Hot to Choose Orgonite, the Best Device for You - the Ultimate Guide for EMF Protection and Self Improvement by Suli - HTML preview

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Questions and Answers

How does Orgonite work against EMFs?

Orgonite does its work on the etheric level rather than the electromagnetic level. Rather than reducing radiation, it is proposed that Orgonite works because chaotic, imbalanced Orgone energy is a by-product of EMFs. Orgonite does not clean up EMFs per se, rather it cleans up the disorganised, deadly Orgone energy produced by it. People who are sensitive to EMFs have been helped greatly by Orgonite. For example, disturbed sleep and insomnia are one of the most common symptoms of low-level sensitivity to EMFs. One of the most widely reported beneficial effects of Orgonite is that it helps people sleep better, especially those who have problems with insomnia (although if you’ve been introduced to Orgonite for the first time, the influx of positive Orgone may energise you and make it more difficult to sleep to begin with! In that case, let your body get used to it slowly – don’t wear pendants while sleeping, or keep Orgonite in the bedroom until you’ve become used to the energy. In the long run, you will sleep sounder).

How Can I Measure Orgone Energy

During the 40s, a scientist called Wilhelm Reich created an Orgone (life-energy) field meter by using high voltage induction coils in order to excite the bigger detector plate. He succeeded in showing the presence as well as the amount of life-energy charge in human beings, plants and several other things.

In fact, Experimental Life-Energy Field Meter involves use of similar law, but with latest solid-state circuitry with quite lower voltages that eradicate the requirement for heavy induction coils like the ones used in the original device of Reich. There are four ways you can test the Orgonite yourself to see if it is working correctly they are:

1. Via our Life force Energy Meter - This meter can detect life force energy from any item living or non-living item that radiates Orgone energy.



2. Dowsing - We dowse over a piece of Orgonite to measure the spin, you need to be an expert dowser and holding a power wand in order to get accurate results to 98%. The dosing pendulum or bobber should swing clockwise, the bigger the swing the better the energy.


3. Using a parts per million TDS water meter (this tests Orgone energy in water charged by our Orgone board)

4. Feel good factor - many people who come to our house feel instantly relaxed sometimes sleepy, this is a great way to judge if your Orgonites is working.

5. Negative Ion Tester – Many people have reported that their devices can pick up massive amounts of Negative Ions, this is not the case Orgonite does create negative Ions but it cannot be measured by the cheap £30 Chinese devices that are in the YouTube videos, so the only conclusion I have of these videos is that they kept shooting until the reading came up positive or they put something on their finger. I have used 5 different £30-50 models with no consistent results. They are so inaccurate that a Wi-Fi router gave off negative ions….. Which of course is impossible. So if you want to test for energy please use one of the above 4 points or purchase a top of the range Negative Ion counter/meter.


Q: How Do I Maintain an Orgonite Device?

A: Orgonite can reach its capacity or become sodden, and if it is in a very energy-contaminated areas, such as strong EMF zones, a space where WIFI Router or TV or many other electrical and electronic equipment, etc., the capacity may be exhausted. Photon Orgone therefore recommend that, as with healing stones, put Orgonite at least 45 seconds (the longer, the better) under running water to clear and rid of negative energy. This procedure you can do for yourself, such as when showering. The colder the water, the larger the magnetism = able to better tie in other energy - in this case, remove negative energy from the Orgonite. Once this have been completed I would recommend placing them on an Amethyst Geode for 12 – 18 hours.

When the weather is sunny, expose the Orgonite in the sun, where it will charge. It may not be in direct sunlight, with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may fade transparent Orgonite healing stones such as amethyst, rose quartz and Citrine. It will not affect a quality of function of Orgonite. Just as the sun works for charging works same with full or new moon and stars on a clear night. The best place to charge Orgonite is to take somewhere where there are lots of positive energy, such as in nature, running streams or waterfalls.

Another way to clean Orgonite is mental purification. Proceed as follows: take Orgonite in the palm of the right hand and put your other hand over the Orgonite.

