Why We Forget Who We Truly Are
Why do we not carry all of our memories and knowledge of the non-physical, any past lives, or decisions we made about this life beforehand with us into physical existence?
The amount of knowledge contained within your true self is not able to be put into calculable numbers. There is even greater levels and measurable amounts of information available to you and it resides outside of you, but your connection to it is always in place as you wish to use it. You will not realize the true nature of things for this specific lifetime when you are constantly concerned with actions and events of previous lifetimes.
There will be some who have greater recollection of what has transpired for them or what will take place, but often this will need to be provided to you by a spirit or non-physical being. This is done so that you are focused on this lifetime and not concerned with what may or may not have happened several centuries ago. There are many things that you will or will not do in this lifetime based on previous lifetimes, but the manner in which you drank milk in a previous lifetime or your interactions on a daily basis are not important.
Many times, there is greater knowledge available within you regarding this lifetime and regarding previous lifetimes, but like any unused or ignored aspect of being it will slowly reside in smaller and smaller quantities, that is, it is not at the front of your mind where you are consistently retrieving and accessing it, so it becomes less dominant in your mind. Often dreams are snippets of previous information. While dreams can also be actual events, travel and communication in spirit while you are sleeping, they are also events that you see only with your mind, they can also be the creation of your mind.
There is no singular aspect of a dream or its nature, but they can all be discerned if you begin to recollect them and use them, and exercise your mind so that they are seen as important, not something of fanciful whimsy which you'll have no interest in after 45 minutes of being awake and beginning to engage in your daily activities.
What is important is that you understand that there is nothing hidden from you. All is available to you. Understand that there may be sensitivities regarding specific incidents or events, but you are not shielded because we do not wish for you to know. There is much that energy beings will convince themselves of, much that they believe is important to them and is the make it or break it answer for them in this lifetime or any lifetime.
With many questions and answers, simply wait a few days, even waiting several hours, your answer will come to you or you will see how insignificant your conundrum really is once you are beyond the heat of the moment. Not that any one thing is insignificant, but when you quiet your mind you will see the answers around you or in your mind.
You are all precious beings living precious moments, it is not to be worried over that you were a slave, a garbage collector in this lifetime or in any other. No matter if you were murdered, if you murdered another, or if you saved several children from drowning, all events are equally important, you are no better or worse because you spent your life sailing, spent your life in a cave, or spent your life lost. All things are for your benefit and therefore the benefit of all in existence.
You can access anything you wish, if it cannot be displayed to you or explained to you it will be stated so, the reasoning often given. You must also understand that if certain events are explained to you which must take place for some other purpose, some greater purpose, a purpose which may impact several people, you may not be shown something which could alter a path towards this event, but this is not always true.
You will always have the freedom to choose, you will live on a timeline of your choosing no matter what anyone believes they have for you. The exception to this statement are any prescribed events, situations, lessons, or emotions which you wanted to experience as part of your existence. It is not a god-force placing these events on you, it is your own doing by free will or by your choice prior to entry here.
When you say, “he doesn't give you anything more than you can handle,” this is true if you are a male, it is true if you are a female and say, “she doesn't give you anything more than you can handle.” Why is this true? Because you created these events, you are the creator, in the moment or prior to physical existence, you have created what has been presented to you. You are capable of all things and are involved in what you are capable of experiencing.
It is the trust you need in yourself, this is what is most often missing. The confidence, not to say that you are supreme, but to understand that you are worthy, you are capable, you do not need to place responsibility in the hands of another being, physical or non-physical. You do not need to reside yourself to inaction because you believe some other being will unfold the events in your favor. You are the ruler. You are the controller. You are the designer. Have faith in yourself above all things and above all others.