Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Illnesses are the major causes for the loss of libido in women. Illnesses are always uncomfortable and disturb the person from within. Even though some illness may not be painful or distressing, it may keep the person weak and exhausted, thus never allowing the mind to get into any mood for lovemaking.

Illnesses could be physical or mental.  Either way, all affect the sex drive in a woman.

Mental or psychological problems could be anxiety or depression, stress or any family problem, such as finance or strained relationship, low self-esteem, past experience of sexual abuse or rape, obesity or a very lean flat shapeless  body, all adds up to low sex drive or an extreme loss of libido.

Physical illnesses include terminal diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, vital organ diseases/failure, while temporary illnesses may include infection or viral fevers. Injury and surgery of certain parts of the body may add to the loss of libido, such as spinal injury.

Vaginismus, an involuntary contraction of the vaginal wall, occurs in young women; when untreated, it may carryon until later years.  The cause of vaginismus may be more psychological such as extreme pain during intercourse due to rape, fear of penile penetration, anxiety, stress, or traumatic childbirth experience, than physical like vaginal infections such as Yeast infection.  Vaginismus causes extreme pain during intercourse, which may bring more fear in a woman than pleasure in having sex.

Dyspareunia, a painful condition during sex, is due to the absence or insufficient lubrication in women. This may happen due to any abnormalities in the ovaries or the pelvis. Vaginal dryness makes sex very unromantic, both for men as well as women. This condition, if persists, gradually makes sex more strained and in a “to do or not to do” situation.  Similarly, vulvodynia pain may occur due to inflammation of the vaginal region or valvar skin which could also cause dyspareunia in women.

Preorgasmic headache may be dull and the feeling may be felt in the neck as well as the jaw. It lasts about f an hour on both sides of the temple. It is extremely distressing and takes away the pleasure of indulging in sex.

Orgasmic headache occurs at the time of reaching orgasm. The throbbing may be felt all over the head.

Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease.

Renal failure in women too disturbs the sexual functioning and the desire to have sex.

Anal cancer in women due to infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), frequency of different sex partners, genital warts, smoking, receptive anal intercourse, and infection with human immunodeficiency virus, all affects her sex life.

The five stages of a healthy sexual behavior in a woman; desire, arousal, secreting fluid from vagina, orgasm and relaxation after orgasm, could be disturbed due to various factors in a woman’s life.  These factors, as mentioned earlier, could be: Diseases, medications, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, and aversion to her partner, past sexual abuse/rape, low hormone level, nursing, or pregnant woman, and unhealthy lifestyle in general.

Unless there is a specific reason for the loss of libido in women, her loss of libido may be more imaginary and more of a put-off situation.  Women, similar to men, find love making with the same partner and the same situation boring and stereotype. If she does not find sex interesting, she may never want to get back to the grind of having sex again, leaving it for the next best day when things will be better and more interesting or relaxing, for instance, on a Saturday night or Sunday, when work load is lesser. However, circumstances may change the situation and those days may turn out to be different than planned, the program for sex again is differed to some other day, this carries on for some time by when the pleasure of having sex in the past  erases from the memory.  These erstwhile pleasures are replaced with a more practical thought of all the mess and undue physical exertion that sex acts brings in a clean bedroom.  Eventually this lack of sexual desire stops the sexual response cycle before the next desire could even start- with the passing of time and with low level of hormone, it leads to almost a permanent shutdown of the libido in women.

It is most unfortunate to see how natures’ most affordable and pleasurable gift to men and women are so badly disrespected and ignored, bringing unhappiness and strained relationship between otherwise happy couples.

If only those people suffering from sex problems could stop for a while and think why they are suffering from what they are suffering; mostly, they may unlock the problems and get back to their good old selves once again. It is only about finding why and when things started going wrong in the body and mind to influence sexual conditions in performing poorly or not performing at all.