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Of course I knew only too well of Doctor Josef Mengele the monster from Auschwitz who experimented medically with twins and sent hundreds of thousands to their death. I also knew that he had escaped to South America and as far as it is known he lived to die of old age. If I was correct, then what Laxton was alluding to, was that by reincarnating into such grotesque and painful body, the Mengele personality was ridding itself of bad karma from its past acts of evil. At the same time I wondered how long such atonement would take, especially for such an infamous mass murderer as Mengele…and could it ever cleanse itself and become spiritually balanced and whole again?

„The rehabilitation of such unfortunatesis a major work, Laxton agreed. „It requires exceptional power of spirit and a great and determined diligence; but with specialised helpers both earthly and metaphysically, the gift of atonement can be received. Part of the OACs concerns is to take on the healing and education of these repentingsouls. He smiled and there was a short silence, during which I wondered exactly what, if any, and what was the connection between him and Deliria and twins; and what in particular made them most suitable to the kind of rescue work that they were involved with?

Intuiting my musings Laxton patiently began a lengthy explanation. He informed me that by fragmenting its personality into many aspects of itself, the Mengele personality could experience many difficult and fearful challenges in many lifetimes at the one time. For instance, although it was aware of its brutal and murderous past, it was naturally cautious about dealing with such a powerful case of retributionall at once…not that it couldnt be done but it is only in rare cases that such instant karma can be atoned for successfully. And it was primarily because of Mengeles predilection for twins in his lifetime, that it chose to start the retributive process by returning as these twins. Later as it grows and desires to shed more of its fearful karma, it can fragment into other aspects of itself in order to experience further retribution and redemption.

I asked him if the form of retribution was always a painful one, as in the case of the twins. He told me that it usually was, but it need not start that way. Sometimes the personality came back into a very loving situation in order to understand the power of love as a means of fuelling its intent in addition to preparing itself to later face the more painful aspects of its retribution. He confirmed what Margot had told me; that it was common for the villain to exchange roles with the victim in order to achieve the necessary understanding to know better the effect of its faulty behaviour as both parties act out their therapeutic drama.

And to cite an example, he astounded me by saying that he and Deliria were directly involved with the Mengele personality because they had once been his victims. I instantly realised that this would mean that certainly Deliria, if not he, would have to have been reincarnated. He assured me that neither was the case, although such would not be unusual if it were. He said that as a boy he and his twin brother had beenunder Mengeles supervision, and that he had lost his brother to some grotesque experiment that the doctor had devised regarding the transference of telepathic thought from one twin to another. Fortunately he had survived the Holocaust, but as a result he grew up with an obsessive hatred of anything that hinted of Nazi fascism, a hatred that crushed all his humanity and decency and left him as much a victim in adulthood as he had been in boyhood.

Eventually, through a most unlikely meeting with a member of the OAC he came to the realisation that the only way to help himself, was to help his enemy. And so he underwent intensive rehabilitation and training and eventually found his niche by doing the work that he was at present doing.
Deliria, he said, is a Jewess whose psychic and karmic lineage traces to a set of twins whose lives were extinguished in the Holocaust laboratory who chose not to play the villains, but opted to work through Deliria on a psychic and spiritual level by giving her the knowledge necessary in her dealings with the Mengele personality aspects. He reminded me that this intertwining of personalities and all the initial work involved was being explored and experimented with on a psychic level as well as in its physical reality.

„We bring these less fortunate to our full moon festival so that they may receive our collective blessings and encouragement as well as spiritual sustenance from the Great Source of All That Is in order to speed their successful retribution, he said in a dapper tone…and then with a grin he added, „Every time any one of us interacts lovingly with these chaps, we bring forth a confidence and a strengthened desire in the entity to continue with its progress.

The idea of sharing grief and painful experiences on a global and metaphysical level was instantly appealing to me, and I asked Laxton to correct me if I was wrong in thinking that in a the historical web work of a family, for example, a family member might undergo a traumatic experience in that that none of its affiliated family members, present or future would have to endure the same fate, so to speak? Both my grandfathers suddenly came to mind and I got the distinct impression that because they had actively served in the catastrophe of the Great War, there would never be a need for me to have to be involved in that kind of situation…ever. I looked at his watchful face and told me that such a system was operable, but not always necessarily employed, for any variety of reasons to deep to venture into tight now, by way of explanation a small smile confirmed my supposition…and so the child learns in leaps and bounds. Then suddenly the question that Margot had partially answered for me from her perspective sprang to mind. Why did the Jewish race go through whatthey did during the Holocaust…and what was it that they were trading or working off? Giant questions, to which I hoped he might have some small welcome answers.

