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New Television

If there is attachment, there are desires;

If there is no attachment, there are no desires.

If there are no desires,

 there is very less possibility for

anger, hatred, aversion, envy or sorrow.

Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji

If there is something in life due to which sorrow is near and bliss is far away from us, let us use the new Television. Television brings close to us the things that are far off. But this new television takes the things far away from us that are close by. The example given below will help us understand this better.

Somebody abuses you or you have failed or you have lost something or something has got stolen - you are very disturbed. In that situation, just think what will be your reaction to this incident a year from now, and try to look at it the same way now itself. Do you think you will be as unhappy, as you are today, a year from now? If after a year, this incident looks too insignificant to disturb you, then why not look at it the same way right now? In this manner, through this new Television, you will be able to easily accept most of your problems.

Whenever an incident occurs, just ask yourself: “How will I be looking at this incident after one year? How much will this incident be affecting me a year from now? Can I now look at this incident the same way as I would be looking at it a year later?”

When you use this new television with success, you will often say that it is good that such a thing happened. And because it happened, something new got created and some new possibilities opened up. To understand this, look at things that happened with you a year ago. One year is a good time to break attachment to an incident. For example, a year ago, a person was very unhappy when he lost his job. Today, he is very happy in his new business. Now he is thinking that it was very good that he was fired from his job. If that had not happened, he may not have been doing business today. There must be innumerable examples of this kind that may have occurred with you or others, which will reveal this truth before you.