Gabriel's Message by Erik Pitts - HTML preview

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Gabriel's Message


I have a gift.  I will seek out help in strengthening it.

I will fulfill my destiny.


What about my destiny?

Your destiny IS my destiny.

Who are you?

I am Gabriel.

Why me?

You are ready.

Ready for?

Ready for an expanded awareness.


Morning, 6/6/15, approximately 2 AM

During the previous day, I had become acutely aware of my gift to communicate or channel from the non-physical realm.  It was not a specific experience.  It was a knowing.  A powerful, emotional thunderbolt of knowing.

Around 2 AM, I decided to meditate.  I was familiar with two guides who had helped me through much suffering in the past.  They were like two old friends, always available to sit down and talk.

I called on them.  I asked if there was anyone wishing to speak to me.

They seemed to smile and each stepped to one side as a third figure approached.  He was brilliantly gold, with shining gold armor and massive golden wings.

I asked, “Who are you?”


Then he reached out his hand, touched my forehead, and said “Sleep”.

At that moment, he spun around and floated backward into me.  His wings became my wings.  I opened my eyes and ended my meditation.  I then laid down and as directed fell immediately to sleep.

This is how we met.


You need to begin.  You need to stop fighting, procrastinating, doubting.  Stop fighting the impulse.  Stop doubting yourself.  Stop doubting me.

You are familiar with Abraham.  You know of their teachings.  They have stated “stop doing that thing you are doing.”  This is your turn.  For when you stop doing that thing you do, you make room for something else.  Something new.  Something amazing.  Something beautiful.  Are you ready?

I think I am.  Wait.  I am.  “Thinking” I am is part of that doubting, isn’t it?

It is.

Then I am ready.  And I must be.  Because now I have proof.  I have already begun.


Thank you.  For the loving encouragement.

It is what we provide for you.  By “we”, I am describing those of us that wish to aid humanity on its quest for consciousness.  By “you”, I mean all on Earth who are ready for this awakening.

So not me personally?

You are part of the many who are becoming aware of who and what you really are.  So yes, for you personally.  But also for many more.  Some who will know these words and communications.  Some who become aware in their own ways.  Many are already aware.  Many are already awake.  But many, many more are still in the process of awakening. 


It is a…difficult… process.  Difficult because you must let go of so much that you have already learned.  You must revise everything you know through the lens of a new paradigm.

But there are many who do not have the burden of so much knowledge to “unlearn”.


Yes.  Your young are now showing up with a glimmer of understanding already within them.

Indigo children?  Those with memories of past lives?  Even autism?

Yes.  You are seeing something new occurring on your planet.  Your young are different.  “At odds” so to speak, with your current views and understanding.  You do not know what to make of them.

What do we do?

First you medicate them.  In an attempt to conform them.  And to a small degree, it has worked.  But your goals to conform them are not sufficient to keep up with the numbers that are arriving.  They are showing up with too much clarity.  Too much self-determination.  Too much “non-conformity!”

It is forcing those on your planet to take notice.

You are personally aware of this.

I am.



I have experienced this and still am with regard to at least one of my two children.

What is the wish, the desire of your child in this regard?

She doesn’t want medicine.  She doesn’t want to be “fixed”.  She wants to be wholly herself.

This is the wish of all sentient beings.  Through this earthly experience, many believe they are unable to express themselves authentically.  They feel trapped, blocked, prevented, ostracized, and crucified.

But these children?

They are different.  They are showing up with enough memory, enough awareness of their true selves, that they cannot be contained.

It is amazing to witness.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  The shift that is occurring on your planet, and it is occurring, is part of their journey.

Their journey?

Each generation comes with intent, with a knowing of the events on your planet.  They are aware of what they are coming in to.  It is part of their decision.  It is part of your decision.  Each person understands the aspects they wish to draw forth from themselves before they arrive.  They know what they wish to experience.  They choose.

And they know that much will be forgotten in the transition.  But each individual knows the call of their own soul.  They know how to trust their feeling, their knowing.  It is how they express their choosing.  You have been taught to follow your bliss, follow your feelings.  This is why.  While you may not remember the decisions you made before you arrived here, you know your feelings.  Within your feelings is encoded your choices.  Your desires are your decisions.

So we each come with a plan?

Yes.  A roadmap of sorts that sets you on a path with the greatest potential to allow you to experience the aspects of yourself that you wish to know.