Humbly Ask “higher world” (God, angels, fairies ...) to purify Orgonite from all the negative black energy, which is in itself. You can use for this purpose such as the following sentence: “All the negative energy from the Orgonite enter the light!” If you have developed clairvoyant abilities, you might see how the Orgonite evaporates haze or smoke of negative energy and you will feel a tingling in your hands over Orgonite. If not, does not matter, important is your belief, intention and the intention is to purify Orgonite! The length of cleaning depends on the size and congestion of Orgonite, Orgonite negative energy typically takes few minutes to transform. A few ways to tell if the Orgonite has been cleansed can be that you feel the tingling in the hand, become happy, relaxed or the weather changes for the better. After cleaning, you can charge the Orgonite by “your” energy. Ask “higher world” that you put into Orgonite energy as you personally need. When charging Orgonite place your hand over first so that the thumb under the fingers clenched. Charging Orgonite energy will take place every few seconds when breath out. This procedure can also be used for cleaning and charging healing stones. Please remember the more love and attention you give to them, the better they will serve. Sensitive individuals may experience, mainly from a beginning, tickle energy flowing into your hand as you would smooth a silk.

Q: What is the difference between Orgonite and classical Wilhelm Reich Orgone Technology?

A: Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone accumulator and Cloudbuster were both powerful tools to collect and concentrate ambient Orgone energy. Orgone energy as we understand it is always present either in it’s positive, life enhancing state as POR or Positive Orgone energy or in its stagnant negative Form DOR or Deadly Orgone energy.

Wilhelm Reich’s pioneering tools have to be handled by experienced Orgone researchers as they can also concentrate the negative form of Orgone if it is prevalent at the location where the experiment is conducted. Orgonite however will always convert negative stagnant Orgone into alive and positive POR. It is therefore “fool proof” in application and can be made and used by every person on this planet to improve the ambient energy field. The worldwide network of Orgone activists is the best proof that Orgonite provides a truly self-empowering option to all those who care about our planet.

Q: Can you say something about the ranges of different Orgonite tools?

A: The range at which a specific Orgonite tool still effects visible or notable change depends on many factors. Most importantly the degree of electromagnetic pollution.

The following distances have been established as safe bets after years of experience: Tower buster: 1 or 2 TBs covers a radius of around 2-3 metres.

HHG: 1 HHG or medium pyramid will have a radius of around 5 metres.

Cloud Buster: 1 standard CB will have an observable effect within a radius 1 mile, but you need to link it with other Towerbusters and Orgonite in that area for it to cover that bigger radius. The more the Orgonite the bigger the radius up to 5 miles.

Pendant: Within your Auric Field.

Q: What about the properties of different metals in Orgonite A: In principle Orgonite can be made with any metal. Apparently the main criterion for the strength of the energy conversion effect is the number of layers of alternatingly resin and metal. In our experience aluminium (aluminium) works best for strong Orgonite. Also aluminium forms fine crystals at the shearing surfaces when it is shaved off a solid bar or block. These micro crystals seem to contribute to the Orgone generating effect.

Iron works, but the shavings normally obtained are quite clunky and thick which results in very heavyweight creations in order to achieve the same quantitative effect as with a relatively lightweight Orgonite tool.

For personal healing tools other metals may be added for their specific finer resonances, such as gold, copper, brass, silver, titanium etc. As with gemstones and crystals, the finer energetic properties of any material will be enhanced by adding them to Orgonite. We are aware that from certain corners a negative sentiment against the use of aluminium in Orgonite is being spread. We have found no evidence for any negative effects from aluminium. All the often dramatically positive results documented on this site have been achieved with standard aluminium Orgonite. That is: polyester resin, aluminium and quartz crystals with sometimes other gemstones added.

Q: Is Aluminium and Copper Harmful in Orgonite?

