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Earths Creation: A Brief History


Please share the history of planet Earth, how/why it was created, its impact on the life found on/in it, and Earth's impact on the rest of the planets in our solar system.

This is Constantine, I will be joined by various beings during this recount of history and the discussion of Earth and those that have dwelt there and their history or purpose.  The primary beings that I will consult are a group of light beings that are also accessible to many on your plane.  Their name is not important but the perception that you are talking with a single being is also not important.

The information is ascertainable through various means.  The guides which Alexander calls his own will be involved in this discussion at various points. It is more important that you understand that we are all working together, we are often in the form of a single entity during our work, individual labeling is not so important, but this will include the group of beings called Elophyny.

We will begin with a few short concepts which are important before we view the much larger picture.  Understand that this is a very large concept and we will try to cover the important facets.  It is also possible to generate a connection to this information through other guides, through other personal spirit guides; you may ask questions of those who you associate and they too can provide further information or information such as this.

Do not place Alexander on a pedestal because he provides this information, he is simply a channel and, in many cases, is just as aware or unaware as you, the person reading this.  There may be inconsistencies between stories, it is important to know that there are many perspectives to this story. There is that of fact, this is where we will concern ourselves, but even in the realm of fact it is important to know that the position from which an object or time line is perceived will change what is known, even slightly, about the object or time line. Do not hesitate to delve deeper by some means, know that because “A” and “B” are two different letters it does not make them incorrect, they are still parts of the truth of your alphabet.

The nature of life on your planet:

There are many who cite the source, the source of creation on your planet as some otherworldly being.  We will discuss this, but it is important that no matter the name you associate with it because of religious associations you are all created from the same source.  There is not one religious association over another which grant’s greater eternal peace and serenity. 

We say this now because it is often these associations which cause conflict in these discussions.  It is the nature of life that is, by your terms, religious/spiritual and scientific at the same time.  It is very much reasonable to describe this association by using a rock.  A rock is described by being tough or hard, not easily broken.  The rock is also warm or cold depending on the conditions where it resides.  The rock may also be in motion or it may be still.  You can use various aspects to describe the rock and that does not make one more true than the other. 

Often you are missing key points of existence because you are concerned with what makes your descriptions of the rock different from others, rather than realizing you are all bringing parts of the information together.  You must also consider that all descriptions of the rock are not correct, incorrect or even that they are necessary.  It is important to know that the rock exists freely without your beliefs or descriptions.  Existence is in existence no matter if you hold some outside belief for its cause or associations.  We feel you will understand this more easily as we delve further into this subject.

There are many in your explorations of the solar system and many in science who state that life on your planet is possible because of the conditions there.  There are statements that Earth is inhabitable because it has a balance of temperature, light, water, and all other possible conditions that impact the surface and organisms and beings that reside upon it.  Know this, that if there had been the desire for the human race to occupy Neptune, Venus, or the center of the sun, there would have been built a human existence in which these conditions on these objects would have been made tolerable.

You make very many efforts to examine the solar system, the vast areas of space, looking for planets which are similar to yours in order to sustain life.  The environment on each planet is not important.  Life will exist where it is necessary for life to exist.  There are beings and forms which exist on much “harsher” planets than those which are in close proximity to Earth, but do not appear to support life of some kind.

What is important to know is that you are not alive on your planet because your planet is suited to you.  You are alive on your planet because you have been made to be suited to the conditions there just as you could have been made to be suitable to any condition on any other combined mass within any other solar system.  This is the nature of existence, it is flexible, it is not revolving around the human race and other objects or life forms that you know to be in existence.

You are currently limited in your opportunities for discovery because you assume only certain types of discoveries are possible.  This means to say that you are limited because you do not truly know what is possible.  Possibilities are endless, and while you do not know each one, it is not presently possible to know each one, the individuals who reside on Earth, the majority, hold a limiting belief.

There is a limit on life and its forms.  Soon this will change.  Freedom to truly explore the universe is important and the nature of belief is important in that you allow the possibility of all beliefs to be equally possible.  All outcomes are possible and there are more outcomes than you will ever know. Assuming that there is only option “A,” “B,” and “C” does not account for the existence of “D,” “E,” and hybrids “AC.”  It is not necessary for you to acknowledge a form of existence in order for it to exist.  It will exist, it will maintain its form no matter if you acknowledge it or not because it does or does not fit your belief system.  It is just a matter that you will not see what your belief system does not permit you to see.

