Detachment from Attachment by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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Everything You See In Silence Is A Ladder

When a person has complete understanding,

his relationship with everything is that of

“You and You”.

This means he sees God in everything.

In this state, attachment is completely annihilated.

Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji

Before entering the world of attachment, what do you do? Attachment makes you forget everything. Hence, before getting into attachment, if you can learn to go into the realm of silence, you will then not take any wrong steps due to attachment. For example, suppose due to a feeling of hatred or for protecting something you are attached to, you get a thought of harming someone, then before carrying out such action, if you can go into silence and meditate in silence for a while, there is every possibility that you would give up that idea very easily.

Before taking any decision, you should learn to go into silence. Ask questions within yourself, answers will definitely come. Silence is an extremely effective remedy for bringing about detachment from attachment. Any decision that you take in a detached manner will be in the interest of all. In the illusory world of Maya, life is like a game of snakes and ladders. Everything you see in attachment is a snake and everything you see in silence is a ladder. All decisions that you take with attachment will bring you down (cause downfall) and all decisions that you take from inner silence will take you up (lead to progress).

There is only one decision that you should not take in silence – the decision whether to wake up early in the morning or not. If while taking such a decision, you go into silence, there is a possibility that you will feel sleepy and then fall asleep. Therefore, take such decision quickly, it can only be beneficial for all.