A: Some people on the web have been stating that aluminium, and sometimes copper too, cannot be used in Orgonite because Wilhelm Reich supposedly said that these metals are harmful to the body. This is certainly not the case as I have been adding those two ingredients for over 15 years and I am of perfect health, in fact I have had only 4 colds in this time.

First, Reich worked with different devices, not Orgonite. Reich made Orgone accumulators from different materials, to capture the Orgone and concentrate it inside a box, in which his test subjects would absorb the high concentration of Orgone for spiritual healing purposes. Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone energy accumulators were in the form of rectangular boxes which consisted of alternate layers of organic and metallic materials, such as cotton or cellulose and aluminium or iron. Wilhelm Reich’s devices were a lot more intense than a Towerbuster, HHG or a Pyramid that are made today as mentioned below his patients had to sit in his closed Orgone Accumulator box so the Orgone energy would be so intense and would be directed at the patient from all angles, this is why he stated that Aluminium was too potent a metal to be used in HIS devices, but it’s absolutely perfect and the metal of choice for best results in todays Orgonite.

Reich’s continuing experiments in this field disclosed that organic materials attract and collect Orgone energy from the atmosphere. The metallic material acts to both repel and contain the Orgone, and thus the combination of both materials produces an ideal collector or accumulator of Orgone energy.

Accumulator experiments with humans showed that the pain of burns was eliminated or radically diminished in a few minutes, and the healing took place quickly, without scar; skin conditions would either clear up or be made worse, depending on the type; cancer cases did not develop anaemia, and the patient’s blood improved. In all cases, the results seemed to be due to a building up of energy in the organism. Where the energy was already high, patients could not tolerate the accumulator; depressed patients were helped in rebuilding their energy.

Experimenting with different metals, he found that an ORAC lined with aluminium caused a loss of fur when used on mice, while a lining of iron gave the best results.

This does not mean that aluminium was bad or harmful.

Aluminium is a much lighter element than iron, and copper, and has a much stronger radiance of life energy. This is well known by people who work energetically with metals. The lighter the metal, the stronger the radiance. When you work with lighter metals, like aluminium, one has to shorter one’s exposure.

Too much Orgone does the damage, not the choice of metal. Having said that to obtain over exposure from Orgonite you would need to have around 5000 Orgone pyramids under your bed at night.

Q: I want to protect and energise my home. Where should I place the Orgonite?

A: Generally Orgonite it’s very fool proof and will pick up negative energies and convert them no matter where it’s placed. So in a way your intuition is you best guide. But there are some general recommendations to sort out your house. (If you live in an apartment, apply accordingly) This can be done with a few simple Towerbusters, no matter the weather.

Place one tower buster in the main electrical board, another one gets taped to the main water inlet pipe where it enters your house or apartment. Place one TB in every corner of your house in each room, put a TB or other small Orgonite on each window sill, at least of you major windows in rooms where people frequently stay, put one near your TV and any other source of radiation (computer monitor, microwave if you still feel the need for such toxic equipment) Additional HHGs or pyramids only make the energy and increase the vibrations. HHGs or pyramids in flower beds or generally in the garden enhance plant growth or my specialized plant growth stimulators.

These are just general recommendations, you may exceed them or do less.

Already a single TB in the house makes a big difference. After you sorted out your home, begin gifting the microwave transmitters (cell phone towers, we call them death force transmitters) in your neighbourhood. Then enlarge the gifted area as you become aware of the beneficial changes. Take some Orgonite to your place of work, the school of your children and other places you frequently visit.

Q: Does Orgonite help against negative energy lines crossing my house or plot?

A: Many experienced dowsers have found that Orgonite does transform negative energy line or “Geopathic stress lines” into conduits of positive life enhancing Orgone energy. If you can locate such a line, (ask an experienced dowser to map it for you) you dig a shallow round hole of approximately 600mm (2’) diameter and place a circle of exactly 6 TBs in that hole. That will do the trick!

Q: I have just read The Secret & Cosmic Ordering Books, is there anything to help me placing my order to the universe?