Earth and its formation:

While Earth is not the oldest object it is the object that we will begin with because you reside there.  It is important to know that you are not alone on this planet.  There is a great deal that visits, remains, and leaves in terms of life forms on this planet.  While you are aware of only your existence, there are many who are aware of you.  Throughout time and history as you have recorded it, there have been many who have come to your planet, there have been many who have shared information and many who have altered the physical being and existence of your bodies. 

This is not to be feared.  There are some who abandoned hope because you were not the appropriate science subject for their experiment.  It is also worth saying to you that there are many who simply wish to use you for their benefit without consent.

What is important about these beings is that there have been many who have shared information onto your plane for the acceleration of the planet. For the uplifting of the human race is not simply important or for the benefit of the human race. There are many objects and advances that did not come from the minds of men.  This is not to detract from the work of men, this is not to belittle your knowing and capabilities, but this is said so that you will understand that those who came before you on this time line are not somehow, less advanced or in the dark because they do not have your technology or the appearance of your sophistication.

It can be said that when there were simpler thoughts upon your Earth there was more involvement from outside beings, it was, in a way, more acceptable.  Now there is a greater amount of fear and distrust.  While some of this is expected, it is not serving anyone's good to hold fear of the unknown.  The worry of attack is not important.  If the concern was a legitimate concern, you would not be sitting or standing in your daily life because the planet Earth would not exist.

The “big bang” did not occur as you have read that it did.  It was not all started with the perfect alignment of chemical compounds and then gravity associating more and more mass to the form which then became as large as it is now.  The formation concept is true, in a sense, because there were many versions of it, but it was not random trial and error on the part of the forces in your space which caused it.  There were various forms of beings and various forms of the habitable Earth-like planet.  That upon which you currently reside is still much older than what you mark it to be. 

The recycling of the surface has caused you to miscalculate your readings in terms of time dating.  Each time a new evolution of the surface was to take place, it was often only the surface which needed changing in order to support the new version of life which was to take root here.  It is your fear that you are not the supreme being, and this is true, you are not, but no being is.  But it is also true that there is not a supreme being which lords over you, all of these things are done for your benefit and all those who will one day experience this existence.

Your Earth was developed carefully and formed into material and physical existence so that you may have a tangible experience here.  Energy was brought to a lower and lower vibration in order to form a surface and various features.  That energy which was so abundant during the creation has only changed forms, this within your own science is true. If you were to say that at this moment there is a particular amount of energy, it would be true from now until all existence simply stopped existing.

The amount of energy is constant, what changes is the form of energy.  Dense rock is formed by challenging the mind to create and the initial creation of any creator or being to create this.  You create this in your life and you contribute to the growth of earth in the terms of dense rock which is a large part of your natural existence.  Your natural rock and the formations there are created by your mind.  Your mind contributes to this existence without your formal knowing, now you know!

This process is to ensure that there will always be an earth.  What is seen as an earthquake or a volcano spilling new material into an area, is also the reaction to this creationary force within each being that resides on Earth.  Being “stuck,” or having a difficult time is not the result of not knowing what to create or how to create in all cases, because you are creating at all times.  It is this knowing that you are on a solid object which creates more solid object for the earth to call the Earth.

In order to understand this, you must understand that your mind is not the machine which simply creates factories for your products to be built within.  Your mind is the factory which creates all that is in existence and all that will be.  Yes, there is some manner of simply holding the idea to be true, focusing on that which you wish to be in existence, and it will create, it will present, it will show itself into creation because YOU have brought it into this place. 

This is much more demonstrable when you are no longer in your physical existence because you can think in terms of travel, that is if you wish to go to point “A,” you simply “think” and you are there. While this is difficult to understand, it is also important to understand that there is a great deal that requires retraining in this area once you undergo a physical death because you are not used to thought producing an instant result for you.

While we are not speaking directly on the creation of Earth at the moment, it is important to understand these tenets as we move forward.  It is not by accident that we are sharing them with you and these ideas will be the basis as we move forward on the topic of your planet and others that you know to be in your direct solar system.  Do not worry that we have lost our path in this discussion, we will bring it to the forefront of your mind in a clear way.  The foundation of this discussion must be laid before we can discuss additional topics with greater ease.

