First Impressions: How to win Them All by Asmaa Kadry - HTML preview

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Rule number 8:
Love is all!

For so many decades and since the


industrial and technological revolution


began people especially in the western


civilizations got completely involved in


materialism and out of spirituality until


they were drained! Minus spirituality got them real sick, sick in body and soul,


individually as well as socially; which


pushed them in a last desperate action


to take their hurt minds and souls and


slowly crawl out of materialism and


back into spirituality again in the 70’s


of the last century through the new age


thinking movement.


This movement involved pretty much


the same concept they tried to deny in


the beginnings of the twentieth century,


all dogmas and principals of religions as


a whole was telling us the same things


nothing more or less, but some people are more comfortable calling them new


names and powering them with their


modern studies and proofs, unknowing


that they are actually proving those


ancient religious concepts themselves,


and secretly admitting that it was a


wrong move getting out of religion in


the first place just to keep going in wide


and complicated circles before turning


back into the same dogmas, but


through a newly created gate called


“new age movement”. But it’s o.k.! I


think if this new nomination will make


them more comfortable so be it! All I care that they’re back into spirituality,


all I care that humans are finally


humans again!


Actually it’s a good thing, a blessed


movement enriched humanity with all


the materialistic proofs that we are not


materialistic creatures! We are creatures


of souls, the very difference between a


clay statue and a human being made out


of the same clay material except that


this heavenly made statue were puffed


by God with this extraordinary element,


this divine pure element we call “a


spirit”. And it became absolutely dominant over


that clay-made body; it imposed all of


its characters over the clays, lifting it


upwards, majorly shifting it towards


greatness and finally allowing it to be


the master of the world.


So we are creatures of spirit, and here


we are gaining all its powers and


qualities, but also needing its needs


which are of course very different than


the clay’s needs. That is while our


bodies need water, food, exercise,


…etc, our souls in need of only love as


its major and most vital need. We need love to survive; we work hard


for success to gain love, we get to know


each others and well treat each others


to gain love, we even get to know God


to gain love, the most precious and


important love of all!


So anyone who can give us even a tiny


amount of love is a good person, and


easily becomes close and important to


us, and anyone who tries to disturb this


love atmosphere around us either by


saying bad things that would make us


feel bad about ourselves or by doing


things no matter how small and insignificant gestures those could be


that make us feel bad, those people are


certainly unwanted and not welcome in our lives. It is as simple as this!