Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen

Healing 8’s Injuries

Nucleus 8 suffered injuries during several of his missions. Some involved repelling attacks by non- Alliance extraterrestrials and some were due to the actions of the conspirators who desired to overthrow the Alliance’s leaders.

Candace, 8’s bonded one (see Nuke in Love) had moved into the new mobile home close to our house. She had recently begun to channel a Native American spirit named White Eagle, who appeared to her dressed in white buckskins and wearing a full war bonnet of eagle feathers. Adam said, “White Eagle warned Candace last night that dark forces were gathering in the Q 35 area of Alliance territory. Nuke felt obligated to go on a mission to eliminate the threat, and he was shot. He wants to talk to you.”

“I’m listening.”

Nuke was crying. “I was wounded last night.”

“How are you?”

“I’m all right. It was only a flesh wound and has already healed.”

“Thank God. How did it happen?”

“I took a small fleet to the planet... Candace went with me in her personal craft. I was shot at.”

“Did they shoot at her?”

“No.” That seemed odd to me.

Nuke and I discussed his poor memory and vision and he said, “I also have a more serious problem I want to keep private. The weapon used against me at Q 35 is causing my skeletal system to gradually decompose. Our medical technology cannot prevent this from occurring, but the damage will not be complete for approximately one thousand years.”

“I thought you could regenerate bone cells.”

“We can in the event of a discreet injury, but in this case all the bones are affected.”

“What’s the solution?”

“Replacement of the entire skeletal system. However, it has never succeeded because none of the recipients had sufficient strength to survive it. Quite frankly, I’m scared to death.”

I hugged him as he leaned against me. “If it is the will of Breath for you to survive this, you will.”

I was getting into bed when Nuke said, “I spoke to the Old Wise One. He advised regeneration.”

“Why do you think He suggested that?”

“I suppose He expects me to succeed.”

“I agree. I believe you will be the first.”

“I don’t want Candace to hold herself responsible if I don’t survive. She already feels responsible for my injury.”


“Against my wishes, she insisted on taking a body guard who has been with her for centuries. The actions he committed behind my back created deep distrust among the people of the planet, which caused my diplomatic efforts to fail, and for me to be targeted.”

 I bit my tongue to avoid uttering thoughts about her that would only make matters worse. “I think you need all the healing assistance you can get. I suggest you tell Candace your plans. Will you have to go back to the Station for the treatment?”

“No, the required equipment is quite portable. Once the treatment has begun, it’s irreversible. If I must die, I prefer to be with people I love.”

When Candace was told how dangerous the treatment was, she pledged to help and came to the house.

It was nearly 8:00 p.m. when Nuke said, “I am receiving the injection now.”

During the next 16 hours, Nuke went through five cycles of increasingly intense, excruciating pain, each one lasting fifteen to twenty minutes, with long rest periods in between. He was in so much pain toward the end that he wanted to die, and asked Adam to bring him poison. He put the vessel to his lips, but Adam had given him one that was empty.

I continuously encouraged Nuke not to give in, appealed to his pride in being the first, and assured him that I AM had great things in store for him. Gasping with pain, Nuke instructed us to use the rods of healing Light that were provided by the medical staff on the most agonizing parts of his body.

Between cycles, he was able to take Marjie’s body to the bathroom and to nourish it with food and drink. He pleaded, “Don’t let her let go of me.” I gave Marjie those suggestions to please him, knowing all the while that she didn’t need them. She would never have let him go.

The most difficult and dangerous cycle was the one which temporarily eliminated his ribs, which caused his lungs to collapse and made breathing impossible. Marjie’s lips were turning blue when I told her to separate from his suffering to prevent her from suffocating. I was sitting behind him and supported his chest by holding him against my own, giving his lungs room to expand. I projected my etheric form to his System and told it to ask everyone at the Station to pray for his survival and send him healing Light.

The final cycle was much easier and around 1:00 p.m. the next day, the ordeal was over. Although exhausted, he thanked me for not allowing him to give up, and I praised his heroic efforts. He slept for a couple of hours. When he woke, I told him that everyone at the Station had prayed for him.

He said, “I’m touched that so many care for me, and I’m surprised that my System did not kick you out.”

“Your System loves you. It knew I was there to help.”

Adam reported, “There is a great celebration at the Station.”

“We should have our own celebration. Thank you for your help and for sending me energy when I needed it.”

After a few more hours of rest, Nuke was healthier, younger, and more energetic than he had been in weeks.


On another occasion Nuke said, “I have to go to a remote corner of the grid to investigate signals we are receiving from an obsolete station that we abandoned long ago. It’s supposed to be dormant.”