Part of that decision includes understanding the environment that you enter.  You are aware of the cultural, political and geographical nature of your birth time and place.  You choose those specifically because of what they offer.  You are aware of the family, struggles, support and blessings to expect.  You choose these also.


Those coming now are aware of the shift that is occurring.  It is WHY they are coming.  Some to enjoy it.  Some to explore it.  Some to expand it.

Why now?

Because the energy on your planet is beginning to resonate at a level at which this change in awareness is possible.  Never before has there been an opportunity to experience this energy on such a mass scale.

Throughout your history, there have always been teachers, healers, storytellers…but never many at one time.  Always and only a few.  They stand out in your memories and your textbooks as individuals.  Your planet was never able to accommodate many.  The energy could not sustain more than a handful at a time.

That is changing.  We are helping.

Helping?  How?

By preparing the way.  By making our presence known.  By speaking to you and through you.  More people on your planet are experiencing these communications than ever before.

Like me?  Like this dialogue?

Yes.  Like you.  And many others like you.  You have come to prepare the way for this generation.  You feel the need.  The desire to lay the groundwork.  You wish to make this a better place.  For who?  For them.  It has always been for them.  Those that are coming now.

But every parent wants to make the world a better place for their children.  How is this different?

Because you do not wish to simply make a better place for your own children.  You wish to improve the space for all children.  You, and those like you, see beyond your own family, your own culture, your own country.  You see the benefit in healing this space for all children.

They are coming with a greater awareness.  But there will still be many struggles.  They need you to prepare this space with love and guidance, acceptance and compassion.  They are ready to impact the world in ways you cannot imagine.  Your part is simply to prepare the world for them.

What are some ways we can prepare?

Teach them.  Not just reading, writing, and arithmetic.  Those are important tools for navigating your world.  But also teach them the laws of the universe.  Teach them the power of their own thoughts.  Teach them how to dream and create.  Teach them meditation.  Teach them this one simple tool and you will be amazed at the changes they will bring to your world in just one generation.

Teach them how to feel joy and love.  Teach them to have fun.  Teach them to play.  They already know how to do this instinctively, just teach them that it is okay.  Teach them to enjoy everything.

This seems so obvious, yet we don’t see this as often in our world as we’d like.  How can we change this?  How can we best guide them and teach them these things?

Learn.  Not just reading, writing, and arithmetic.  These are important tools for navigating your world.  But also learn the laws of the universe.  Learn the power of your own thoughts.  Learn how to dream and create.  Learn meditation.  Learn this one simple tool and you will be amazed at the changes you will bring to your world in just one generation.

Learn how to feel joy and love.  Learn to have fun.  Learn to play.  You already know how to do this instinctively, just know that it is okay.  Learn to enjoy everything.

This seems like such a simple solution.  This sounds like such an easy change to make.  But it is hard to imagine our world truly taking these steps to heart.

It IS hard for you to imagine.  That is why it is hard for you to create.  When it becomes easy for you to imagine, it will be easy for you to create.

This is based on the law of attraction, isn’t it?  One of the laws of the universe.

It is.  If you cannot imagine it, you cannot create it.  So change your thought about it being hard to imagine.


This information is amazing to me.  And timely.  Yet, for those who may be considering the question…How is this different from “generation gaps” of the past?

The difference is that everything is moving faster now, speeding up.  The differences between generations are greater now than previously observed.

In general, all youth go through phases of rebellion and confusion as they grow and begin to make their own decisions about the world they live in.  But it can also be observed that the world they grew up in was not very different from the world their parents knew as children.

That is changing.  Because the pace of change is increasing, differences from one generation to the next are now equivalent to the difference of 3, 5, even 10 generations in the past.  This has been explained in other material, but I will summarize here.

Thank you.

Consider for example a time period of 1,000 years ago.  Life was understood to be a certain way based on the knowledge of the people.  Five generations could span an era of almost 100 years, with relatively little change in world view.  The knowledge of the people progressed only a small amount during that time.

Therefore the understanding and awareness that children possessed as they came into the world was not far removed from the understanding and awareness of their parents.

But if a child arrived with an awareness five generations ahead of his time, then he would be considered quite a misfit.  Or a genius.  Both have occurred. 

Now consider 100 years ago on your planet.  World views changed more rapidly.  Technology, information and knowledge progressed at a greater pace.