Laxton suggested that Deliria take the twins to a nearby drinking fountain and he watched themcompassionately as they crept off…and then he laid it on me. He said that the reasons for the Holocaust were multiple. The Jews unconsciously and on a psychic level had agreed en masse, to become a nation martyred. Their decision to do so centred on the fact that they had always been persecuted and a homeless people. And then there was the stain of guilt upon their tribe because of the crucifixion, and although their religious teachings had always denied that Christ had been their Messiah, there was nevertheless a deep-rooted sense of his betrayal in the Jewish psyche; which of course merited a desire for absolution which could only take place successfully on a collective level.

„ As you yourself know, Marty, he said to me in all seriousness, followed by a little sly grin, „the Hebrew race has always considered itself special among the other tribes. They have therefore successfully kept their origins, their blood and their spiritual heritage pure and intact. Their giftedness and unique tribal history has always set them apart from others, and it is for these reasons that they have always been set upon by the other tribes. Therefore their racial consciousness decided to use the Second World War in general and the Holocaust in particular, as a means of purging their karmic guilt and pay penance through a collective act of suffering and self sacrifices. And the proof of their successful atonement is apparent by the existence of their homeland, the State of Israel. In addition is as you have already been informed, their massive suffering allowed for a portion of humanitys global karma to atoned for and therefore expunged.

Deliria escorted the Mengele twins back to our table with an affable smile and once again I wondered whyshe never spoke…it had to be her shyness. Laxton ever quick to read my thoughts explained that because of a bizarre Nazi experiment performed on a karmic twin personality to which Deliria is metaphysically connected, an experiment that involved the transplanting of vocal chords from one twin to the other, she is unable to speak. „Her silence is a reminder to the Mengal and Berta of theirreason for seeking atonement, he said. I looked at the young girl and tried to rationalise the strange connections that must surely exist between a multitude of personalities and all the myriad ramifications involved and the varied means by which to address them…but it was just too much for my intellect at that moment to even attempt to begin to understand.Temporarily Id had enough; and once again Laxton intuited my thoughts and brought the dialogue to a close by shaking my hand and saying how much they had enjoyed meeting me. Deliria bowed her head by way of farewell…and then acting upon my own initiative, I crossed to the twins and with a better understanding of them and my own feelings of compassion, I performed a much improved demonstration of farewell.

After my meeting with the unfortunates I wandered about to just be by myself for a while. More and more I was finding the unbelievable believable and I found that out of character for me. Admittedly Roy had been working on me in this regard, but he was never anywhere as way off the planet as these people were. But there was little doubt that something had definitely changed in me to affect this sense of easy going acceptance that I was consciously demonstrating. What had started out as a journey with a new found friend to his place of departure, had become a journey into my own psychic and spiritual precincts… and in that respect I had certainly gone past the point of no return.

“According to the fearful and ignorant, she was something of a nefarious witch, but of courseI saw nothing of that in her.”…Patricia McDade.

It was a glorious morning when I walked passed the Japanese Gardens and saw a small group of people sitting on the grass being lectured to by a grey haired woman in her early sixties. I wandered over and seeing Raz among the crowd I sat beside him and asked what was going on. He said that the lecturer Lesley White was a practitioner of something bafflingly called „incubated memory directives of which this was a practical demonstration. OhOh, I thought, Ive just jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. Oh what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Incubated Memory Directives was a method used to supplant in a persons unconscious memory, gestalts of suggestive energy which would then gradually bleed through into their daily life. For instance, if one wished to learn music, Lesley would use her psychic talent to quadruple the motivational energy ofher clients desire in such a way that the understanding of music would come with ease and in an accelerated way. She herself admitted it was nothing more than a highly specialised form of hypnosis in which subject and therapist agreed to agree. „Mozart was completely incubated prior to birth, she said with intent to astonish. After hearing that remark I was hooked.