The birds and the bees:

There are many who concern themselves with the evolution of plants and animals on your Earth. Just as many may become extinct for various reasons, change over time, or adapt to the planet, so does the form in which you presently inhabit; the human body.  The purpose though of these other beings, of these other life forms is not dissimilar to your existence.  They are here for learning and teaching you.  You are to understand them.  They are not inanimate, that is, we understand that you know they are full of life, but they are also as intelligent as the beings which you see in human form.

 A bee is not less intelligent because it is smaller than you, because it concerns itself with the creation of honey or the maintenance of the queen or members of the hive.  There are many in nature that serve as mirrors and windows to how knit and connected the human race is and it was more evident in eons passed.  As simply focused as the bee is on survival and support of the colony, and as much as the tree desires to grow, so was humanity focused. 

There are different parallels to this now, but it is not so much different, it is only less obvious because there are more distractions and there are more variables as the human existence moves forward.  The complexity of nature is not so complex when you realize that you are part of it, it is in you and you are in it.  It is not something separate from you.  You create it, it was created with your help and its purpose is carried on with your desire to see new things and to understand that which is inside you.

All of nature is a window.  There are similarities and metaphors which many share on your plane as they view nature and how it is relatable to the ‘human condition.’  This is not a simple coincidence.  Reminders are all around you of your connectedness and your potential. 

This is Constantine and I now wish to speak to you about the development of the Earth. Understand that there is more than a simple overview contained within this information, but the full knowledge of this planet would take more than a human lifetime to cover.  We do not mean to withhold this information from you, but to describe the points of interest.  For the sake of this discussion, know that we will not be able to cover from the beginning of the time line to present day.  It is simply not possible to do.  There are others who have shared information on the development of this planet and the previous civilizations and the true nature of those who have resided here and interacted with it. We have discussed some of this information and will discuss some of it here.

What we can say will also augment this information that has already been delivered. Understand, it is never our intention to hide or conceal information from you, but there are certain aspects which may need repeating, but also certain aspects for you to learn in your own time under the conditions of your own process.  Let us understand fully that the history, if we were to assume zero, this is not the first level of inhabitants on your planet. Your history, as you have recorded it has misplaced the zero by several hundred millions-of-years.

The Earth fluctuates, it is not a misguided youth saying to verbalize the way the ship sails, so the sea so goes the Earth.  You will not understand that sailing reference.  We mean to say that there are many phases of development.  It is important to understand that while many non-physical changes have been placed, many changes in the personal development of the individual, there have been many changes to the physical form that you inhabit while you are present here.

While each of these forms has been discussed previously on your plane, it is important to understand that the human form only looks and appears normal to you now because it is what you see every day.  It is normal because it has been made normal.  Do not expect that other beings that you encounter will also be outfitted for this lifetime in this way. 

You must understand that there have also been a great deal of physical changes that have not been aided from a purely metaphysical standpoint.  When we say metaphysical we do not mean new age and hippies, and worshiping the dirt, and we say that in no disrespect for those cultures and beliefs, only to contrast the vocabulary that we shall use in light of Christianity and the related faiths being so widespread on your planet, they understand these terms.

There have been many outside beings, many outside races that have interacted with your world. Considering your recent lifetime, your current time line, that of which your history books somewhat understand, even in this there were great civilizations who had an influence from outside beings.  It was common practice within the Egyptian world for beings from other planets to interact with these humans living in that time. 

It was not a rare circumstance as it is considered now.  Much of what they experienced was the same way that you may take a bus or drive a car to your grocery store, or visit a relative several states away. It was not entirely held, the technology, by the Egyptians so that they could not travel easily to these other places, but a version of this technology was shared with them.  While there were many beings who visited them, there were not many beings who always cared for the human to have widespread roaming ability within all that exists within space. 

While this is not to be, mistrust placed on any of these beings, nor are we saying that the human form is misguided, there are many personal and group-based matters of thinking and focus which were not and are currently not held in wide enough parameters to create the spread of human civilization in a productive way.  You are not at a disadvantage, but the methods in which you would require to communicate even simple feelings and ideas to other races is not abundant in your own culture.

