Darshana Upanishad by Thirunavukkarasu Sivasubramaniam - HTML preview

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Chapter 8



The sage Dattatreya proceeds to explain the five Dharanas.


In the ethereal space of the body, the outside ether should be meditated. Likewise outside Vayu in Prana, outside fire in the belly, water in water region, and earth in the earth region.


He should mutter the mantra as "Ha", "Ya", "Ra", "Va", and "La" respectively. It is the supreme Dharana that gets rid of all the sins.


Up to the knees is the portion of the earth. Up to Anus, Water. Up to heart, Fire. Up to the middle of brows, Air. Above that to the head, Ether.


One should meditate on Lord Brahman in the portion of the earth, Lord Vishnu, in the portion of water, Lord Mahesvara in the portion of Fire, Lord Isvara in the portion of Air, Lord Sadashiva in the portion of ether.


Other I describe other Dharana. The yogi should always meditate on Lord Shiva Who is the basis for all scriptures and bliss as Atman for getting rid of all the sins.


Up to the knees is the portion of the earth. Up to Anus, Water. Up to heart, Fire. Up to the middle of brows, Air. Above that to the head, Ether.


One should meditate on Lord Brahman in the portion of the earth, Lord Vishnu, in the portion of water, Lord Mahesvara in the portion of Fire, Lord Isvara in the portion of Air, Lord Sadashiva in the portion of ether.


Other I describe other Dharana. The yogi should always meditate on Lord Shiva Who is the basis for all scriptures and bliss as Atman for getting rid of all the sins.


In Pranava, one should meditate upon Brahman who is indistinct and indescribable and who is the prime cause of all and who is complete in Atman, by withdrawing senses and mind and merge them with Atman. In this way, he gets rid off all causes that bring forth the effects of the various forms of Brahman.