Gifts of the Spirit by Cate Cavanagh - HTML preview

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First let’s look at how we can tell whether or not we have negativity around us. Earlier we looked at how a large, seven-day candle can make the determination as to whether or not there is negativity around us. We can also use water. Place a large clear glass of cold water in every room. If a lot of bubbles form, you have negativity as a houseguest. If you discover this, first put some salt in the water before you pour it down the toilet. The salt neutralizes any negativity and further protects you and your home should any of the water spill. This is not to be poured down a sink but into a toilet. This is a divining tool of Hispanic tradition. The glass can be scrubbed with salt and refilled everyday until the water remains free of bubbles. Yes, eventually, depending on how much negativity you have in your environment, the water will become free of bubbles.

Thereafter, put a glass of water in a corner in every room and change it about once a week. Once a week, check the water. If bubbles begin to form, you can repeat the ritual from the beginning. Another use of water is to put an ice cold glass of water by your bedside on your night stand. Water used this way helps encourage better sleep and cleanses your rest area while you are most vulnerable—when you are asleep. It is also helpful as a deterrent to nightmares. When water is used for spiritual purposes, such as this, it is important that this water not be ingested. Dreamcatchers are quite popular now as decorations. But, dreamcatchers are of Navajo Indian origin and were handmade to hang above sleeping children. They were used to ‘catch’ nightmares thus allowing the children to sleep restfully. If you are artistic, learning to make a dreamcatcher is a handy tool for a good night’s sleep, especially if you implement the majickal skills discussed in this book. A true dreamcatcher will rotate or change position when it is suspended from a high place, like a ceiling. Even with no breeze, you will be pleased to note this activity as it divines the direction from which negativity may be coming.

Another simple and plentiful item is ice. Negativity is purged by cold. You can cleanse your home by mopping the floors with cold water, ice cubes and some salt (optional). This is also of the Hispanic tradition and when used tank or caged animals are covered and dogs and cats are put outside or in a room other than the one being cleansed. Adding an ice cube to that glass of water by your bed will also make the spiritual purpose that much more potent.

One thing I caution clients about is that sometimes, when such cleansings are begun for the first time, those spirits that will be sent on their way are not happy about it at all. Sometimes, as a “final stand,” more stress and chaos is created by them in an effort to discourage a client from continuing with what they need to do. At these times, it is most important for the client to persist. I have had clients begin to experience so much chaos and interference that they did not complete their “homework” only to come back and ask for more help as things worsened.

When they became determined and fulfilled the recommended assignments things did indeed change. I recently received a call from a client I had not seen for months. She called to tell me that she had finally completed everything as instructed and that now, things were much, much better. When I first met her, she was living in a hotel as part of Public Assistance, unable to see herself ever having real home for herself and her children again. When I spoke with her, she had moved into a beautiful, big sunny apartment which, she said, was exactly as I described. I told her I had no recollection of what I told her because my spirits do the talking and I usually remember very little of a reading. This is why I have people write down notes during a reading. This is for their reference and later validation.

She is not the only person who was nice enough to let me know how much better life had become for her as a result of a consultation. As I tell everyone “I got the answer from my spirits for you but, you had to do the work.” In other words, they had to do the spiritual bath, cleansing, prayer and offerings on the time table given. They had to put in the energy of DOING. Although most of my clients know nothing of charging, the energy they put into the ripples of change was due to following instruction to the letter. As I said before, my goal is for people to learn how to take of themselves spiritually and not need me. Many of my clients have now reached a point where their own spiritual awareness has opened new insights never experienced before. This is simply because they worked to find their own truth through prayer, meditation and action.

Here is recipe for a muscle liniment. In a large jar, pour one bottle of alcohol. Add about a heaping handful of bay leaves, two red eucalyptus branches (leaves and stems broken into pieces. Then add a handful of sage, thyme and rosemary and allow these ingredients to steep for about a week. I make known my intention for this liniment, ask the Creator’s blessing and charge every item as we discussed earlier. Snake is the animal spirit of transformation, usually personal but transformation can take place in the areas of health as well. Since my daughter has a snake, she gives me the skin she sheds for use in my shamanistic work. I would not dream of purchasing anything that depended on the killing or butchering of an animal for my work. By my using the snake skin, I am calling upon transformation power of snake medicine from the spirit realm where this energy is as abundant as I can create. I add this skin to the alcohol mix. After about a week, I will add one bottle of pure virgin olive oil and onequarter cup of salt. The salt will draw out heat and also neutralizes any spiritual cause for the ache or pain.