This is similar to going to another country and not speaking the language, but also not knowing even your own customs and how they might translate to the new land.  You will understand this. There were great pyramids built as landmarks, as altars to the beings from the sky, and as methods, quite simply, to raise one high in the social strata because they believed raising your vibration was the goal to be achieved.  While there were very ornate objects and very robust materials to fabricate expensive and luxurious items, it was considered truth that in order to achieve greatness it would be from raising the vibration of the being, and as a matter of working in this way so would the civilization be uplifted.

It is not a matter of slaves that many objects were built.  There were many objects in many cultures that are said to be built by slaves.  Those who suggest this idea often base it on current views of what is possible and what current man is able to achieve.  There is other material that states there were specific groups of people who were held slave and captive by other races or groups.  While some regard this as true it is not true in all aspects. 

There are many who gave themselves willingly to other ethnic groups or to other beings, even generally speaking, who they believed more adequately or more highly advanced.  Man, has always placed an emphasis on one being higher than another or lower rather than all beings from the same creation and living for the benefit of the individual and the group. 

Knowledge was often kept secret because of this, in order to maintain power.  While more and more power was often needed for projects, it was not always by man's hand that on object was built. There were many objects that have been lost to time and deterioration.  Remember, simply because a phase or era of your time is in your past does not make them less capable or less technologically aware or developed.  Simply because you do not find evidence of these tools does not mean that they did not exist.  Your thinking that all men before you are somehow backwards is not accurate.

On an individual level, there would have been greater emphasis on the project for the benefit of humanity, we are speaking generally here with no specific project in mind.  There were fewer distractions, there was greater emphasis on what must be done because there was no one else to do it. There was not simply less idle time.

 There are many now who say there is more idle time for man and thus he creates distractions.  This is true but there was also a concern beyond that of the individual.  And even considering the individual, the individual was not so removed from all things that impacted the body.  Food was not the responsibility of someone else to acquire, man was not removed from the construction of homes and buildings, man was not removed from transportation. 

Man, had the sole role in these things, while there were groups who would work together it was important to understand that it was not simply one man depending on another as a matter of serving; it was a benefit to the entire civilization when many banded together and created a civilization where each brought to the table, each brought to the society, rather than expected from it as a matter of birthright.

We do not mean that each man and woman must be given something.  We do not intend to compare civilizations and ideals.  Each man should be cared for.  What is missing from previous civilizations is the compassion, often strict rules, methods of brutality.  These ways are not missing from your history books, but it should be said that before your time line they were not used.

 It was a method of destruction of lower beings that they introduced this manner of punishment into the world.  They believed it was necessary for the physical body to enter into this pain in order to prevent acts.  In all cases violence is a matter of frustration, of energy not able to be expressed by a specific individual or group.  Often it is expressed in harmful ways, but in all cases, it will take the path of least resistance.  This is the case of all energy. What appears to you as difficult is simply other energy attempting to circumvent the process to which you cling so tightly.

The birth of mother Earth was a calm process. You were supplanted here as were the ideas that you were all that there is.  It is a matter for all evolutions.  You are not the oldest planet nor are you the oldest people in all of existence.  You are quite young, even this version of the human existence is quite young.

What we wish for you to know is that there are many other beings who have concocted various plans for your physical bodies; this is often in a beneficial way.  There are others who have manipulated beings, but this has not been in a direct way.  There have not been any beings within your immediate past who have involved themselves in a negative way within your development.

 There are many presently and even in the past who manipulate by distance.  There are many who work within your world in a physical way, but do not have an altered physical appearance.  There are many who simply appear to you as would any other human being. 

We do not share these things with you to be disturbing, to be frightening, to haunt you when you are alone.  We share these things with you because you need to understand that there are many aspects of life and existence, not simply what you touch, not simply what you see and feel.  You are not alone.  You worry about what your neighbor owns when you should come to the conclusion that it does not matter what your neighbor owns, it does not matter what you own, it matters what you and your neighbor possess within your bodies, within your minds, and what all of existence possesses within their true beings.

We do not go humbly into the night to share with you these things in hopes that you will believe some science-fiction view of the world, we share this with you to understand that there is not some black and white world, but that of science-fiction is quite a lot more real that the version of events that has been shared to you regarding your history, regarding your planet, and regarding all of civilization.

