How Do You Lucid Dream? And Is Lucid Dreaming Real? by M. Brown 'MIND' - HTML preview

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Lucid Dreaming Explained

Each night, we spend about one and a half to two hours dreaming. We dream about once every 90 minutes of sleep. The time you spend in dreams becomes longer throughout the night, from about 10 minutes to around 45 minutes or slightly longer. But what happens when we sleep?

The stages of sleep.


  • NREM 1
  • NREM 2
  • NREM 3
  • NREM 4
  • NREM 3
  • NREM 2
  • REM

There are five stages of sleep: four stages of NREM (Non-
REM) sleep, also called SWS (Slow-Wave Sleep), and one stage of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. The most vivid dreams, and therefore the ones we remember the most, occur during REM sleep (though we dream in other stages too). One sleep cycle is roughly 90 minutes long.


  • (NREM) The first stage is a transition state between wakefulness and sleep. This is the stage that hypnagogic imagery occurs in. It usually passes into stage 2 within a few minutes.


  • (NREM) During stage 2, the body gradually shuts down, and brain waves become larger.


  • (NREM) Stage 3 usually occurs 30 to 45 minutes after falling asleep the first time. Large, slow delta brain waves are generated.


  • (NREM) Stage 4 is often called “deep sleep” or “delta sleep”. The heart beats the slowest and there is the least brain activity. It is during this stage that sleepwalking usually occurs.


  • After stage 4, the NREM stages reverse and move back to stage 2, and then into REM sleep.


  • (REM) During REM sleep, some parts of the brain are nearly as active as while awake. In this stage, your eyes flicker rapidly (hence the acronym Rapid Eye Movement). Your body is paralyzed, probably to prevent you from acting out your dreams.


After the REM state, you sometimes wake briefly. This is usually forgotten by the time you wake up in the morning. If you don't wake up, you go to stage 2.

”I never dream anyway.”

You do, actually — you simply don’t remember any of your dreams. In the next chapter, you will find out how to improve your dream recall.

Why do we dream? What do dreams mean?

The various hypotheses for this are detailed in the dream recall section.


Lucid dreaming is basically dreaming while being aware that you are dreaming. If you are in a lucid dream, you will usually have some power over your dream — anything from being able to fly or making an object or room appear behind a door or inside a pocket, right up to being able to change into animals and create a whole world! It is like being a director of your own movie. Lucid dreams have been scientifically proven to exist.

Stephen LaBerge of
The Lucidity Institute used a special machine to track eye movements during a dream (these are linked to your eye movements within the dream). He asked lucid dreamers to point their eyes left and right in quick succession and this movement was recorded on the machine. For more information on this and other experiments, read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.

There are plenty of reasons you might want to lucidly dream:


  • Simply for fun! Just flying in a lucid dream is an exhilarating feeling. Lucid dreams are generally far more intense and vivid than most non-lucid dreams. You can use a lucid dream to wind down after a long day.


  • Transforming into animals or getting superpowers is a unique experience that is hard to get any other way.


  • A major part of “training” for lucid dreams is improving your dream recall, that is, how many dreams you can remember.


  • If you are particularly interested in dreams — either in spirituality or in psychology — trying lucid dreaming could help you in your research.


  • If you're writing fiction or even creating a world for a computer game, lucid dreaming can help you visualize it. You could ask your characters how they feel about something or what they think will happen.


  • Some people compose music in their lucid dreams. Lucid dreams can be realistic enough to rehearse a speech or musical performance.


  • You can relive previous dreams or experiences.


  • They can help in dream interpretation and communicating with your


I Can’t Control My Dreams

This is very rarely actually the case (though sometimes it is in nightmares). Usually it is just your memory which treats you as though it were beyond your control. If you become lucid in a dream where you have a body, you will almost always be able to control your body. However, you might not manage to do anything else. Don't worry, though — most people have no problem with jumping very high or flying in a lucid dream!

On the other hand, parts of your brain are less active while dreaming, which can lead to dream/trance logic and sometimes choices you will later regret. For example, you might choose to continue your lucid dream, although you know that once you wake you will only remember half of it. Once you wake up, you may wish that you had stopped your dream. Another example is of somebody who dreamt they were sitting next to Mother Theresa. They wondered if they might be dreaming, thinking isn’t Mother Theresa dead? They then concluded that she was obviously right next to them and therefore alive, and that it wasn’t a dream!

Are Lucid Dreams Related To PSI Phenomena?

There are differing views on this. Some people claim to have organized shared dreams or precognitive dreams through lucid dreaming. Others say these are simply created in the brain like any other dream, something like self-hypnosis.

How Long Does It Take To Learn How To Dream Lucidly?

This completely depends on the person and circumstances. Some people have a lucid dream just a few nights after finding out about it (usually by accident), while some people can take months! If you don't get enough sleep or feel too stressed after work to try techniques, then it may take a long time, especially if you expect it to. It will also depend on how much effort you put in. However, everybody has the ability to dream lucidly.

I Think I Do This Naturally. Does This Happen?

It is quite rare to have regular lucid dreams naturally, although most people have had a lucid dream at some point in their lives. If you want to increase the frequency of your lucid dreams, carry on reading through the book; otherwise, skip to the Using section to get some ideas for your dreams.

“I Had (dream), Was I Lucid?”

In general, a lucid dream is defined as a dream in which you know you are dreaming at some point, regardless of anything else. Even if you were lucid one second but lost your lucidity, it is still technically a lucid dream. However, this can be a little misleading. Sometimes you dream that you fall asleep and have a lucid dream! This is often thought of as a sign that you will have a proper lucid dream soon, as your mind is thinking a lot about lucid dreams.

Signs you were lucid


  • Doing a reality check which gave a positive result
  • Remarks to dream characters that you are dreaming
  • Attempting to stabilize the dream (see the Using chapter)
  • Attempting to fly, walk through mirrors, etc. immediately after realizing you are dreaming
  • Waking up as soon as you realize that you are dreaming

Signs you weren't lucid

  • Dreaming that you dreamt
  • Treating dream characters as you would real people
  • Having an unusually poor recall for that dream after you became lucid
  • Not recognizing illogical parts of the dream as a dream