Intuition Tuition - 6 Steps to 6th Sense in 6 Weeks! by Maria Elita - HTML preview

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6 steps to 6th sense in 6 weeks!

The 6 steps of Intuition Tuition

Now that you have a brief understanding of Intuition and hopefully realise that I’m not talking about something that is totally out-there and strange, rather naturally normal, it’s time to look at the basic steps that will help you refine what you already have within you.

The 6 steps:

1. Believe in IT!
‘I am an Intuitive Being!’ Know without a doubt that you were born with an innate Intuitive Intelligence that is your absolute natural birthright.

2. Connect to IT!
Connect to the Intuitive Process you resonate with! Recognise your strongest Intuitive processes and begin to consciously make connection to them as they occur.

3. Let Go and Feel IT!
Stop trying to figure it out, and begin to feel it out! Create a Mind Map, to declutter excessive thoughts that cloud your mind and keep you in your head.

4. Write IT down!
Journal your thoughts and experiences related to your own Intuitive moments that you are now able to recognise.

5. Meditate on IT!
Introduce reflection or meditation time each day to help clear the mind and connect you with the moment.

6. Trust IT!
Learn to let go of your fears and Trust your Intuition, no matter what!

‘I am an Intuitive Being!’


Know without a doubt that you were born with an innate Intuitive Intelligence that is your absolute natural birthright.

Yes, everyone is born with an Intuitive Intelligence, however most of us are taught not to trust this natural process or even be aware of it. By truly understanding this concept and consciously affirming the above quote each and every day, is a vital part of the 6 step program.

As you had read through examples in the beginning of this e-book, I am sure you can relate to at least one of those experiences. And by relating to even just one experience, shows you that Intuition has been a part of your life.

Many of us have fear based belief systems about alternative or non mainstream practices and here is an opportunity for you to put those fears to the side, to now begin testing your own Intuitive Intelligence.

Also I’d like you to know that whether you truly believe in Intuition, gut feel or instinctual knowing right now; your beliefs do not stop this phenomenon from happening. Just like the beating of your heart, or the breathing in of air, Intuition continues around you everyday.

As someone who has coached many people on this subject, and mainly through experential teaching, I have seen that people who consciously believe in the power of Intuition and use this innate wisdom as an extra tool to enhance opportunities in their life, live in a more carefree space.

So Step One is to confirm to yourself that Intuition is simply a natural process and truly begin to believe it!


Connect to the Intuitive Process you resonate with!


Recognise your strongest Intuitive processes and begin to consciously make connection to them as they occur.

As in the previous chapter on ‘what is 6th sense?’ it’s time to understand in which way do you mainly receive Intuitive information.

Even if you are still unsure, please make an effort to truly go back to some moments in your life where you may have said things like, ‘funny that!’ ‘how strange!’ ‘I knew that would happen!’ ‘now isn’t that totally bizarre!’. Statements like these around unexplained experiences may make it easier for you to resonate with an Intuitive Process.

When you have connected to the Intuitive Process that has best worked for you, it’s time to do absolutely nothing with it. Nothing? Yes, nothing!

All you need to do now is simply be aware that, for example, your Intuitive Intelligence comes to you mainly through a claircognizant manner, because there have been countless times where you have found yourself saying, ‘I knew it! I just had a knowing that would happen!’, and when you have acted on that ‘inner knowing’ something amazing happened, and when you didn’t, you paid for it as well.

I believe that 9/10ths of all healing and growth comes from awareness. The simple fact is when you become more aware of how you receive Intuitive Itelligence, something automatically registers within your consciousness and you begin to attract more of these experiences.

So Step Two is connect to and accept what you already know!


Step Three – LET GO AND FEEL IT!
Stop trying to figure it out, and begin to feel it out!


Create a Mind Map, to declutter excessive thoughts that cloud your mind and keep you in your head.

One of the biggest challenges I have found from people (in business especially) who have issues connecting to their own Intuitive Intelligence, is that they simply live too much in their head. Most of us are taught to be logical and work things out, and although that’s truly important, their appears to me that we have excessively tapped into the ‘thinking’ (logical) part of ourselves and totally forgotten the ‘feeling’ (Intuitive) part of our beings. Leading to no balance!

I have developed a way to help with the decluttering of the mind and have seen this method work over and over again. What you will need to do is acquire a notebook or journal and begin by writing down everything in your life that you seem to not be able to work out. A Mind Map example is:

Where will I get the money to pay my bills? How can I lose 10 kilos before Christmas? When am I going to feel better?
How why can’t I just be happy?