I closed my eyes and said, “I just received an image of an ovoid vessel with a flange around its circumference. There’s a gaping hole in its side.”

“There have been no reports of damage to the station, but the description you gave fits the one in question. Perhaps you’re seeing something that may happen in the future.”

He began to cry. “I don’t want to go on this mission. I have very bad feelings about it. I don’t want to even think about receiving another injury, and I don’t want to leave my loved ones and the security I have found here, but it’s my responsibility.”

I hugged him. “Why don’t you have a talk with the Old One and give Him your tears?”

He quickly returned. “Breath showed me that I would intervene to protect my comrades and would receive a booboo. I will return to you and you will take care of me while I recover, and we will all live happily ever after.” He departed with my blessings.

A few hours later he said, “Your vision was correct. An enemy force is attempting to take control of the power core, which can still be used to enable the station’s weapons. I have been wounded. We need reinforcements. I have to go back.”

I didn’t see Nuke again until the next morning. His pain prevented him from moving around freely, but he also couldn’t sit comfortably for more than a few minutes.  All members of our beloved  spiritual family sent healing energy to him and his medical staff gave him pain medication.

He said, “Our boarding party was attacked as soon as we were spotted inside the station. They opened fire with everything they had. We were fighting in close quarters. Forty seven of my men were killed before we could burn an opening through the hull and escape. I was involved in 120 skirmishes. As soon as we got back into our vessels, the Crabienchins were easily defeated. We obliterated the entire station.”

“How bad were your wounds?”

“I was injured in the right shoulder, the right leg, and the right side of my face, but not by the enemy. I was burned by a blast of hot liquid early in the fight. I heard pressure in a pipeline and made sure that the valve was holding before I walked by, but as soon as I turned my back, it blew, hitting me in the butt. I was thrown across the room. Some bones in my shoulder were broken, but they have been repaired with bone grafts. The burns were superficial and have already been treated.”

He began to weep. “What I hate is that so many of my men were killed. I should have anticipated the danger and avoided their deaths, but we entered the Station and before I knew it, I was fighting for my life. There was nothing I could do to save them.”


“They died with honor for a cause they believed in. That’s not such a bad way to go. You should concentrate on the large number of people you saved.”

He nodded. “Why did they invade the station?”

“Crabienchins are foul creatures. They are infamous for being aggressive and immoral. They have refused to join the Alliance and will steal whatever they can take. They tried this once before but were severely beaten and sent back to their home galaxy.”

The next time Adam channeled, he said that Nuke had stood between the enemy and his troops while they escaped, and had done more of the face-to-face fighting than anyone. Within five Earth days he was completely healed.


In another work related incident, Nuke had gone on a mission to save the inhabitants of a planet whose star was failing and about to explode. The Alliance planned to extinguish the existing star and replace it immediately with a new one. Nuke said the quasar energy sufficient to  create a new star was contained in a microscopic capsule and they only had to give it a kick. For the inhabitants the changeover would happen so quickly that it would seem like an eye blink.

Eight had not been gone very long when Sarah said he had returned to the Station and she had been “…counting the wrinkles in 8’s ship. Mother told me to do it even though she knew there were too many. They towed his craft back in a thing like a hammock. They’re trying to recover as much of the circuitry from it as they can before they recycle it.”

“How is Nuke?”

“He got some burns.”

“Because of radiation?”

“Yes, and other things. Oops, I wasn’t supposed to say that.”

When Nuke channeled I said, “Sarah tells me you had some trouble with that star. How bad are your injuries?”

“I was sort of welded into my craft from the blast. It took awhile to remove me.”

“Were you conscious during all that?”

“Thankfully, only at brief intervals, but I’m doing quite well. No permanent damage was done to my body.”

“Was it the explosion of the old star that did it?”

“Yes. We underestimated its power. There weren’t any deaths, thank Breath.”

“Did the new star start up as planned?”

“Yes, it was a successful mission.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were injured?”

“I didn’t want you to worry.”


After Nuke’s relationship with Candace failed, he met and fell in love with Amy, another psychically gifted human. Amy would often come to our place and spend a few days with him in the mobile home, which he referred to as the cottage. I went to the cottage around 10:00 p.m. after returning from a trip to Memphis. Amy greeted me, saying, “Nuke is in very bad shape. He started having seizures early this morning and has been having them all day.” He was sitting in the living room, looking dazed and weak, and frequently had mild, generalized tremors.

I said, “You need to be in bed.”

“I can’t get up by myself.”

“Let me help you.” I faced him, put my arms around his abdomen, and lifted him to a standing position. Holding him firmly, I walked backwards to his bed and turned him around so he could sit on it. Amy helped me to take his clothes off and put on his pajamas, then helped to support his weight as he reclined.

