Earth Awakening by Sharon Stewart - HTML preview

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This book encompasses channelings that are messages passed on by divine Ascended Masters, some known, some not, as channeled by Vegan Lightworker Sharon Stewart.

It reflects the later stages of life on Earth, as Gaia's vibrational frequencies increase and our world and all upon it are transmuted into crystalline beings of Love. As the Age of Aquarius ensues on the heels of all that is occurring now, messages between higher dimensions and our own take on noted importance.

This is the time of teaching those upon planet Earth what in fact they have been missing through the waning Age of Pisces, who they once were, and what their future will hold.

So much change is in the works right now and the divine messages from higher realms are guiding, leading and comforting us in a time of great turmoil upon this planet. We know earthlings don't do change well, and reassurance is needed as we traverse the choppy waters of this dimensional transition.

Leaders in this transition of great importance are the starseeds and lightworkers (collectively referred to as lightworkers in this book) who take on the stresses, strains and the joys of transmuting the negative, embodying the higher energies, and helping all to follow in their footsteps. We lead the path to this new age on Planet Eden as crystalline beings of Love that humans are, as the race evolves from one that has only known pain and suffering as a way of life for many.

Homo Sapiens (the third dimensional carbon-based human) will become extinct while Home Divinicus or Homo Universalis begins to predominate upon the planet.

Embraced in all of this is the subject of Disclosure, the Disclosure of benevolent extraterrestrial races, our galactic cousins, who are already leading us, guiding us and loving us as we become more and more aware of their presence in our growing multi-dimensional state.

Sharon's channelings encompass all of these topics and more, some of which she shares with you in this collection of her favourites.

Implant Communications

January 20/20 - May we all learn to see clearly this year