„And now that Ive bamboozled you with my scientific rhetoric, she said, „ let me put it in ape man terms. You suggest to yourself the desires that you wish to see expressed in your everyday experience, and then I utilise my power of mental manipulation, not a word I like, mind you, to insert these directives into that part of your creative mind which creates your reality; and then you use any opportunity that you can to demonstrate your commitment and interest in playing and learning about music. She then slapped her hands together which made an extraordinarily loud kettle drum sound and said exuberantly,„ Now that Ive managed to manoeuvre you into a position of complete confusion, let me address this whole issue in the best way possiblewith hands on experience. She shifted her extraordinary playful eyes around the semi circle of potential subjects. „Janneffa, you know how this works, so lets start with you.

Janneffa was a striking Nigerian woman of about twenty-six, tall and statuesque very much as I had seen them in my boyhood. Our paths had crossed the day before and of course I had asked her for her story, which of course was as engrossing as any of the others I had so far heard. With complete ease shed told how she had lost her entire family in some localised war when she was a young teenager and been defiled herself. A few years later as a result of her trauma she began to exhibit epileptic fits, one of which put her into a catatonic coma for several days. She regained consciousness only to discover that she could partially speak and quite coherently understand any language with which she was addressed. Her naturally native superstition caused her and others to believe that she was the victim of „spirit possession which resulted in her being ostracised from her tribe, after which she tried unsuccessfully to kill herself. Finally she came under the care of an improper medical profession and was diagnosed as schizophrenic and would have been institutionalised had not her condition been detected by a particularly astute psychiatrist whose private interest lay in the field of occultism and supernatural phenomenon. And so once more the tentacles of the OAC had intervened and under their guidance her training began in earnest and she learnt to utilise her facility for languages in preparation for the New Age and its amalgamation of the races.

Janneffa smiled the whitest smile ever to grace a black face and raised her hand to hide her mouth in a gorgeous gesture of coyness that made her seem both coquettish and attractive. Lesley asked her what she would most like to be able to do which she could not now do. „Take your time, dear. Im sure everyone else is giving the same question as much thought…they could be next. But Janneffa did not need any time to voice her desire to learn the fluent rhythms of all types of dance. „I wish to combine my multi lingual ability with that of music and dance, she said coyly and then quickly added, „You see, I have no sense of music or rhythm which for an African is very unusual, but it had something to do with my earlier trauma.

„Very well then,lets get to work, she said. „Like anything that you wish to manifest in your life, you must first and foremost have the desire, Lesley said in her inimitable manner. She insisted there was no room for the self deprecating Ego to play a part. „Ideas of vanity, superiority and self gain will simply create conflicts to block the manifestation of your choice. Leave your baggage in the locker room, boys and girls, she said flatly before championing the importance of actualising the desired results by way of enactment. „Acting out, causes the message to be sent through the mechanism of the body to the creative centres of the mind. In this way you literally pretend something into existence; like an actor might pretend a limp, or a disease or any mode of behaviour. Beliefis the key, she said with earnest.

Poor Janneffa; she was made to act out all manner of racial dance that any of us could name. Of course she had no idea what to do, but her part was to make a genuine attempt. At times she was so ludicrous it had us in spasms of laughter which Lesley applauded as a necessary positive and constructive energy to use in any situation. Janneffa uninhibitedly attempted to perform every kind of dance style possible from all cultural background and the audience was encouraged to participate, and for about half an hour we were a bounding, bending, kicking, sliding, waltzing, bouncing jitterbugging bunch of nut cases embroiled in the imitation of international dance. After wed all exhausted ourselves, Lesley bid Janneffa to sit in her „special seat…a small fold up canvas chair which she claimed was connectedto the „force out there. She asked Janneffa to close her eyes and then placed her hands on the outsides of her skull and gave the most wondrous dissertation of the history of dance from its primordial beginnings in the cave.

She talked of dance as a solid language in which symbols and stories were related; a language known and practiced and embellished by all races. Dances that pertained to all aspects of mankinds psyche and paid homage to such elemental significances such rain and fertility and birth and death and marriage; dances to commemorate and encourage the prosperity of the fruits of the fields and the flesh of the beasts all that the mother earth provides by way of hunting and gathering practices and ritualistic dances to call forth healing and wisdom and celebrate life and the cycles and the spirits of both good and evil.

