Detachment from Attachment by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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The World Is A Guest House

In the world, there are only two types of people.

The first ones are those on whose head

there is a crown,

The second ones are those on whose head

there is ‘brightness’ or effulgence.

Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji

Fondness or attachment arises when we go through life asserting our ownership rights. We keep proving our ownership over objects, houses, children, etc. But when we break this mindset and live the life of a guest, we would not get attached to any of these things. Each day remind yourself that you are a guest in this world. A guest does not claim that he owns the things in the house. He does use everything in the house, but does not get attached to these. A little story will make this clear.

A monk stood in front of a mansion at midnight, and started shouting, “Is anybody there?” The security guards rushed out and asked him as to why he was shouting. The monk told them that he wanted to spend the night in the guesthouse. The guards told him that it was not a guesthouse, but the palace of the King. But he refused to accept. While all this commotion was going on, the King came down. When he heard what the monk had to say, he asked him the reason as to why he felt that his palace is a guesthouse. The monk asked the King, “Who was staying here before you?” The King said it was his father. The monk then asked him, “Who was staying here before him?” the King replied that it was his grandfather. The monk further asked him, “Was it your great grandfather before your grandfather?” When the King nodded in the affirmative, the monk explained, “Whoever was residing here lived his life believing himself to be the owner, when in fact he had been only a guest here. The palace in which you are living today is going to be occupied by somebody else after your death. If that be the case, if this is not a guest house, then what is it?”

When you too live this life believing yourself to be a guest, the words of the monk would prove very beneficial and you will be free from attachment with worldly things. Do make use of everything, but never let any of the things use you. Do use your mind, but let not the mind use you. Without attachment, mind can be your best friend, with attachment it can be your worst enemy. Hence, live like a guest in this world and be thankful for the hospitality provided to you.