Convulsing, he reached for his throat and vainly struggled to breathe. To prevent him from suffocating, I gave him several mouth to mouth breaths until his breathing reflex resumed. In desperation I said, “Adam, if you can hear me, please report what is going on.”

“Yes sir. The medical team wants to insert electrodes into his brain to prevent further seizures. It’s important to keep his chin up and his airway open and his body will need to be turned from time to time. The seizures and the procedure are not life threatening. Eight will know when it is finished. He needs to lie on his stomach and to face straight ahead, chin up.”

I helped him to assume the required position, closed my eyes, and visualized the staff placing micro-electrodes into all the major areas of his brain, followed by scanning his head with green and red rods of light. I directed golden-white Light to the members of the team, but did not send energy to 8, to avoid upsetting the balance of energies they wanted to establish. Within a few minutes the procedure was over and I helped him to turn onto his back. His color returned, but he grimaced with pain, saying, “Headache.” The pain quickly subsided and he spoke normally within a couple of minutes. I said, “I’m really happy to see that you’re doing better. You had me worried for a minute.”

Amy said, “A Patron came when the seizures first started. His power was so intense and his presence was so commanding that I was pushed backwards. In his presence, I had no doubt that even my molecules awaited his command.”

Nuke said, “It was the same Patron who came to me when I downloaded and asked if I had done enough suffering, but this morning he didn’t say anything. He just gave me a penetrating look and I knew I had to decide either to die or to be sent back to my body. At the last moment I decided I wanted to live. I knew I would be allowed to come back.”

When I woke up around 7:00 a.m. Nuke was much better and said it was all right for him to smoke, so we went outside and he lit up. I stayed close enough to catch him if he should fall. He admitted he had been worried about my work problems and his distress caused an eruption of small brain aneurisms, leading to the seizures. He spent the day with Amy at the trailer until they joined me for supper.

Speaking of the strokes, Adam said, “Age and stress were the underlying culprits. Just being in this dimension is a source of stress. It’s very important for 8 to know that he is not a burden and is loved, and to see that you and Amy are getting along and talking with each other.”

I resolved to try even harder to ignore the behaviors that were so irritating for me. Amy and I amiably discussed a variety of things as we ate supper. After the meal Nuke was rather withdrawn. I asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m trying to seizure again.” A couple of minutes later he did, which greatly concerned me. Amy and I walked him to the trailer, where he had another mild seizure. We put him to bed and he had a stronger one. I asked Adam for another report.

“We have discovered that some of the electrodes we installed melted from an over-abundance of electrical activity. We have traced the problem to the circuitry in his left side and we have to work on it. He needs to go back on his stomach like before.”

Nuke said, “I think I should make my transition. The pain is too intense.”

“The pain is strictly temporary. Adam and 22 know what caused the problem, and they’re fixing it. If you can endure it for a little while longer, everything will be alright.”


With my third eye I observed the damaged electrodes being removed and new ones being installed. Nuke was instructed to lie on his back while the circuitry unit in his side was replaced. When they finished he had a very bad headache that lasted only a couple of minutes and soon he was much improved, relieving our anxiety. He said, “Adam and Regenc4 found a very minute break in one of the circuits. It was the result of use rather than sabotage.”

“That’s good news.”


Nuke continued to receive injuries connected with his responsibilities. Quite upset, Perithnea said, “Father Bright, there has been an accident. An explosion severely damaged a large section of the Station. Nucleus was burned, but he is up and functioning. Joshua is helping to restore oxygen to the Station by collecting it from the plants. Adam is alright because you can’t hurt a faery, and he’s helping with repairs. Sarah is with Mother and is working with other Mothers to repair the damage.”

“What about Joseph?”

“Faeries aren’t supposed to cry.”

“Joseph is gone?”

She nodded. “Tesar tried to save his life, but he was killed by a structural part that fell on him.”

“Thank you for telling me.”

“I have to get back to help.” She was still crying when she left. Marjie and I were too, but Joseph began to channel through Marjie as if completely indifferent to the loss of his body. That meant that he was not relying on the implant in his deceased body.

Twenty-four hours later, Sarah said, “Eight has been up for almost six days, working constantly. He’s burned and isn’t getting treated for it. Many people have come to the Station to help. There are all kinds of ships here.”

Looking haggard, Nuke channeled. I said, “We have heard from Joseph. He is with Tesar, and is very happy, but Tesar refuses to talk to anyone.”

