First Impressions: How to win Them All by Asmaa Kadry - HTML preview

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A message to the impressionable:

All through the past chapters we


admitted how powerful first impressions


can be in determining your social


image; that's a known fact nobody can


deny, but is it right? Is it fair to judge people depending only


on one meeting might not exceed an




Is it even reasonable to make a decision


– any decision – based on information


you gathered for just one hour or so?


Does it make any sense?


It gets worse! Some people not only


take the first impression to be accurate


and true; but also take it as the only


truth; they adopt it and refuse to give


further chances that might change it no matter what, I only see that as


unbelievable rigidity!


Humans are extremely variable


creatures always suffer from dramatic


changes according to many things like


mood, health, financials, career


conditions, domestic circumstances,


how well one ate or slept or even


according to weather!


That means A LOTA LOT of changes if you do


the math! Statistically there's a very small chance


for a given person to be perfectly well


from every aspect. And even if they


were, that leaves us with good chances


of being tense, shy or nervous, or even


having poor social skills! By all means


defining whether or not this is the real


personality you're dealing with based on


one meeting is practically impossible!


I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't


take any impressions at all from the


first meeting; I'm only asking you to


keep open for further meetings before you go ahead and make a decision that


could affect both of your lives greatly.


Give more chances before you “tick”


right or wrong, look again perhaps you


were mistaken in the first time; it's only fair!