Detachment from Attachment by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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Books in English



"Meditation is being natural and simple like a child. The child who sees things as a whole without labeling them. Whose eyes are innocent and whose words are coming from Self Experience. That Experience which we all have experienced but have forgotten." This book systematically explains the methods and techniques towards 'Meditation'. It is not only meant for beginners, but also for those who practice these techniques.

Self Transformation


No sooner do you decide an aim and commit to it will the direction of your thoughts, words and deeds all unite. You will soon begin to realize your potential and express it. A total Transformation will take place. This book will help those who wish for such a tranformation. For those who already have an aim this book will help them to achieve it. Seek 'Self development to Self realization' through this book. This is true Self Transformation.

Books in English

The Book of Myths - II


When the relevance of rituals and customs are lost with the passage of time, they become beliefs that are blindly followed. At first, this book demystifies these beliefs by expounding their relevance at the time they originated. Later on, the book tears aparts myths that are untruths but have been ingrained in our minds much more deeply just because one has not seen them otherwise. These myths are the ones which people have about Self Realization. Knowing these to be myths will clear the greatest hurdles to Self Realization.

Self Liberation from Fear, Worry and Anger


The greatest blessing in the world is to be fearless. The greatest boon that can be bestowed on man is to be worriless. The greatest bond to be broken in life is the bond of anger.

This book contains the greatest of gifts- Freedom from Fear is the gift of courage. Freedom from Worry is the gift of happiness. Freedom from Anger is the gift of peace. Be sure to open these gifts and enjoy them.

Books in English

How to be Ever Successful


In any given situation what will a successful person do and what will an unsuccessful person do? This question has been addressed in numerous instances as you journey through the book. What better way to analyze where you stand and what you need to do next in your pursuit for success! This book puts forward, with amazing simplicity and clarity, the qualities that you need to imbibe in order to be ever successful in all aspects of life. Once you know, which among the three definitions of success given in this book are yours, the road to your goal is straight and clear.

Tejguru Quotes

"When a person is ready for a particular thing, that thing naturally comes to him.”


One such quote could change your entire perspective of looking at things. This book is loaded with such priceless wisdom in the form of quotes from Tejguru Sirshree. Read one such quote a day, contemplate on it and see the magic it works in your life.

The Liberator


We have heard many fascinating stories related to Jesus Christ and some equally inspiring teachings expounded by Him. But do we know the true meaning of His teachings and stories, or do we take them literally? This path-breaking book reveals the secrets of His teachings and the stories related to Him. This book further explains what is the actual meaning of Christ and what is Christ Consciousness. Because only when we experience Christ Consciousness, can we celebrate Christmas in the true sense!

Books in English

Complete Parenting

Let every child grow into a great tree, not a bonsai.


Bonsai is a tree that looks like a big tree and also yields fruit, but cannot provide any shade. Its growth has been tied down and its progress arrested. In our homes too, there are many such seeds that have the potential to open up. Are we, by any chance, turning them into a bonsai? This book opens our eyes to the possibilities that a child can actually attain with proper guidance. If you believe that your child comes to you through Divine providence and the responsibility of the child attaining its maximum potential has been entrusted to you, then you will not look at the child as your property. Towards this end the book serves as a guideline in this direction providing all the perspectives and guidelines for the complete training of your child.

The Secret of Happiness


In the eternal quest for happiness, we go through seven levels of happiness until we attain what we have always wanted - ultimate bliss. This book shall teach you to move to higher levels of happiness. It shall open a pathway to true and everlasting happiness that eludes us. It shows us how it is possible to attain true instant happiness - Here and Now! This book is the beginning to shift to higher levels of consciousness. It reveals the secret of happiness.