Hologram Experiences for Energy Beings by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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The following shared information comes from many books written by Alexander Zielinski in order to give a fresh perspective on the subject matter at hand.

Energy Beings (Souls) from the Spirit Dimension incarnate into the created lower physical plane known to mankind as the Universe.  Within this Universe (created physical matter) is located the planet Earth.  For the majority of Energy Beings to come and experience this created illusion, they must be cloaked in a physical body/form in order to dwell within this holographic world.

For these ‘simulated’ lifetimes to seem real and genuine, the Energy Being’s collective memory is temporarily suspended while they play out their chosen life events in the human form.

These lifetimes help the Energy Being to advance and grow spiritually for its own personal development and that of the Original Source that created the energy being.

The following information is derived from higher evolved beings and collectives who have provided such information to assist those in the human form to move forward on their journey of spiritual advancement.

Alexander Zielinski is a Clairvoyant Medium who Channels ‘CONSTANTINE’ (a higher evolved spirit being) and ‘ELOPHYNY’ (a Collective of light beings from another Star dimension).  He is also a Reiki Master who utilizes ‘Energy’ Healing.

More books at (LotPatrol.com).