2023 - An Update on World Changes
Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.
For, indeed, that's all who ever have.
Margaret Mead.
It has been several years since I wrote the previous information and what was mentioned by you at the time appears to be happening now. In many parts of the world the media is showing people, especially young people, up in arms about what they perceive is climate change. My question is, what is happening now, is it what you had been referring to with the courageous, fearless people?
It is the way; one and the same.
I do not agree that what we are seeing with weather conditions being climate change that will make the world unusable in ten years or so or global extinction as many people are stating.
No, it is not the way. However, what you are seeing is a ground swell of people prepared to stand up for their beliefs.
These are the future, the ones who deny their own comforts ahead of what is being done now.
The rest of the larger population might not agree with them.
It is the way of the future for your planet. Where you will see more and more of your populace standing tall for what they see is a wrong, a hardship, and making the changes they see is necessary to make it into a more equitable world for all.
Is it only going to be on climate change?
It is not to be only climate change that you see underway for there are many other issues that will come to the fore with this. People will become more embodied for their needs they see are being trampled, misunderstood by those they see as the ruling class or with the power to intervene and change what is wrong.
Climate change is mainly the bandwagon of choice at this time but what about the other problems associated with what is transpiring because of our modern way of life? They are not being addressed and I specifically refer to the misuse or overuse of the natural resources and the wastage that goes one with this.
Yes, we see and understand what you say but this will also change as more and more start to realize what issues are at stake and bring about a revival in many ways of what was before. We are stating with this that many will change and go back to other avenues that once were pursued by societies. We see much will take another way, form, as many change their ways of seeing what can and cannot be sustained.
Your planet is also undergoing changes as she shifts to another way of enlightenment and with this change others of her charges also undergo changes. These changes will bring about a demise of natural 'flora and fauna' as you say. It is brought about, into being, because of the energies that once were are falling away and heralding in the new. It is this, not climate change in this instance that will make many misunderstand and place blame where it is undeserved.
All have a time, a place and an existence that flutters for a time and then ceases to exist as you know and understand it to be. Growth is not stagnant and the old, the worn must, by needs, make way for the incoming ways. It is a part of nature.
Always was and always will be. You, finite you, humanity, will go by the way but all will progress as ordained.
We do not see global changes bringing about your demise but see many changes ahead. Fearless warriors will light the pathway and bring in a more equitable place for all to stay.
We leave you now with words of cheer. Much will change upon your globe and all will feel the benefits of what is to come. We issue our words of encouragement. Do not fear what tomorrow brings for all will find their purpose and rewards they set out to achieve. You cannot fail.
Thank you.