Into The Light, Journey Home by David Michaels - HTML preview

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The Angels then led me back to the tunnel where it all began and told me I would have to go back to Earth and complete my journey there. I was not happy about this. They told me that I had to go back and tell the rest of the world what I had seen and learned. They also told me that sometime after I got back there would be what we would call a download of information that would complete the information that I needed to tell the world. They said that I would have a deep-felt awareness about the information at a time when I was ready for it. It has been roughly five years since my near-death experience and I have finally gotten my information from God and the angels. How do you know I’m not just making this?



Into the Light

By David Michaels


stuff up? Good question! All I can tell you is that I’m a musician and I’m living a quiet comfortable life in retirement. I’m not an author and have never wanted to be. You see, there really is no conceivable reason for me to write this stuff. I don’t need the money. I don’t spell or write well, and my grammar, well read it and see for yourself I’m being obedient to God The Father. If you don’t agree with me or  what you are reading, Hit your knee’s and complain to him. And if you’re still a skeptic as I was, then find out for yourself. Ask God to give you the ability to accept the truth and to show you the truth no matter how implausible it may seem. Start spending time learning to meditate in the proper way and once you have excelled at it, begin talking directly to God himself and to his angels and to your spirit guides and listen to what they tell you with that still small voice. They will tell you that they have


Into the Light

By David Michaels


been waiting for a long time for you to begin talking to them and then listening to what they must tell you. Now I will begin telling you my downloaded information. This information is on many different subjects including subjects in Heaven and subjects on Earth The process of crossing over is painless. As a soul begins the process of crossing over, it goes through a preordained process of passing. The soul that is passing has full control of their actual passing. They will decide when they are ready to leave the body if it coincides with their agreed upon contract with God. Therefore, some souls leave life at an early age. It is a contract that they agreed upon with God. You can be sure that there was a purpose for why they chose to leave this life so early and it probably had something to do with the growth of everyone involved in their lives at the time. They usually choose not to leave until the last possible moment unless their contract with God includes a sudden death


Into the Light

By David Michaels


whether it be from natural causes or from some type of accident or such. Although they have a little control of the actual time of passing, they are still bound by the contract that they came up with and agreed to with God as to their actual time of passing. They will pass at the very time they have agreed to. Although many times it seems to us as if they are in much pain and agony toward the end, and I know that this doesn’t feel right to you as you watch them in their last hours of life, this time already goes their soul. The only time that they still stay in their body is when they are concerned for their family members and how the family members will do when they are gone. This is when someone must step forward, or often all must step forward and audibly tell them that it is OK to go, and that they will be just fine. But the actual timing is all directed by God himself so that











Once souls have crossed over, they begin to do everything that they can to get your attention. They are trying to tell you that they are still alive and that they are OK, and they want to be able to talk to you. They will do anything to get your attention. They like to play with electrical objects by turning them on and off. Sometimes they will make sounds like knocking on doors or footsteps in the


Into the Light

By David Michaels


hallway, etc. We used to have a Dachshund that we loved very deeply. When he grew old and we had to put him to sleep, it affected all of us very much. Several years later as we were sitting in our living room, we all clearly heard a squeaky toy squeaking not

two feet from my recliner right behind it. We now had no dogs at all. We got up and looked behind the chair but there was nothing there. The squeaking went on for quite some time. We knew it must be our dog wrinkles because he loved playing with his squeaky toy. Also, we had a printer that for no reason at all would turn on and then turn of repeatedly. We don’t know who that was. It occurred for over a year. It also began occurring shortly after my Dad passed.

Crossing over is such an incredible loss for us and we tend to feel as though it is a terrible thing for the person who has passed on. How sad that their life on earth has ended. However, and


Into the Light

By David Michaels


please note that I am saying this with all the love and compassion that I can muster, people crossing over to the other side is their graduation. It means that they have completed their tasks on Earth and that they are now ready to go home. It doesn’t matter if they are twelve or eighty-five. They have completed what they came here to do. They are finally going home to a huge celebration

where they will see old friends from many of their lifetimes and where they will be able to catch up with them. They will no longer feel any pain or anxiety or money issues or sickness or disease or sadness or fear or heaviness.

We feel very saddened and we grieve for them, but grieving is for the living, not for those who have crossed over. And yes, I get how cold that sounds. They don’t want us to feel sad. They want us to have a celebration of life for them. Not just a celebration of this life but also a celebration of their next life as well. We should be


Into the Light

By David Michaels


extremely glad for them as they have finally gone to their true home. I don’t like to go to funerals for the simple reason that they are very somber, and everyone is trying so hard not to cry, and they are saddened for their own loss instead of being very happy for their loved one’s gain. Most don’t realize that their crossed over loved ones will always be right beside them no matter where they are and that they can talk to them anytime they want, and they will listen. I realize that this is something that will slowly change over an

extended period. With a daily practice of meditation, quieting the mind so that you can hear spirit speaking to you, you can even hear them talking to you. It takes much practice but is very much well worth it.