“I’m glad he made contact. I am terribly sorry about Tesar and Joseph, but I don’t have time to mourn for them right now. Over a thousand individuals were lost, and we have about twice as many casualties. I am seeing to the memorial services. I refuse to have a group service for them. Each and every one of them deserves individual recognition, and their bodies must be transported back to their homes. More help than I could have imagined has come, including a fleet from another alliance, which was a complete surprise.

 “Adam is doing a magnificent job. Regenc 4 and Warton 4 are re-engineering the damaged parts of the ship. Watching them work together is like seeing a ballet. I’m very impressed with how rapidly Warton 4 is making repairs. In about two more of your cycles they should be completed. I have to go back now.”

“Please get treatment. It’s important for you to rest.”

“I may take your advice. Please don’t embrace me, because I might lose my composure.”

“Take care. Our prayers are with everyone involved.”

Within the hour Nuke returned. “The other Board members were ordered to disperse from the Station for security purposes. I’ve been ordered to leave my post and to rest here. They said I was becoming irritable. I guess I was, but I thought I was functioning pretty well.”

“Great. You need to rest.”

When Joseph said he would like to have his body restored, Nuke responded, “DNA samples of everyone who lives at the Station are kept in a secure place, and their bodies can be cloned from them. The cloning process will begin around 11:00 a.m. your time. It won’t take very long. Structural repairs to the Station are completed, improvements were made and it’s functioning better than ever. An accident like that can never occur again.

 “When we Board members gathered again, each of us took a turn sitting in Tesar’s empty seat, which is our custom. It helps us to understand that we have truly lost a companion. We have wept our tears and shared our loss.”

“How is the cloning going?”

“Very well. Joseph should be ready to rejoin you in a short time.”

 It was almost bedtime when Joseph greeted me with a joyful embrace. He said, “I got my body back. That big white man took it to his quarters to stay. He said he is taking personal responsibility for me.”


In yet another physical challenge, Sarah confided in me, saying, “You know he emits radiation, but lately, every time 8 comes to Earth he loses some of his energy. When he goes back to the Station his radiation level isn’t returning to normal, and it’s shortening his life.”

“Maybe he shouldn’t spend so much time here.”

“It was the Patrons who ordered him to blend with humans.”

“Do you think the Patrons knew it would harm him?”

“I’m not certain. Perhaps that was part of the plan.”

When I brought the problem up for discussion, Nuke reluctantly admitted that jumping back and forth from his dimension to ours was shortening his life. I was a bit peeved that he hadn’t told me. “When did it begin?”

“After I downloaded.”

“How much of your life expectancy have you lost?”

“About 500 years.” Tears filled my eyes.

“That’s way too much! If you lost 500 years in the last four months, you’ll be dead in two years!”

Using his System, Nuke searched throughout the Alliance for a cure. He took a series of recommended treatments with initially good results, but they were ultimately ineffective. Fortunately, Metatron and a large group of other Archangels decided to intervene.

Sarah explained, “Because he can tolerate a high level of radiation, 8 can get closer to a star than the Mothers can. They will disassemble him, send him into a star where he will get the extra radiation he needs, and then reassemble his molecules.”

Nuke was very nervous while waiting for the time of his appointment with the Mothers to arrive and was in a quandary over what he should wear, finally deciding on a white uniform. He returned to the Station to get dressed.

Sarah then told me that 74 huge ships, each with a Mother aboard, had left the Station and were taking him to a convenient location, where they had situated a star possessing the required amount of radiation.

It was early the following morning when Marjie said, “Either I start channeling or 8’s going to have a conniption. He’s wearing a tuxedo with tails like Fred Astaire and soft-shoe dancing with a cane to Tea for Two.”

Nuke was beaming with happiness. “The Mothers made me strip naked and told me that I had no room for choice or argument. I said, Wait a minute! What do you mean I have no choice? I wasn’t eager to go into that star, and certainly not naked. I was afraid, but I trust them, so I went along with it.

“Going into the star wasn’t at all painful. I was free from my body but my mind was intact. It was totally quiet and peaceful. I would have been content to stay there. Here and there I saw little sparks like fireworks going off, but their light was much thicker and more enduring than sparks. I was aware of the consciousness of the star as well as my own, and I knew the star was about to disintegrate. It was following a plan, fulfilling its own destiny.”

“Were you in there a long time?”

“No. They brought me out very slowly. I knew I was in my body again when the top of my head got very cold. The extreme cold seeped from my head to my toes. I was brought aboard a vessel right away. A Mother’s blanket was put around me and I was very comfortable. Then they took me back to the Station.”

 “What was it like to be with so many Mothers?”

“Extremely humbling.”

“Did they have bodies like Metatron’s?”