The difference in awareness between generations was greater, but this gap was still generally able to be bridged.  However if a child was born with an awareness just two or three generations ahead of her time, then she would be considered quite a misfit.  Or a genius.  Both have occurred.

Now consider just ten years ago.  The difference in awareness between parent and child is becoming even more pronounced.  It is more and more difficult to bridge the gap in understanding.  If a child is born with an awareness just one generation ahead of their time, they are considered a misfit.  Or a genius.  Both are occurring right now.

You mean what we’re seeing all around us today?  On the one hand, we are seeing all kinds of child prodigies coming forth, with amazing skills and talents far beyond their years in our current understanding.  And on the other hand, we have an explosion of “disorders” ranging from all sorts of attention problems to the whole spectrum of autism-related diagnoses.

Yes.  That is exactly what I am referring to.  In many cases, you cannot recognize their gifts and their talents because your current worldview has no place for them.

Now let me ask you a question.


Have you noticed that a fair number of the extremely gifted children and those with extreme difficulties are the same children?

Actually, yes.  In many cases, I have noticed that what you describe is what I have observed.  More and more stories like that are popping up all over.

Now what do you suppose makes the difference?

From the little information I’ve seen, it seems that when parents recognize that the current educational systems aren’t meeting the needs of their child, some choose a different path.  They might pull them out of school, opting instead for homeschooling or individualized learning.  In some cases, I’ve read about parents who got rid of education altogether.  Often in these cases, the parents chose instead to just let their child explore his or her interests and provided opportunity and space for the child to learn in whatever way was best for them.

And the results?

From the information I’ve come across, nothing short of phenomenal.  At least that’s what I have observed. 

Your observations are correct.

But I always felt that these were unique events.  Very rare in their occurrence.

At this time, you are somewhat accurate.  Right now these examples are rare.  But they are also growing.  This phenomenon is becoming more widespread.  In a very short time, there will be an explosion of similar events.

Are we talking about an exponential growth?

Not quite, but that is a good approximation.  In fact, the number you are aware of is deceptively small.  There are a great deal of children on your planet now who are not recognized for their potential.  They are often mislabeled and medicated.  They currently fall into the “misfit” category.

When you say soon, is there a specific timeframe to consider?

You will see a significant rise in the number of children with this greater awareness in just one generation.

So, over the next ten to twenty years, we will begin to witness this explosion?

Yes.  It will include enough children to force educational systems worldwide to reconsider their objectives.  Your outdated methods of teaching simply are not prepared for the level of creativity and insight that will be coming forth from the students.

So we’re not just talking about intelligence.  This goes further than the idea that “kids are smarter these days.”

Much further.  Intelligence is a part of it.  In fact, it is one of the aspects that your schools and institutions are best at identifying and nurturing.  Yet, this is not the case with respect to the other talents you will begin to see.  The children that are coming will be more creative, more intuitive, more empathic, more psychic, and more aware of their connection to everything in the universe.  They will be more attuned to plants, more attuned to animals and more attuned to each other.  They will think far more collaboratively than competitively.  Many of your current institutions are not designed to accommodate and nurture these traits.


(Note:  Up to this point, I was writing this conversation into a small notebook and transcribing it later.  However, the ideas were coming very fast at times.  Therefore, I attempted to see if I could use my computer to type during our meetings, because my typing is much faster than my writing.)

This is just a test for me to feel if typing is still a good way to communicate.

It is.

I just feel like writing is so much more natural.  It’s just slow too.

I can meet you wherever you are.  The method is not important.  You know when you hear my voice.  Whether you write it, type it, sing it or yell it is irrelevant.  What is important is that you do not ignore it.  In fact, which ever medium you choose, as you practice with it, it will become more comfortable.

I’m glad.  I feel like there is so much that I want to ask, and writing requires more effort.  And I want this to flow effortlessly.

 Good.  Do not be dissuaded from your path, because you have witnessed the path of another.  I do not speak to you through your pen.  Or your keyboard.  I speak through your knowing.

Not my mind?

No….the mind is too fickle.  It wants to translate everything.  Your soul is able to hear truth.  Understand that you will at times have moments like you just did there, coming up with the word fickle.  That is because the idea is what you hear.  You choose the words to express those ideas in.  All of this information will filter through your life experiences.  All of them.

Even life experiences from other lives?

Yes.  They may not sit in your conscious understanding, but they dwell underneath them as part of the whole that you are.

Wow…I never thought about it that way.