Each day do this when you are feeling heightened with ‘thought overload’ and simply acknowledge what you have written down and allow yourself to know that in time the answers will be revealled. Accept that Intuition may play a key part in the role, and you are willing to work with that. This doesn’t mean you do not have goals around the thoughts you are working out, it’s simply a conscious process to work on decluttering your mind’s worrying energy surrounding a whole heap of thoughts you probably didn’t know existed in the first place.

So Step Three is declutter your thoughts immediately!


Step Four – WRITE IT DOWN!
Yes, write IT (Intuition Tuition) down!


Journal your thoughts and experiences related to your own Intuitive moments that you are now able to recognise.

This process is entirely separate from the Mind Map, as it is about recording Intuitive instances in your life that you are aware of.

You may wish to write these down in this manner:


What was the experience?

Before the phone even rang, I was thinking about having a chat with mum about a
problem I’m having. I just knew it was going to be her when I picked the phone up.
I went to book a flight to see my friend next week. As I was processing the flight over the internet, I stopped. Then my friend called to say she needed to reschedule the date. How did I receive this information?
It was a really strong feeling I had and it also came with a complete sense of knowing.
What Intuitive Process do you relate that to? Partly Clairsentient and also Claircognizant

I heard a ‘no’ in my mind. It was loud and clear.

The main reason I advise people to do this, is you will have a personal log of documented Intuitive instances that you are attracting into your life. As you record these, what organically happens is that you become more confident with the understanding that there is an invisible knowing that guides you in many ways.

This journaling process hasn’t been designed to be continued for a long period of time. It is more about creating a new habit of self-awareness and once that habit is set, you will automatically begin to live in manner directed to this new (yet ancient) way of thinking…..or is that feeling?

So Step Four is to document what is absolutely natural!


Clear your mind in the moment.


Introduce reflection or meditation time each day to help clear the mind and connect you with the moment.

Most people get extremely nervous when I mention Meditation. Unfortunately we have been conditioned to believe that meditation is something extremely difficult to learn and we may end up investing loads of money to learn it effectively. Yes this can be true, however meditation can be as simple as watching grass grow.

My definition of Meditation is this: Meditation is the process of absolute being, where one’s mind focuses on the entirety of the moment, without actively requiring the mind to be productive, other than to connect to the essence of what is.

Many people come to me so I can help create clarity in their lives, but the truth is, clarity must come from within the individual themselves. It takes time and effort to do this; similar to someone wanting to strengthen their abdominal muscle by doing sit ups. The change doesn’t happen over night, yet it will happen.

The meditation question I ask people is, ‘What is the one thing you do that you find yourself totally being in the moment and not thinking about a million and one things that usually clutter up your day?’ Here are some responses: Fishing. Watching the ocean. Lying under a tree. Staring at clouds. Gardening. Sitting in a bath with relaxing music. Watching grass grow. Painting. Strolling in a park.

As you can see, meditation can be so many things. Whatever resonates with you that keeps you in the moment then that’s what you need to do a little of each day.

So Step Five is to relax each day and get in the moment!


Step 6 – TRUST IN IT!
Trust your Intuition and yourself.


Learn to let go of your fears and Trust your Intuition, no matter what!

Over the years what I’ve noticed mainly with successful people who truly understand the concept of Intuition, is that they have a high ability to trust themselves, no matter what.

This is why Entrepreneurs like Sir Richard Branson follow a 30 second gut rule, where they can rely so much on their gut feel (which they have refined over time) and they have learnt to trust and base many decisions around that.

I call this the ‘let me check into my gut’ policy. Some people refine this ability well enough where they get a strong ‘no’ or ‘yes’ Intuitive sign, within an express period of time.

That’s why this step in the process is probably one of the most important overall. As I have said earlier, Intuition is a natural process we are all born with and we are organically open to Intuitive opportunities each and every day. The reason why people don’t go with their inner knowing, sense or feeling, is that they have learnt not to trust it and themselves.

As Intuition comes to us in an unexpected, yet immediate process, it’s vital you understand that you are given a choice at that exact moment whether to react for or against what your Intuitive Intelligence is guiding you to do. Know that this takes practice to begin to trust your Intuition, and I advise you to be kind on yourself as you allow this journey to organically transpire.

So Step Six is to Trust, Trust, Trust and let go of your fears!