe you think you are too nasty to deserve to be loved and cherished.
Maybe you even believe that you don’t deserve God's love, compassion and guidance. Now, let’s
clarify things - you are not a baddy vicious prick, that is not true. You are not a blood thirsty
murderer. You are not a black hole that sucks out the life and goodness of all. You are so much
more ! You are a child of God! You are not despicable, you just feel lost. Maybe you cry yourself
to sleep, maybe there is a huge sense of emptiness within you, maybe you resent people's lack of
caring or feel lonely.
"You can do anything you put your head on."
This is the searing Truth ! Do not underestimate the great power we all possess - WILL POWER!
Nothing can beat it, nothing !
Dear all,
Cease calling “Fear” your friend!
You are loved. Wear the cloak of God’s love and know He will always be with you no matter what
life throws at you. Wield the sword of Truth and the might, courage and WILL POWER of a lion,
NO ONE CAN STOP YOU. The only thing others can do is attempting to seduce you and blind
you with their lies, they will do anything to chain you to the ground and take away your power to
create your own life and reality, and so they will chain you with lies and illusions and false
promises. My dear friend, know that these people have got “Fear” for a shepherd ! Go out there
and manifest who you are in your core, Fear is no match in the hands of Love and Truth. Find your
purpose and path in Life ! You are no accident and whether you understand that or not, know that
you are not here by chance.
You will only repeat your mistakes if you deny Truth and have got the willpower of a dead
chicken. Put your two feet on the ground, and stride out triumphantly from the dark night of the
Look into the mirror and be the Almighty – Powerful – Ruler - Of – Your - Own - Life !
You will always find people along the way who will bash you and humiliate you and make fun of
you. You will always find people who will hate you and call you all sorts of names. They will
underestimate you. Some people will try to deceive you, by using fear and manipulation. You will
only make things worse if you empower them by feeling fear, please don’t be your own worse
enemy by allowing this to happen!
Vengeance, cruelty, betrayal, violence, bullying, brain washing, manipulation… all these stem
from Fear itself and the idea of being separate from other people. All these stem from thinking that
these make them better or superior somehow. Does that justify trampling people with cruelty and
manipulation, hurting them with vengeance and offending by bullying them?
Is this worth feeling proud about ? Well, I understand and even accept the feeling of pride towards
something worth protecting, something very valuable worth keeping or even show off to the whole
World. But, wait a minute, they feel pride towards what exactly ?? You mean, they feel pride about
remaining ignorant and keeping their own ignorance, too scared to find TRUTH ??? Too scared to
find out that we are all one?! Too scared to find out that when they hurt another, they are just
hurting themselves?! Wait, is that really what they are so proud about ? Being ignorant and
remaining blinded by fear fuelled thoughts ?! Is this what they are so proud about ? Because,
Ignorance and Fear are no crown jewels to be proud about ! Ignorance and Fear are no shinny
precious jewels to show off to the world and feel vanity about. There is plenty of it already in this
World. Ignorance and Fear are the two things that have messed up this Human World of ours.
Stand tall, know your worth, know your value, know your truth, love yourself, and learn to forgive
their offences. Help them to see the World from the perspective of an eagle and hopefully, they
will also soar side by side with you, once they understand that you are not a threat to them, you are
just awake. The only suffering there is, is in living your life guided by Fear. Have faith in the
beautiful voice and Truth that speaks within you. You have this power in your hands, and you can
start using it now, if you will.