I know.  That is another way that you can learn to trust yourself.  Just as you have read and heard other messages that you knew without a doubt were not coming from the speaker, you will have that experience here as well.

Thank you.  You addressed another concern that was nagging at me.

I know your concerns.  I will work with them and around them as necessary to get my message through.

Thank you again.  That actually removes some of the burden I’ve been feeling.  I have felt the need to make sure that I get the ideas exactly right.  That maybe I would misinterpret something.  Or not be very clear.  But I trust that you will keep me honest in those moments.

I will.  Just as your questions will keep me honest.  You will require greater explanation rather than just taking my word for it.  It may seem sacrilegious, but it is also necessary.  It is how true communication works.  Rest now.  We have a lot to cover tomorrow. 

Thank you.  Good night.


How will these children fare in our current system?

They will rebel against it.  They will begin to ask questions that are not on the curriculum.  They will realize that they have all recorded information at their fingertips.  And they will realize that they have all intuitive knowledge within themselves.  They will begin to question the very foundation of schooling and “education”.  It has often been said that your children are taught what to think instead of how to think.  Changing the curriculum to accommodate this will not be necessary, because they will start knowing how to think.  And how to ask.  And how to create.

A paradigm shift of that sort will certainly expand beyond just schools.

Of course.  All of your institutions will be taken into question.  Your education system will simply be the first to feel the effects.  As they move beyond their school-age years, they will transform how you do business.  Then they will transform how you do medicine.  Then they will transform how you govern.

You described earlier how we can best prepare ourselves to help prepare for this new shift.  However, it sounds like there isn’t a whole lot that can be done to prepare the larger institutions for these changes.

In many ways, you are correct.  Your large systems are not designed to change quickly to shifting circumstances.  However, as more within these systems become aware of a shift in consciousness, they will be better able to adapt to a shift in population.  Individuals will help smooth the transition.  In small but meaningful ways.  The core of education has always centered on the individual teacher as a change agent.  In medicine it is the individual doctor or nurse that affects the overall effectiveness of a hospital visit.  Faith in politics comes down to faith or lack thereof in an individual politician.  As individuals within these large organizations begin to see more clearly, the entire system begins to shift.  In small ways at first, but these ripple out into larger and larger impacts.

But it seems, like it always has, that changing such large Goliaths are impossible from the individual standpoint.

A simple truth has always remained the same when considering large implications and changing worldviews…the real change is always a personal and individual process.  You cannot expect to make large-scale changes within a huge organization.  You can only make large-scale changes within yourself.  Many spiritual teachers have taught you that you do not attempt to change the world.  The change happens within.  And when it does, you are then able to see a new world.

So as a shift in consciousness happens to enough individuals within these large institutions, eventually the consciousness of the institution itself changes.


Should that be a goal for people, to change their own perceptions with the goal of changing the paradigm of their company or system or organization?

No.  This is a common misconception.  There are some who know their path clearly, and can see the steps needed to bring about the goals they desire within their workplace or environment.  But this is quite rare.  For most, the idea of bringing change to their work culture is daunting and exhausting.  It brings about the decision to leave the workplace entirely and start a new environment that truly meets their needs and desires.  This is why you have seen such an explosion in entrepreneurs in your business sector.  They know they cannot successfully meet their own life goals and visions while trying to forcefully bend a business culture to their will.  So they are creating a new kind of business culture.  One of collaboration and collective benefit.

I guess sometimes it feels like people should try to make positive change within their organizations.

And yet the very idea of should is itself a slippery slope.  When a person decides to try to ‘fix’ a workplace culture out of a sense of obligation, they quickly lose their effectiveness.  This happens because they are no longer in a place of personal awareness.  They are focusing on the problems that are “over there” and working to make things better from the outside in.  They become disconnected from their own source, their own sense of well-being.  And so their actions are fruitless, because they are no longer acting within their joy.  Obligation is not joy.

When you can be where you are without judgement and work to make your own clarity and sense of value a priority, it has much greater impact than trying to ‘fix’ your coworkers or your office or your institution.  When you can no longer find your inner joy while continuing to do the work that you do, then it is time to find new work that speaks to your heart and your passion.

But that feels like giving up.  Like quitting.  Like running away from the problem.

I doubt many of your entrepreneurs would consider themselves quitters.  And it is more like running toward the solution than running away from the problem.  You have learned over and over that the problem is never where your focus should be if you intend to create positive change.  Those that leave situations like the one described are making the most positive impact to the solution.

