Detachment from Attachment by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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Welcome to TEJGYAN

Tejgyan is that wisdom that is beyond knowledge and ignorance; the source of all knowledge. Knowing and understanding Tejgyan results in living a perfectly integrated life. Tejgyan is the answer to the human quest. The human quest, the purpose for which every human is born, is a combination of three quests, viz.

The Personal Quest (Who am I?)

The Organization Quest (Why am I here?)

The Family Quest (What is love? How do I feel loved?)

Far from being a belief system or philosophy, Tejgyan facilitates each person's natural process of growth across these three quests

Tej Gyan means Bright Truth. There have been many spiritual truths expounded so far. With time, the true meaning of these truths have been lost. When a Contemporary Guru, stabilized in the experience of the Self, expounds the missing link of these age old spiritual truths... then it is Bright Truth...Tejgyan.

The Truth (What has been said so far) :

The purpose of spiritual quest is Self Realization... to experience the Self / God.

The Bright Truth (Tejgyan... the missing link) :

Self Realization is just the beginning. A true master will not just give you a glimpse. Self Stabilization...being permanently on yourself is what a true master will give you. Again Self Stabilization is not the end. It is then that the true purpose for which your body came to this earth is justified. Self Expression begins and then there is no end.

The Truth (What has been said so far) :

Purify the body. Then only can the Self shine.

The Bright Truth (Tejgyan... the missing link) :

First things First. First attain Self Stabilization. Body-mind purification automatically follows. An enlightened master describes that he is anger less, worry free, fearless, timeless and space less. He describes how he is in constant meditation. People listen to this and prescribe what he is describing. They focus on getting rid of anger, guilt, worry, etc. First, attain stabilization... these things automatically occur

The Truth (What has been said so far) :

Meditation is important to attain God.

The Bright Truth (Tejgyan... the missing link) :

You don't have to meditate...You are meditation. There is no need to meditate. You have to merely listen to the truth. Listen by dropping all your false notions and concepts, without any comparison. Then you will come to understand that the meditation of Self is continuously happening. The moment the mind falls - there is meditation of self - meditation of bright awareness - where there is awareness of consciousness and awareness of unconsciousness - both. That is bright awareness. Bright awareness is meditation. You don't have to meditate - but just understand that "You are meditation".

The Truth (What has been said so far) :

To attain God/Self/Final Truth, you have to take efforts. You have to either meditate or perform rigorous self inquiry or chant or do penance or devour scriptures or practice religion every day...

The Bright Truth (Tejgyan... the missing link) :

The Final Truth can be experienced by merely listening. Listening is the only effortless effort a seeker has to offer. There are many paths to truth... but at the end of all paths, the understanding that arises is the same. Attaining this 'understanding' is the key. This understanding can be attained just by listening. LISTENING is the preferred path of the masters to transfer knowledge.

The understanding that leads you beyond positive and negative, beyond bright thoughts, beyond self realization to self stabilization... is Tejgyan (Bright Truth ).

“Self Development


knowing yourself

and ENDS with

knowing your 'SELF'”