Once the spirit has crossed over to the other side, they gain several new gifts or abilities like where they are able to be in several places at the same time. This is very difficult for us to wrap


Into the Light

By David Michaels


our minds around as we cannot do anything remotely close to that. But it is true. That’s why they can be with you and at the same time they can be with your mother and with your brothers and sisters all at the same time. They are also able to communicate with as many spirits as they want to all at the same time. I know this seems strange, but it is also true. Much the same way as God can be in several places all at the same time. They also can know when we need them or when we are suffering, and they come right away. Remember, they are now in spirit form. They don’t have the boundaries and restrictions that we do. They can basically

multitask, where they are doing several things at the same time. Such as chopping wood, like my Dad, and at the same time healing a heart of someone still on Earth.











They are in a different dimension than we are. Physically, Heaven is approximately three feet above the Earth, but in a different dimension. It is in this dimension that they can do so many things at once. Different dimensions are another area that we have significant difficulty wrapping our minds around. There are several dimensions and they each have their own characteristics



Into the Light

By David Michaels


about them. I have not been given the information about them because now it is too much for our minds to handle.

UFO’s are from another dimension than ours and they can cross dimensions freely. They travel at a speed on our planet that make it impossible to see them. We only see them when they want us to see them. This is when they slow down and or stop entirely. There are many books and documentaries that expound on UFO’s and some of them say that aliens mean us harm and that they need to feed off our blood. According to what God has infused in me, this is not true. Aliens are far more advanced than we are, and they do not need or want anything from us. Instead, they want to help us evolve in the best way that we can. They come from other dimensions and are very highly evolved

I knew that God took me on this journey for a reason. I knew that he wanted me to tell my story to all who would listen. I


Into the Light

By David Michaels


knew that he wanted people to know that there is no one religion on Earth that is right about God, rather bits and pieces from each religion that make up the whole righteousness. I know that steps on many toes but when you get to Heaven; no one cares what religion you are. There are no religions in Heaven. There is simply a world full of unconditional love and compassion. The Angels told me that

all God is concerned about is that all religions lead to one God, the same God and that he goes by many names, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah. You will not hear, “What religion are you” in Heaven. You will only feel the love and compassion emanating from each being. Each person is full of humility and forgiveness. When they cross over, people leave behind all their opinions on religions as well as many other grounded thoughts on matters such as politics etc. I was told that things like religion and fear and so on are created by man, not God.


Into the Light

By David Michaels


I can only tell you what I saw and what I learned while I was there. I can only tell you of the unspeakable joy that I was left with after I worked through the negative feelings of having to leave Heaven. I will be back in Heaven, this I promise you. I will go back home and see all my friends and relatives and there will be a great party to celebrate my home coming. I am no longer afraid to die because I know where I am going. The changes in me are like the changes in other Near-Death Experiences. They are long lasting, life

changing, and all for the better. After my NDE, I am more intuitive and way more sensitive to spirit. I have no way to prove to you that what I say is true. All I can do is to ask you to have faith in what I saw and what I know to be true. I know what I saw and what I was shown. I know the changes made in me that are unchangeable and I know the inner joy that I feel, and I know that where I am going is much better than where I am now. I am so excited to go to heaven.


Into the Light

By David Michaels


If we are really in tune with the spirit, we can feel them hugging us and telling us that everything will be O.K. and that we will see them soon and that we will be with them again. Our loved ones want us to know that no matter how hopeless things seem, everything will work out for the best. To go to heaven is to live, and to still be on Earth is to die a slow death. We have so much to look forward to and the things we worry so much about now will seem so trivial one day. Money doesn’t exist in heaven and there is no worry in heaven. There is no death or dying in heaven. When someone dies on Earth, there is a great celebration in Heaven and

since many thousands of people die each day, there are constant celebrations going on all the time. What a wonderful feeling to know that when we or someone we know dies, they will be greeted by a huge celebration much like our graduation parties for our high school graduates. I can’t help but be happy for my loved ones who


Into the Light

By David Michaels


have crossed over. They have celebrated their final graduation and now are at home forever. How great is that. We should be extremely happy for them. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t grieve but grieving is for the living, not for the crossed over. Grieving is missing someone and fearing we will never see them again. I can tell you with greatest of confidence that you will see all your loved ones again. They will be young again and in perfect health and they will be most happy to see you. All who have crossed over will be made whole in every way. When you are ready, you will see them in your dreams and talk with them and love them and they will love you. You will sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, usually around 2A.M. or 3A.M. and you will have tears of




Into the Light

By David Michaels


joy in your eyes. I don’t always remember the visit, but I always remember the tears of joy and the light-hearted feeling with no fear and no worries. I don’t know why it is always around 2A.M., or 3A.M. but it is. You will wake up around 2 or 3 in the morning and wonder why you woke up. It’s either because God wants to talk to you, or because you either had, are having, or are going to have a visitation.

















