How to Have Your Better Life by Bob Brown - HTML preview

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33. Enjoying Your Better Life To The Full

Life without limits

You are now free from the self limiting influences of your past and your old ways of thinking.  At the start of this book I promised you a better life. But I have an admission to make. I did not tell you the whole story. Your life does not have to stop at just being better. It can just get better and better as you feel more and more happy. This is no pipe dream. This is something that large numbers of people who have chosen to follow a spiritual path of personal transformation towards peace, serenity and happiness are experiencing.  After a while when you truly have regained control of your mind,  are thinking for yourself and seeing reality you will find that it is perfectly normal to feel indescribable bliss and euphoria in quite ordinary situations. You will be able to just sit and be on your own and feel that your life is just marvellous. You will really start to see the magic and wonder in everything around you.

Spiritual people can and do reach great heights of happiness and serenity that they genuinely find it difficult to cope with how truly delightful life can feel. A nice problem to have I hear you say but you really can be one of them. You can find that things just feel wonderful, and life miraculous, You can find, as you really learn to live in the moment and accept life as it is and savour the ride, that  life just becomes  pleasurable and exciting all the time.  And this may be coupled with an overwhelming and bursting love for your family and those around you. Add to this really seeing the beauty that surrounds us all and for example the stunning majestic beauty of dawn and sunset and natural landscapes.  But when these moments arise they are absolutely not something to feel guilty or selfish about. What you are experiencing is reality and how life can and should feel.

Sublime moments of enlightenment when you experience complete peace and serenity can be overwhelming and even intimidating.  You may feel that somehow you should be capturing it and bottling it, but that is your mind up to its old tricks. You know now that you cannot capture it and that being open to fully experiencing life in the moment is how and why these sublime moments arise in the first place.

So now you do everything to the best of your ability, and with good intent, knowing you are relaxed and in a perfect frame of mind; calm, relaxed, confident and positive. This will become a virtuous circle. With these resources you know that you are directing your life now, and are confident your life will bring good things to you. What you desire or even something better will present itself if you simply allow your life to unfold naturally without trying to force it or grasping. Through this you are happier, and with each day that passes, if you anticipate happiness, then happiness will be yours. And of course you feel better because you are happier, and you are happier because you feel better!!

The older I get the more exciting and miraculous and unbounded I realise that life is. Unfortunately you often do not fully appreciate how magical and wonderful life is until you get older and when they say that ‘youth is wasted on the young’ there is some truth to it. And the irony is that when you truly wake up, you see that happiness was there all along, and you just could not see it. You just could not feel it because your mind was making too much noise. Please do not wait until you are old, or no longer in perfect health before you wake up to just how wonderful, magical and miraculous your life is. There will probably come a time when you will give anything for just one more day or even an hour. Life is precious. Don’t take it for granted. See the reality that in a cold inert dead universe  our lives and every second of this wondrous and magical experience called consciousness and the ability to think are just the most precious, amazing and  miraculous gifts.

Now please go, be happy and fully savour   this most amazing and wondrous gift of life to the full.

Thank you for reading this book and I so sincerely hope that it has helped you and touched you, and will change your life.

With love from Bob 

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