Easy Lucid Dreaming Tips by Jenny Robinson - HTML preview

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How to enter the dream world


One thing I should mention if you are new to lucid dreaming. If you feel vibrations or rapid heartbeat this is not the time to exit into the dream world.

Just stay still and wait for the feelings to pass. You are looking for when it becomes silent again. When it does either try sit up or roll out of your body into your dream body. And have fun!


 Binaural Beats for Lucid Dreaming

In this chapter, we are going to look at some brain stimulation methods specifically  Binaural Beats, their use and benefits for lucid dreaming


What are Binaural Beats?

The word “binaural” has been defined as something to do with “both ears”. Binaural beats are another form of brain “entrainment” and were discovered in 1839 by the German scientist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove.

Basically binaural beats or tones do not exist on a physical level. They are created in the mind when two tones of different frequencies are played separately in each ear.

The brain now merges or combines both sounds to produce a third unique sound called a binaural beat or tone. These sounds have been widely acclaimed by those who have experienced them as simply magical and deeply relaxing.

Benefits of Binaural beats for lucid dreaming

Binaural beats prepare your mind for entering the lucid world through the following:

  • Binaural beats are good for quickly entering a state of meditation. As explained earlier in this article meditation is crucial for lucid dreaming. The kind of meditation experienced with binaural beats is deeper and trance like. The human brain activity would typically begin to slow to a state of almost sleep. This phase known as Theta brain state is very difficult to reach and hold onto normally, but with binaural beats you can consciously enter and explore it.
  • Good for deep mental and physical relaxation.
  • In addition to visual experiences during the hypnagogic state, binaural beats also enhance audio hypnagogia through hearing of sounds.
  • You are consciously aware of the dream scenes as they form before you and as your mind expands beyond your normal consciousness, it is common to have great mental inspiration and insights 
  • Out of body experiences and a floating sensation.

The use of head phones is a must while using the binaural beats method.  and has been said to make the sound effect more pronounced. Many users have reported that they find binaural beats more soothing and rhythmic

What are Isochronic Tones?

You may have heard the term brain “entrainment” technology. This refers to a complex and modern scientifically proven neurological process that utilizes visual or audio stimuli to affect the brain.

The objective is to make the human brainwave frequency duplicate that of the selected stimuli. 

Isochronic tones are a form of brain entrainment and an effective audio based method for stimulating the brain.

An Isochronic tone is basically a single tone being turned on and off rapidly and repeatedly. The pulses of sound created in this on-off pattern cause a sharp and strong impression on the brain.

Isochronic tones were designed to help people resolve certain problems and handle issues such as anxiety and stress reduction.

Benefits of Isochronic tones for lucid dreaming

There are three parts to lucid dreaming using Isochronic tones namely relaxation, the hypnagogic state, and dream entrance.

A closer look at some of the uses of Isochronic tones will help us quickly see why it’s so effective for lucid dreaming:

  • Induce relaxation: Research has shown that the use of these tones helps eliminate or greatly reduce anxiety. They promote a feeling of deep relaxation and allow you to disconnect from daily stress and worries making it much easier to use any of the lucid dreaming methods. 
  • Focus and clarity of mind: This form of brainwave stimulation is an incredible tool for focusing your attention and helping you concentrate on the moment. Normally, getting the brain to perform at its best especially after a stressful day or activities is very challenging. The brain tends to work less and begin to display patterns of frustration and you begin to find yourself struggling to focus. Brainwave stimulation has shown success with being able to improve the mental abilities and focusing of the mind.
  • Enhance meditation: Meditation is indispensible to the act of lucid dreaming. Those that have not yet mastered the art of daily and frequent deep meditation would definitely find the use of Isochronic tones very helpful. Once you are able to get rid of your stress, relax and focus, you would enter a state of meditation. Isochronic tones aid dissociative meditation by shutting out the mental chatter and distractions that could be clouding your thinking thereby taking meditation to greater depth and taking you to a state of peacefulness and quiet.
  • Enter the hypnagogic state: The hypnagogic state is that phase between wakefulness and sleep. It is known for heightened sensations, sights and sounds and is at the borderline of our consciousness. Inducing the hypnagogic state using brain stimulation is particularly effective for having Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (WILD) for example, as it keeps you mentally awake while relaxing the body.

Difference between Isochronic Tones and Binaural beats

  • The most apparent difference is that while the Isochronic tones uses a single tone sound repeatedly, the binaural beat uses two separate sounds of different frequencies at the same time.
  • The use of head phones is a must while using the binaural beats method. This is not required with Isochronic tones.

However, the use of headphones has been said to make the sound effect more pronounced, this is a plus for binaural beats. On the other hand, fans of Isochronic tones choose it because they complain of trouble sleeping with headphones on. This could seriously disturb any chance of having a lucid dream.

  • Many users have reported that they find binaural beats more soothing and rhythmic than Isochronic tones. By nature, Isochronic tones are relatively sharp and pulsing and could become irritating to the listener. It’s basically a matter of preference and personal taste, a sound that is soothing for one person may be disturbing to another.

It is obvious that each style of brain entrainment whether Isochronic tones or binaural beats have great benefits for lucid dreaming.

They have been proven over and over again to induce an altered state of awareness simply by listening to the sounds produced.

One major advantage is that using these sounds, all you have to do is relax and lie quietly and let the tones work on you. You don’t require very strict mental focus. With time, you would be able to choose the method that works best for you.


Let go of your fears

When I was new to lucid dreaming -  during the day I was excited, enthusiastic and couldn't wait to get started.

But at night when it was dark and silent I was scared. I was scared of sleep paralysis. Of the unknown, running into evil entities that might try to attack me.

And because of this fear it took me a year to have frequent lucid dreams. This fear is what stopped me.

Ask yourself honestly are you afraid to lucid dream? Even just a tiny bit? Because this is what is going to hold you back.

At the beginning I did manage to talk myself out of all the fears but there was still a tiny part of me that was scared.

I tried all the lucid dreaming techniques bought a lot of the books and I was very dedicated and did everything the books told me to. 

But it didn't matter because I was scared and it was holding me back. I realized this when in 2013 it was a bad year! One traumatic event after another took place in my life.

But you know on my really low days something AMAZING happened. I lucid dreamed! I had many phenomenal out of this world WILDS. And this is because at my lowest points I wasn't scared.

Once I realized that deep down I was still a little afraid that was the turning point for me. And that was the solution into being able to have more lucid dreams.

Tips to overcome your fears

Sometimes people are afraid that they will run into evil entities that will try and attack them. If you do run into one. Just remember that you can wake yourself up anytime.

Also try and use it to turn into a positive experience. Remember anything you experience in a lucid dream just means your tapping into your subconscious.

They are a projection of your own mind. Face the evil entity and ask it what it wants. You may be surprised at the answer that the evil being/your subconscious gives you.

Perhaps it is a message to look after yourself or be happy with who you are.



Try and train your mind from wanting to lucid dream to expecting it to happen. You may not think much of this technique but it is a simple yet powerful way to have a lucid dream as early as tonight.

Believe that lucid dreaming is easy and it will be. Think positive.

If you have been practicing for a while, you may notice you are getting better at certain things like dream recall, or your focusing skills are improving.

Make a note of how easy it has become for you.  And hold onto that thought because you are already starting to see some signs that you are making progress and any day now you will be having lucid dreams.



Taking naps

Your odds increase whenever you squeeze in some snooze after getting out of bed earlier each day.

Give attention to your willingness to see that you are currently dreaming while you fall asleep within the rest.

There will be a fair shake at lucid dreaming while napping not less than an hour or perhaps two as compared to your typical sleep during the night time.