It is important to say that not all brought into existence will be good.  Not all things that have occurred on your planet, that which has been introduced to it has been deemed, what you would consider, positive or loving.  You require contrast, you require change and the difference in the nature of things.  So, do not blame, do not blame your higher power so that you can take comfort that all is right with the universe.  You should not be made to feel comfortable by that which you have been told. 

That is its purpose, to make you feel comfortable.  We do not wish to tell you a story that you have read about deception, but to fully understand the world you must understand that you will experience disbelief that any of these things are true.  You have a very vivid imagination, and much of these things, there are certain aspects, that are false.  They are false until you bring them into society and make them part of your existence.

The fate of any race, no matter what level of being, no matter a solid or simply a very light energetic expression, that which your society brings into existence, no matter the purpose, it will impact the mind of all of your citizens.  We do not wish to condemn your manners of entertainment, but there is much that does a disservice to your people and brings into their mind the horribly backward mannerisms that we wish to see you override and implant your current ideals.

 This speaks to many on your planet who simply involve themselves, very passively, in certain areas and certain subjects, and certain pastimes.

What you need is an uplifting.  Much of what you do serves to tear down other men.  We do not mean to avoid the topic of your history, but this is very much part of your history.  This is the cause of much of your existence and the disharmony that has appeared time and time again.  It is important to know that it is simply not a matter of stopping one hateful act and then there is one less hateful act.

Just as one good deed expresses a great deal of energy into the world and is amplified, so is the cessation of a negative act.  Stop amplifying and bringing into your world that which you hate.  We must understand, all of us, that what we do, that which we passively become, it will manifest within our worlds.

You must not lose your identity if you do not wish to, but you must understand that which you perceive to be true and enjoyable will continue to be true.  While this is not easily interpreted in all things it is simply a manner of lifting up all things, lifting up all beings.  So much is done to oppress people and culture when what should be understood is that you are all of the same culture, you are all in existence.

You, by your color, heritage, religion or any other aspect, by that alone you are not causing hate and discontent in the world for another and those who are different from you are not causing this hate and discontent.  These actions and views are often used as an excuse for an expression of hate, for an expression of anger and rage that we do not feel honored to share.

 We do not mean that you should find an alternate route simply to have an alternate outlet for this expression, we mean that you must stop repeating the mistakes of your ancestors.  It is possible to see these events as they approach from the horizon, but so often there are too few people who see the mistake, who see the history repeating, only to have the mass of the population see the mistake once it has been passed and it is too late to change the course.

It is never too late for action and there will always be some expression of discord in the universe, but there is no need to use free will simply to attempt to change the free will of another being. You must understand that any hate you express causes more hate, no matter how happy you believe it is making you, it is causing more hate, somewhere, it will manifest and materialize.

We say these things to you because there is so much individualized attention, so much basic focus on the self that you cannot begin to understand what is beyond your horizon, what is beyond your atmosphere.  You can interact beyond your borders, we do not mean across oceans, we mean to say that you can interact with beings across vast reaches of apparent emptiness of space.

You do not need these things to live a life, but you must realize that the passion you have for your Earthly aspects can be multiplied to unbelievable exponents when you achieve a unification in understanding and work on your planet, so that you are capable of experiencing the forms of existence beyond your current level of knowing.

No, the moon was not created by debris from a collision with Earth.  It was placed there as a method to balance seasons and magnetic changes within all living things.  It does not simply change and impact your oceans, it changes and balances, it attempts to regulate that which occurs in terms of other planets and their magnetic pull on your Earth.

We say these things to you because it is important to understand that there is so much more. Many of you feel trapped because you know there is something so much more than yourselves.  It is not a matter of acquiring more things, more possessions, more responsibility, more items to be cataloged, explore your world, but first explore all manner of things within yourself!  You are your greatest adventure.  You will not experience that which is not part of you, but understand that all things in existence are all part of you, all things are part of you, nothing is foreign to you.  All that is living in existence is all from the same source and was created by that source, it was created by you.

You must know that there is not much more outside of you to be done on this plane other than the opposite of what you have done and what you have been doing.  You can attempt it individually to see if it satisfies your level of curiosity, but know that all things have been done before.  All things have been done, it is time to observe the history and observe what has worked well and assume the duties of what works well for the benefit of the individual and the benefit of the global society.

Turmoil, turmoil, turmoil.  You can only calm the turmoil of the world when you calm the turmoil within your body.  When you calm the turmoil within your m