A: I offer a range of Manifestation and Cosmic Ordering Devices will help you do this in fact I believe this is the only way to “Cosmic Order” as These devices will continually place your order for you until you have received it! They also come with a Meditation and Manifestation Guide.

Q: Do you help me using the items I have purchased?

A: Yes, you will get a full after sales advice and guidance along with a lifetime membership to the PhotonOrgone. Co.Uk blog where you will receive full support for any question or advise about this or any of our other products we also provide you with extensive instructions of how to use all of our creations to maximize their use.

Q: What do I do if my product is not working?

A: All of our products have been extensively tested before they are sent out, my advice would be that if you feel nothing is happening contact us at with detailed descriptions on why you think our device is not working along with how you are using it and we will get back to you with advice as it may be something simple that you need to do in order for it to manifest properly.

Q: What is cosmic ordering and Manifestation?

A: Buddha once said, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we Become” Basically this is a universe of vibration as Einstein once said, “Nothing happens until something moves” everything vibrates at a certain measurable frequency. Manifestation or Cosmic Ordering is the same thing they are about creating your own reality with you being the creator. You were born with an innate knowledge that you do create your own reality and intact that knowledge is so simple and basic you ask god for this you ask him for that. It’s all about realignment to the source energy, which we will show you how!

Q: How long before I notice results?

A: Everyone is different. Some people can notice a change immediately, others it takes a month or two, but for the majority of people it will happen gradually. This is not a “30 day miracle” like other similar items claim to be. Asking when the results will show up is kind of like asking your running coach when I will notice difference from my daily running. Actually, my products will begin to create a positive change soon as you use or wear it some people have reported an energy serge soon as they used or wore it, but you may not notice results for maybe a few weeks or maybe a few months. Although it is impossible to expose yourself to this positive vortex energy without changes happening.

Q: Will your products help my aura and chakra?

A: Yes all of my products help unblocking negative energy to the seven chakra and they will also strengthen your auric field, I do offer specific Chakra Alignment  devices which include a conditioning guide.

Q: Do you help me using the items I have purchased?

A: Yes, we offer a lifetime aftersales advice and guidance service, we also provide you with extensive instructions of how to use all of our creations to maximize their use. Life Force (psychic power, magical energy, chi, prana, etc.) is now accessible to everybody who has the open mind to use this exciting new technology! Therefore, to gain a technological EDGE over others is easy.

Q: I have been meditating for a while but cannot get into a really deep state you sell anything that will help me reach a deeper state of meditation?

A: The Photon Orgone Meditation Pendant or Pyramid will be ideal to increase your mediational experiences simply hold it in your hand and feel yourself falling deeper and deeper into a mediational state I also recommend the Orgone  Negative Energy sacred Marking Shield as this will create a sacred marking space for your meditations simply place them in the four corners of the space you wish to meditate no further than three feet apart to create a sacred square shield around you these will also be perfect for praying and manifesting.

Q: Do you sell anything that will help me increase my psychic powers?

A: Yes we do offer a few devices to help Psychic Enhancement Pendant & Pyramid will do just that by stimulation the Pineal Gland located deep inside the geometric centre of the brain, this correlates to the Great Pyramid in Egypt being in the centre of the physical planet. The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in a tiny cave behind and above the pituitary gland which lies a little behind the root of the nose. It is located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle. Once activated one may feel pressure as you will be connecting to a higher frequency.

Q: I Have been noticing on the news a year or so ago about the dangers of mobile phone radiation nothing has been on the news for a while does this mean there is not a risk anymore?

A: Absolutely not! I cannot stress the importance enough of the damage mobile phones do to our auras and our brain! I conducted my own test to see if what was on the news was true. I placed an unboiled egg straight from the fridge inbetween two mobile phones which I’ll call mobile 1 & mobile 2. I dialled the number of mobile 1 from mobile 2 and placed them either side of the egg. After 25 mints nothing happened, after 40 mints the outer egg was getting warm, after 65 mints the egg was getting hot after 80 mints the egg was cooked!
