Intuition Tuition - 6 Steps to 6th Sense in 6 Weeks! by Maria Elita - HTML preview

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6 steps to 6th sense in 6 weeks!

What is 6th Sense?

The following is a list of dictionary definitions of Intuition:


00018.jpg‘the act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition’


00019.jpg‘knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight’


00010.jpg‘a sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.’


00020.jpg‘direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension’


00011.jpg‘a keen and quick insight’


00021.jpg‘the quality or ability of having such direct perception or quick insight’
As someone who has spent many years refining and teaching this subject, my own definition of Intuition is this;

Intuition is a miraculous and natural process that all human beings are born with. It can be equated to the combined insightful dynamic of feeling, sensing, and knowing, beyond any sense of logic, as it is an unconscious phenomenon beyond thought and reason.

There are several different ways that Intuitive information may appear to a person and here is a list of the most popular ways Intuition may come to you.


Clairvoyant: I see….
From 17th century French, Clair (meaning clear), voyant (meaning seeing); hence ‘clear seeing’. People who claim clairvoyance usually are very visual people and see insightful visions and may have prophetic dreams.


Clairaudient: I hear….
(meaning clear), audient (meaning hearing); hence ‘clear hearing’. People who claim to be clairaudient may hear an inner voice speak to them with intuitive information.


Clairsentient: I feel….
(meaning clear), sentient (meaning feeling); hence ‘clear feeling’. This is the most popular way most people receive Intuition as this refers directly to gut instinct.


Claircognizant: I know….
(meaning clear), cognizant (meaning recognition); hence ‘clear recognition’. People who appear to be Claircognizant are usually those who often have a deep sense of ‘knowing’ about a situation, without logic or reason. I have found many successful business people naturally understand this way of being and live by this Intuitive rule.

After reading this list, you may recognize yourself as having experienced one of these ‘Intuitive processes’ or maybe all of them at some time in your life. I have found most people have a process that they resonate with naturally as that is the process they find themselves most comfortable with. Whichever one or more you resonate with, simply make a note of this for now, as you will be using this information in the 6 step process shortly.