You have experienced this dilemma.

I have.    I spent a long time in a military career.  And overall, I really enjoyed my job.  I loved making a positive impact on the people around me and within the organization.  However, I knew for a long time that I could never fully become the person I wanted to be within that framework.  I learned a great deal throughout my career, but I knew it was time to move on.  And only now that I am outside of that paradigm, can I see exactly what I was missing.  At the time, it was only a knowing, a suspicion that there was so much more to myself that I was waiting to explore.  And so I can look back on my time in the military, see all that it brought me and continues to bring me, bless it, and release it.

Exactly.  You are moving in the direction of a solution to the question of your own purpose here.  You are moving in a direction now that will best help you fulfill that desire.  The generations on the horizon will be much better at making that determination early.  Already your business world is confused by so many people who move from job to job with no real level of commitment.  They are already beginning to sense that it is about more than loyalty to a boss or company.  It is a loyalty to themselves, first and foremost.  When a job does not ‘feel’ right, people move on.  And many company owners and managers do not know how to handle this kind of situation.  But even in this field there are already changes stirring.  There are owners and CEOs who are bringing a new kind of consciousness to their companies and to their business practices.  They understand that the work that is done must fulfill more than a bank account for their employees.  They are striving to fulfill their own greatest potential by helping their employees fulfill theirs.  When business is conducted in this holistic manner, abundance flows freely, both to a company and from it.

You see these shifts beginning in your marketplace because it is more directly linked to the needs and desires of customers and clients.  So it adapts more quickly.  Your schools, hospitals and governments will eventually follow the same pattern.  But because they are influenced more by pressures from above, rather than the customers they serve, it is a much slower process. 

Is there any way to help this transition happen quicker?  It seems almost crucial lately to improve these institutions before it’s “too late”. 

There is no “too late” as you describe.  Everything will come about in its own time.  So the process of making change happen quicker is, by its very nature, full of effort.  Effort is not what is required here.  Understanding is.  And awareness that these changes are coming.  And appreciation for the strides that have already been made.  You cannot push a stream downstream any faster than it is already going.  However, you can work to remove obstacles that may be damming the water.  Clear the way with love and understanding.  Preparation is key here.  As more and more people on your planet are prepared for the shifts that are occurring, the more easily they move with the transitions rather than fighting them.  People who refuse to see a new possibility or refuse to change are one of the greatest obstacles.  But you cannot look on them as an ‘enemy’ or the problem.  They are part of the process.  Be ready to help those that are having difficulty with the changing environment around them.  They resist because they have forgotten who they really are.  They are stubborn because they believe, quite understandably, that this physical plane is paramount above all other things.  They think that they are their bodies.  They think that this is their home.  They think that changes will cause them to lose all that they have gained in this lifetime.  They think these things because they do not remember the truth of their source.  Be gentle with them, for they “know not what they do.” 

Wow.  That’s such a peaceful way of looking at things.  And I can see in my mind that your suggestion is a much more effective way of dealing with resistance.  Your point of view is filled with wisdom and understanding not often found on our planet.  And the essence of what you say seems so familiar.

It should be familiar.  I have revealed the same message generation after generation.  In every age, there are those who could hear my words.  In every era, there are those who understood.  In every time period, there are those who offered my teachings to others.  Often with very mixed results.  Yet the goal is not in the results.  The goal is always in raising the consciousness of mankind on this planet.  That goal has always been successful.  It has never failed.  Each time, man’s awareness of himself has increased, allowing him to recognize greater and greater potential within himself.

Throughout your history, my presence has been felt.  Each time I have heralded the coming of those who would lift your consciousness and broaden your understanding.  Each time I have prepared the world for the coming of those who would change the world.  Each time my goal has been to break down the barriers and remove the obstacles.  I have prepared the way for every individual who sought to bring awareness to your world.  I am doing so again.  Here.  Now.

But this time, I do not prepare the way for an individual.  I prepare the way for a generation.

I have seen articles about indigo children, crystal children and rainbow children.  Is this what you are referring to?

Yes, but it is more than just a label on a few children.  Each of those you just listed are part of a greater whole. From your perspective, each category of children is showing up with a greater level of what you would call spirituality or enlightenment.  If you tried to label each distinct category, you would soon run out of terms for describing them.  What is happening now is less about labels and more about unity.  As your planet-wide consciousnes

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