Hot to Choose Orgonite, the Best Device for You - the Ultimate Guide for EMF Protection and Self Improvement by Suli - HTML preview

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Usually some the most common questions which people ask me about Orgone devices are, “I am new to Orgonite which one shall I choose”, “Which one is best for a particular purpose”, “Which would you recommend for X,Y & Z situation” and “You have so many to choose from, which one is right for me?”.

The following short guide and charts below will hopefully answer all of your questions regarding the selection process. If you are new to Orgonite and do not have any specific issues to address and just wanted to test some for yourself I would recommend purchasing either the HHG,  Starter Kit,  Towerbusters, Meditation Pyramid or a Birthstone Device.  These are really good devices for ‘first timers’ and all come with guides of where to place them for effective use, or you can see the chart at the bottom of the page or strategic locations to place my devices.





I personally have the above mentioned devices in my house and would always advise to aim to get one Towerbusters sitting on each electrical device in your house, and a HHG or Radiation Pyramid in a central location or ideally one at each corner of your house that way you can neutralize the negative energy the electrical devices generate and turn it into a positive Orgone energy grid. Once you have your house or office set up you will start to notice you become less irritable, happier, less headaches have also been reported and many other benefits. Even if you only have a pyramid or a handful of Towerbusters or just wear one pendant you should notice a difference unless you are right next to a phone/cell tower, then if you are that unfortunate you may need to increase your Orgonite stocks until you feel a benefit, I would also then research Lugol’s Iodine too.

All the Orgone devices that we provide serve a dual purpose the first is to reduce the harmful effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies & Radiation released by wireless and electrical equipment like TV’s, wifi routers, etc. and the second purpose is the name of the device for example the Luck, Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Cosmic Ordering and Wealth will act as a radiation neutralizer and also as a Manifestation aid. Our devices work on the principle of converting negative Orgone energy into positive energies.

Besides, our devices come with additional properties too, which depend on 4 key elements: colour of device, metals within the device, crystals and the intent programmed into such devices. Each kind of device that we provide is unique, and has a special arrangement of metals & crystals, which are kept in groups together to enhance their respective properties. For instance, my Zen Master Meditation  Pyramid is a fully customised device, which is unique in its own sense.

I originally wanted to design a type of device that a user could hold while meditating, and reap its benefits. Hence, I went for the colour first, ranging from Green, Brown and Purple, since these are the colours which are extensively used in the colour therapy, for total relaxation & meditation. After choosing the colours, I chose metals that could radiate the abovementioned colours, such as Copper, Silver and Aluminium. Finally, I chose crystals like Ametrine, Serpentine, Blue Lace Agate & Sunstone, which have been used for centuries by mankind, particularly Native Indians from America, and since I have received full training in their Crystal Healing Technique I know how effective these crystals are.
