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Chapter 1

Roy F. Baumesiter & Mark R.Leary, The Need to Belong: Desire for Interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation, Psychological Bulletin, American Psychological Association, 1995.

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2007). The Science of Early Childhood Development: Closing the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do. Retrieved

Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Satsangs on Ramacharitamanas, Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India, New Delhi, 2013.

Chapter 2

Mary D. Salter Ainsworth and John Bowlby, An Ethological Approach to Personality Development, American Psychologist. Vol. 46 (4) April 1991, pp. 333-341.

Ainsworth MD, Bell SM. Attachment, exploration, and separation: Illustrated by the behavior of one-year-olds in a strange situation. Child Dev. 1970;41(1):49-67.

Tandon, Prakash Narain. “Jagdish Chandra Bose & plant neurobiology.” The Indian journal of medical research vol. 149,5 (2019): 593-599. DOI:10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_392_19.

Chapter 3

Jeevan F. D’Souza, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development, Chapter Title: “Self-Actualization,” Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks,  March 2018.

David Sze, Maslow: The 12 Characteristics of a Self-Actualized Person, Huffington Post, December 6, 2017

Chapter 4

Center on the Developing ChiId, Harvard University, Accessed on 19th September, 2020

Galvan, Adriana. “Adolescent development of the reward system.” Frontiers in human neuroscience vol. 4 6. 12 Feb. 2010, DOI:10.3389/neuro.09.006.2010.

Chapter 5

Commentary by Swami Vivekananda, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Sanskrit Text with Transliteration, Translation & Commentary, ebook.

Alonso-Alonso, Miguel et al. “Food reward system: current perspectives and future research needs.” Nutrition reviews vol. 73,5 (2015): 296-307. DOI:10.1093/nutrit/nuv002.

The University of Virginia, Study finds dopamine, biological clock link to snacking, overeating and obesity, Science News, January 3, 2020.

Dr. Rishi Vivekananda, Practical Yoga Psychology, Raja Yoga Lifestyle principles, Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India, New Delhi, 2005.

Chapter 6

Sannyasi Sarvatma, Awakening Inner Vision: Dream Analysis and Antar Mouna, Bihar School of Yoga Magazine Publication.

A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Narada-Bhakti-Sutra, The secrets of transcendental love, ebook.

Science news, NASA, Accessed on 19 September, 2020.

Elizabeth Blackburn, The science of cells that never get old, Tedx Talk.

Elizabeth Blackburn on the telomere effect: ‘It’s about keeping healthier for longer.’, Interview by Zoe Corbyn, The Guardian,  29 Jan 2017.

Ameer Hussain, Article on “Meditation-as-immunostimulant.”, The Hindu, September 2014.