As I mentioned before, salt was the only ingredient, aside from water that Jesus used. Salt added to any bath will always disperse negativity but, it can also be used simply as an added protection against negativity in the home. Straight from the container, pour small amounts in your hand and dash it all around the house. You can sprinkle it on the floors, onto the walls (it will fall to the floor), and especially in the corners of every room. After a while, just sweep or vacuum. Take a little of salt and make a line in front of any doorways then simply put your welcome mat over it so no one notices. This will help keep negativity outside your home. Replace it about once a week.

To improve prosperity, here a bath you can make and take about once a week.
Use your “pot” and fill it ¾ full with water. (Don’t forget to charge and pray that your work be acceptable) To the water add the following ingredients which you will charge before they are added to the water: A bunch of fresh sage or ½ cup of dried sage from your spice rack, one cup of sugar, ½ cup of cinnamon, ½ cup of basil and about ¼ cup of coriander seeds. Remember to order that no one be affected or harmed to obtain what you need. Initially take a bath three days in a row then once a week for three weeks and stop worrying. Remember however, if you have years of debt that has accumulated, the ripples created need to catch up until they overtake your money management problems. What is interesting with a bath like this or any work to improve finances is that often times, the amount of money doesn’t increase it just eventually seems to stretch further until money resources find their way to you. If one is observant, the gradual connection of cause and effect can be seen in any improvement. Money problems are no different they are just incredibly stressful and challenging to our truth.
To alleviate tension and nervousness, place a glass of water by your bedside. Sprinkle salt around your bed. Light a blue candle, which you have cleansed under which you place a white handkerchief or cloth in a safe spot. If you can muster up the discipline, do your breathing exercise. Let you mind go blank and allow images to drift in and out of your mind without allowing any emotional response to occur. Do reflective or inspirational reading or psalms. This reading is to awaken that part of your spirit that has become frazzled so it leads you back to your true state of being which is to be spiritual and at peace.
Every morning, salt the water and pour it down the toilet. Do this every night until you feel calm. The benefits are usually quite quick. Not too long ago, a trickster spirit was taking advantage of me during my dreamtime and assaulted me not once, but twice! I not only sprinkled around the bed but on the sheets themselves to offset this nasty attack. It was a little scratchy, but, it really didn’t bother me and I slept like a baby afterward. The next morning, my husband asked why the sheets were so scratchy (he had been sleeping when this happened). When I explained what happened, he helped me shake off the sheets and put them in the laundry. Ralph has come to know that things are done for a reason and it is truly wonderful to have the understanding of a mate when you live the path I do.
Here is a simple recipe for releasing worry about a situation or condition. The anonymous groups use this practice quite effectively but do not call it witchcraft. You will need a leaf that has fallen and is dried enough to burn (or a piece of white paper), your majick pot ( or cauldron) and a dried twig you have found. The reason you will be using a dried twig is that this will become your majickal writing instrument. You see, majick works better if you use as little that is manufactured as possible. You will always use this majick implement for any spell that requires images or writing. Like all of your majickal tools, each time you use it, it becomes more infused with your own personal energy hence, making it increasingly effective with each use. Invoke the Creator’s blessing and verbalize your distress and the solution that you will feel will resolve the problem. This is what you speak. On the paper, write down your needs (energy through a physical act) on the leaf or paper by burning the tip of the twig and when the end if burning, gently blow out the flame. The blackened tip is charcoal. This is your ink. Some people use the black from inside a candle glass but, since I use the soot from a burning candle as a divination tool for negativity, I prefer not to use “ink black” as some call it.
Now you will focus and prepare to send your spell with force of thought into the universe. Remember your breathing and allow yourself to FEEL the energies that will empower your spell. Steady your breathing and allow the energies to build up in intensity or focus, breathe and verbalize for at least fifteen minutes. When either is achieved, strike your match at the moment just before you release this energy from your aura. Breath out slowly to release your own connection with this energy, light the leaf or paper and place it in your magic pot until it burns to ashes. Take the ashes to a spot where you can sprinkle it on the earth and ask the earth to remove your obstacles. Leave an offering of cornmeal or seeds. Mother will appreciate her bird children being fed also. Maybe there really is something to it. What do you think?