Intuition Tuition - 6 Steps to 6th Sense in 6 Weeks! by Maria Elita - HTML preview

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6 steps to 6th sense in 6 weeks!

Intuition Tuition Introduction

First of all let me say, thank you!

Thank you for opening yourself up to some new (yet ancient) ideas on a subject that has interested human beings since the beginning of time.

The truth is Intuition isn’t something just accessible to newage out-of-this-world-idealists, waving crystal clusters and chanting mantras in lotus position on mountain tops. Intuition is as old as time itself, as it is something that we all have access to, and the reason we do, is because we are all born with it.

Some people refer to Intuition as inner knowing, gut feeling, psychic sense and perceptive instinct. You may have caught yourself at times when you have had an intuitive moment, and thought to yourself, how weird was that!

Here are some instances of Intuition that many people recall, maybe you will resonate with one or more of these experiences.


You’ve suddenly experienced a strange feeling that something isn’t quite right. It’s come from nowhere and within a short period of time you are told some unpleasant news about something unexpected.


It’s been a long time since you’ve thought about an old acquaintance. All morning without reason, you think about this person and by utter coincidence you run into that person as you do your errands for the day.


You have just been introduced to a person you’ve never met. Immediately, without even having exchanged a word, your gut has that strange feeling and you sense that this person is not to be trusted. You find out later by someone else, your gut is right.


An experience has panned out exactly as you initially thought it would, however people around you had convinced you to do something else, because what you wanted to do in the first place didn’t make much sense. You find yourself saying, ‘I knew that would happen! I just knew it!’ as you begin regretting not doing what you truly wanted to do anyway.


You line up in the shortest queue at the check-out at the shops (because it’s logical it will be quicker) but something tells you this won’t be the quickest route, however you decide to do what’s logical anyway. All of a sudden the person in front of you has a problem with an unpriced item or credit card, and you end up standing there waiting while you see the longer queue shorten.


At a function you are drawn to introduce yourself to a person and immediately know you will be friends. It’s so bizarre because you feel like you’ve known each other for ever, even though this is the initial meeting.


You are at your desk, staring out the window and your thoughts seem to float away into nothingness, then all of a sudden you begin to think of a friend or loved one. Within seconds the phone rings and it’s them and you say, ‘How weird is that! I was just thinking about you.’


It’s a green light ahead and you have right away to drive through it, but you slow down for no reason anyway. Out of nowhere a car runs a red light and after the initial shock, you have that strange feeling that you knew that was going to happen.


You have had a peculiar feeling around a partner. Nothing seems out of the ordinary; however you just can’t work out why you’re feeling this way. You keep it to yourself, however within days the other person breaks up with you out of the blue.


You pick up the phone to text your friend and as you begin to write a message, a text comes in from the same friend you are writing to.


As you turn the TV on to watch your favourite show, a newsflash comes up with information on some breaking news that has just happened. You think to yourself, ‘How freaky?! I was only thinking the other day, what if something like that might happen?’


You have a pile of bills that need to be paid; besides the weekly essentials and your account is bone dry. You should be stressed out but something inside you knows you’ll be ok and you tell your family, ‘Everything is going to be fine, I just know it!’ By the end of the week, an unexpected amount of money has come your way and you pay your bills with extra money to spare.


It’s a hectic morning at the local shops and it’s logical not to drive down the busy section of the centre’s car park, yet you have a sense today is your lucky day. As you follow your gut feeling, a park becomes available right in front of the main entrance.

I’m sure you were able to connect to some of these examples of Intuitive experience and it’s now time to understand what this natural phenomenon is all about.