Gifts of the Spirit by Cate Cavanagh - HTML preview

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Daily Vesper

By Cate Cavanagh, ©2000

I ask you-the almighty-the creator of us all
to help me appreciate those of great deeds and of small. I thank you for the evening hours, it is then that I can rest and thank you for my labors- for helping me do my best.

I thank you for my blessings-for the sky, the moon and sun for the trees that rustle in the breeze, the animals-everyone. I thank you for the whispers that you send my way, help me to understand what you are trying to say.

I thank you for my riches-for food and life and love that I receive and that I feel for family, friends-everyone. Help me to be content with whatever I achieve for in the end I am not alone, you always meet my needs.

I thank you for the seasons-the green-the flames and snow, I thank you for what they teach me-patience, hard work and love. I ask that you always walk with me so I will not be afraid and that you touch the weary so they may feel the same.

This simple prayer I make to you is but a humble try to say thank you for being there all those trying times. Although I know you know it, I still need to say I now see how the world is when you guide my way. So for today and everyday, here is my little prayer for myself and those I love and those suffering everywhere. Grant us peace and grant us calm to be able to carry on, grant us health, faith and trust as we trudge along.

Grant me but these few things and the bird and cricket song so I may touch you amidst the noise. Please help me to be strong. Keep well alive within me gratitude for everything you do; help me to remember to take a moment and give my thanks to you.

Well, I have to go now-you keep me busy, you do.
Each day is an adventure-I don’t know what you’ll teach me to do. So, I’m on my mission- whatever I must do
and dedicate this day, my work as service unto you.