Hot to Choose Orgonite, the Best Device for You - the Ultimate Guide for EMF Protection and Self Improvement by Suli - HTML preview

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How To Set Up An Orgone Grid Matrix

Please see the illustration below and the key of the best locations to place my devices.


1. Place a HHG or Radiation/EMF Pyramid at each corner of your property.

2. Tape two coasters to both sides of your water intake pipe to help neutralise the chemicals and to raise the vibrational level of the water.

3. Use 3-4 TB’s, 1 x HHG or Radiation/EMF Pyramid and bury near a cell/mobile phone mast within a 3 mile radius of your house.

4. If you are situated on a Ley Line you may want to ask an experienced dowser if it’s a clean or dirty one. If it’s not clean then I would recommend three if my earth pipes placed in a triangle on the incoming flow of the line.

5. Bury 4 Plant growth Stimulators at each corner of your vegetable patch of favourite plants this will help them flourish.

6. The bee population worldwide is suffering from the Chemtrails and the Pesticides so please help them out by planting as many Wildflower Seeds as possible and place a Towerbuster at each corner of the Beehive. It is very important that we help the bees as they are dying out and no bees = every fruit and vegetable being genetically modified which in turn means more tumours for us so please help the bee population.

7. Throw a few Towerbusters in a stagnant pond or river this will help the wildlife and fish.

8. If you locate a negative energy vortex push an Earth Pipe into the ground and surround it with a circle of Towerbusters this will help neutralise it.

9. Place 1 Towerbuster every three metres around your property inbetween the HHG’s or Pyramids you have placed at each corner as per point 1.

The next 11 points are extra places within your home you can place either Towerbusters, Radiation Domes, or Radiation/EMF Pyramids.

10. Place at each corner of your bed.

11. Put one either side of your windowsill and another in the middle.

12. Place on every electrical device.

13. Place on or under your plug socket.

14. Create a Hexagon shape around you whilst meditation.

15. Carry them with you in your bag or car.

16. Place under bed for better sleep.

17. Put on the perimeter of property to cleanse it.

18. Place in corners of a room to protect it.

19. Place near cell towers to block the negative effects.

20. Grid them on your property for protection.

21. Create an Orgone grid by placing one every 3 feet around the perimeter of your property.