I am that by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj - HTML preview

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The great expanse of existence, the universe of matter and energy, ( mahat, great + akash, sky).


The great doer, ( maha, great + karta, doer, kar, to do). Mind is the great doer, for it is ever busy, ever engaged in something or the other.


The great incantation. (see Mantra).


The Great Illusion, Unreality, ( maha, great + maya, illusion). Maya is the illusive power that veils the Reality. The nature of Maya is to delude.


is the totality of all mental projections.


The final dissolution, the great death off all creation.


The Supreme Harmony, ( maha great + sattva, being, harmonious existence).


The Great Reality, Supreme Consciousness, ( maha, great + tattva, reality, true essence).


The sublime pronouncement, ( vach, word, sound, expression, vakya, speech, sentence, what is spoken, Maha-vakya — maha, great, sublime

+ vakya, sentence, pronouncement). Four Upanishadic declarations, expressing the highest Vedantic truths, are known as Mahavakyas. They are: Prajnanam Brahman (consciousness is Brahman), Aham Brahmasmi (I Am Brahman), Tat Tvam asi (That Thou Art) and Ayam Atma Brahma (the Self is Brahman).

Mana, Manas

The mind, understanding. ( man, to think). Manas is the thinking faculty, the faculty of discrimination. In Nyaya philosophy manas is regarded as a APPENDIX III


substance distinct from Atman, soul.