This was not the first time I had come close to death. In fact, there have been several times. In the year 2010, I had seizures that came unexpected. They were very severe and lasted the entire year. For the entire year I was out of work while doctors tried to figure out what was going on. I had on the average three seizures per day. This was very hard on both my wife and me. My wife had to work with bills that weren’t being paid all the while seeing me suffer and there was nothing she could do to help me. I was basically homeward bound due to the high frequency of seizures. These were full blown seizures. When I was in my doctor’s waiting room suddenly, I began to have seizures in a room full of people. I



ended up having five seizures in a row with about two minutes between each one. All the people were standing over me staring at me and freaking out. The seizures were killing me, and they couldn’t figure out what to do. They finally sent me to a specialist in a hospital in Seattle that specialized in seizures. They planned to keep me there for a whole week to see me and try to see what was happening. They had me in a room that was surrounded with cameras all around the perimeter of the ceiling. They had fifty wire leads glued to my scalp. They had a help button for me to push whenever I was going to have a seizure. When you have a seizure, you have what’s called a trigger. My trigger was that my right hand would start shaking.

They needed me there for a week so that I would hopefully have enough seizures so that they can compare them. They needed seven to ten seizures to get a good comparison. On my first night, I had seven seizures. They sent me home the next day. My official diagnosis was called a pseudo seizure. They are caused by a bad



Into the Light

By David Michaels


trauma from somewhere in your past. I had to go to my psychiatrist and try to work through it. I thank God that I was healed and haven’t had a seizure since then. As you can see from the last example, God only allows things to happen to us for a reason. I could work through my past and I didn’t even know that it was bothering me, but deep down inside it was.

      I was also diagnosed with a brain tumor on my pituitary gland. They tell me not to worry because it is small and growing very slowly and it is benign. Once again God is with me keeping me safe despite illnesses and disease. As you can see, my journey here is not yet finished. When the time comes, and my journey is complete, I will be allowed to go home.



Into the Light

By David Michaels


I could write a whole chapter on things that could have caused me to pass over, but I think you get the point. Oh, wait, I just did. We’re all here for a certain amount of time until our journey is over. The amount of time is different for each of us just

as each of us has a different journey. As I sit here writing this book, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands. It is painful to write this book, but I know that it is part of my journey. Hopefully, there are many people out there that will receive help from some part of this book.

These are good examples that cover medical and health issues that might have caused us to cross over. There are also circumstances where we decide to cause ourselves to cross over early. While it is important to have a good understanding of what may happen if we choose to cross over early, allow me to explain some possibilities that are also involved in God’s plan. If you


Into the Light

By David Michaels


crossed over early due to mental issues, addictions, and bullying in any form, as well as physical abuse, mental and emotional abuse, and many other problems that were simply out of your control, I promise God has nothing but love and compassion for you. However, If God feels that you had a choice and chose unwisely, He may choose to send you back to the womb to repeat life all over

again going through every challenge you had your last time in life. I don’t know about you, but that is not going to happen to me ever.

Just think. When we cross over there will be no pain, no suffering. An area that we haven’t covered yet are the helpers that god gives us while we are on Earth. Each of us has spirit guides. Some of us have more than one. Then there are Angels and we all have at least two of them. Angels and spirit guides can only help us if their help doesn’t interfere with our journey. If it doesn’t interfere with our journey, they can do anything up to and including


Into the Light

By David Michaels


saving our lives. There are many stories from people just like you and me who have experienced first-hand Angels in their midst

There are also many near-death experiences out there whose stories are like mine. There is something about coming close to death that changes a person’s life forever. And we all have had a glimpse of heaven making it more difficult to stay here on Earth and finish our journey. However, and I can’t stress this enough, we

need to love and embrace life here on Earth while we are here. We are to do nothing to try to send ourselves to Heaven early. We are to live out our journey no matter how long it takes and then go on to heaven knowing that we have done all we can to finish our journey.










I would like to share a couple of personal stories with you that might possibly have meaning for you. My spiritual guide has asked me to include these stories to help someone who needs this help badly today so please forgive me if I have already told them, but please bear with me. Now if your feeling

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