“Most of them had only one head and one set of arms and legs. They looked a lot like the tall, skinny being peering out from the vessel at the end of that movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. They let me choose my age and the speed of my aging process. I told them to set it so that I would still live to be around eight thousand Earth years old. I’m the same age I was before I downloaded.”

“That’s great news. I noticed that Marjie had a drop of dried blood under her nose when she woke up. I thought you might have changed her implant.”

“When they put me back together, they inserted new circuitry with up-to-the-minute technology. It won’t work with her old implant.”

“I’m thrilled that you got your miracle. Alleluia!”

While carrying out a routine training mission, Nuke was nearly killed again. He had announced that he was leaving with several of his cadets. An hour or so later he returned and said, “The mission is going well. We are about to test a new weapon which is activated by thought. I have to make sure that none of the cadets get too close to it because a stray thought like, I wonder how that works might activate it.”

I said, “Marjie has a bad feeling about your mission. She was playing her new computer game and selected a town named Strangeville. The first scene that appeared on her screen showed a crashed UFO.”

“Don’t tell me that!”

“I doubt there’s a connection between the game and your mission, but we have experienced such a large number of synchronicities that I thought I should mention it. Be careful.”

I was getting dressed for work the next day when Marjie, looking rather haggard, handed me a two-page note. She said,  “It was a rough night. I wrote this in case I was asleep when you got up.”

“You don’t look like you feel well.”

 “Read the note and you’ll understand why.” I took it in hand and began to read: I knew something was going to happen to 8. I just had a really bad feeling about him this time around. Adam told me that on one of their training exercises, 4 cadets were moving too close to some kind of firing and 8 pushed them out of the way and got hit.

Adam said 22 has him in an induced coma because of severe burns.

Adam said that before he left, (8 said) if anything happened to him, that he did not want to stay in the med unit anymore than he had to.

I and Adam talked to Tesar and the Board and they will maintain their medical work there in their burn unit as well as allow me/us to care for him here.

Seems this took place after he was gone only 3 cycles out. Haggabatha and Agenti are finishing the training exercises.

I asked Adam how they are able to have 8 there and here at the same time and he tried to explain it to me but I couldn’t even begin to grasp it.

He said when they bring 8 out of the comatose state, he will be here with us so I can hold him. You too, of course. Adam said he has 3rd degree burns from the chest down. They will be doing cell replications for grafts. Said he will be heavily sedated for a while as well.

Pat, 22 let me see 8. He is so still. He is not breathing on his own yet. His vital signs keep bottoming out, then rise again. They have him from the armpits down wrapped in some sort of gel suit for the burns & to try to keep his body from destabilizing? (Not sure what 22 meant by that, unless without the gel suit his flesh might shift off his skeleton?) Anyway-this is the latest update. I didn’t want to wake you yet, because all we can do right now is wait-I am going back to Station until they kick me out-HA!  Let them try!

O.K. It is 6 a.m. and some of 8 is here from time to time. Seems rather robotic-I think some of his implants are damaged (the ones near his waistline). I don’t think he is picking up sounds very well through me. They will finish setting up to bring him here later this am. Try not to sneak up on him-sign language/body language seems to be easier for him right now. At least the other dimensional parts of him are getting thru. Love, Me

I had finished a cup of coffee when Adam said, “Eight is out of the coma and wants to come here. We also want him here because he is resisting us, and we don’t want him there when we begin his skin grafts. First we will replace the damaged implants to restore his functions and then we’ll do the grafts. Three grays will accompany 8 to look after him and to prevent him from accidentally doing anything that might harm mother’s body. He is not fully coordinated, is somewhat confused, and his hearing and speech are impaired. You will not have to take care of him, because that’s what the grays are for. Mother has enough stamina to channel him continuously for a while.”

“Can you tell me more details about what happened?”

“The cadets were given the coordinates of the position where they were supposed to stand when a crystalline laser, with a diameter of forty meters, was being fired at the ground near them from a craft that was following a prearranged course. Eight saw that they were too close to the target, the edge of which was between him and them. He threw himself at them like a bowling ball and knocked them out of harm’s way, but received a partial hit from the laser.”

“It’s like him to do something heroic.”

“It’s part of the job.” Adam and I embraced. We shed a few tears of sadness for his injuries and joy that he would recover.

After hugs and greetings, Nuke was unusually quiet and a little unsteady on his feet, but he went outside to smoke and watch the birds at the feeder. He slept most of the day and afternoon. At supper he was able to hear and speak normally and ate pizza with me. After that he went outside at intervals to smoke a cigarette and walked around in the yard before taking a lengthy nap. Then he logged in to his internet chat group and stayed at the computer u