And she talked about the marriage of music with dance and how it contained and commemorated the history of all the tribes, of their beginnings and their journeys and their suffering and their achievements and their joy and how very soon it would celebrate the New Age of spiritual union and peace on earth among all men; and that souls like Janneffa would be the harbingers of this universal language in need of teaching. Then she placed her thumbs on either side of Janneffas head on her temples and lifted her own hands so that the index fingers touched directly above the crown of the Nigerian girls head and said most solemnly. „The fruit of your gifts shall pour forth for the advantage of others to know and share andsow. God bless you, Janneffa…and thank you.

Over the next hour several others came forward and it was fascinating fun to witness the account of their incubating process. Elspeth, who I assumed was Virginias colleague, expressed her hope to develop the love that she had for plants to the point where she could communicate with them individually on a telepathic level. And although being a master gardener and breeder of all things vegetal and floral, her mission was to seek out the plants and the seeds of the very rare plants of the rainforests and woodlands. But because of their rarity due to mans destructive hand upon the environment, they had for their own survival lowered their innate life force vibration, which made them invisible to the eyes of even those who like herself sought to offer help and healing. She told us that species existed out there as yet undiscovered which had incredible healing properties and that her incubated desire was be able to detect the vibrational energy of these rare species that had gone into hiding.

By way of group participation Lesley had us act as a portion of the forest, pretending to be all manner of plants, some in hiding, some unseen, arms waving like limbs in the wind each trying to catch her attention…trembling fingers made pretence of pollen dust and seeds fluttering to the ground. Some of the group crouched low and pretended to rise up as searching seedlings, while others bunched themselves away as if in hiding with voices that squeaked out to her in desire to be found, „Hello Elspeth, here we are, feel our vibrations; over here, closer, closer, were down here, there are others of us, walk northwards, turn to your left, now your right…yes yes, now look downward. Hey look out! You almost stood on me…damn humans, this last remark from Raz while Elspeth made an affectionate show of cuddling her discovery with overwhelming delight of discovery.

One very innovative boy tugged at the adult beside him who was playing the part of a tree, urging it to try and catch Elspeths attention to where he lay bunched at the bigger trees base. The adult, a tall thin young man, pretended to be labouring over his attempt to communicate with her telepathically. His throat and face showed the effort and strain of his attempt until he shrugged his shoulders in defeat and paused. Then having a brainstorm, he started to strain and wriggle at the shoulders as if being blown about by a vicious wind, and as Elspeth neared he took a deep breath and exhaled with full force and threw himself forward before her feet, near where the small boy sat in a begging squat. Fortunately Elspeth was astute enough to follow the game plan and bending down to pat the fallen tree sympathetically she noticed the boy [aka a small rare plant] who said with glee, „Ah, youve found me at last. Look, look, there are more of us over there…and heres another. She wrapped the boy up in her arms and hugged him with utter joy. „Show me, she said with urgency, „where I might find others. Oh please, please, teach me your language. Ive come to help you before the hand and foot and greed and tractor tread of man destroys you all, she said utterly eloquently in her crisp Rhodesian accent. „Just let the bastards try, came an angry croak from none other than Raz.

After the enactment, Lesley gave yet another impressive lecture about the relevance of plants as Elspeth sat in her magic chair. She said at a cellular level, plants were living records of the earths history and had always had a direct relationship with humans. My interest was really aroused when she said that the usage of hallucinogenic plants by early primates was responsible for the fracturing of the psyche, which allowed for true consciousness to emerge in the species…hence the mystical ceremonies in their early cultures. She spoke of medicinal plants and their applications, ceremonial practices and the worship of plants and the Deity figures of the realms of Flora; and then included a thorough run down of all the various uses derived from vegetal matter which I found surprisingly broad and fascinating.

She talked of the many gifted people in the world today, like Elspeth, who were paving the way for those of the future age when mankind would have a preference for vegetarianism and food would be produced properly and in accordance with nature, rather than opposed to it. And due to this shift in Agrarian understanding, nature and its plants and animals and disappearing species would be regenerated and the earth given back to itself. Then Lesley circled her hands around Elspeths head as she had done with Janneffa and said she incubated the desire deep into Elspeths psyche. „I have no doubt that before too long you will be finding more and more of the lost plants and their language will become yours…and your combined energies will greatly benefit our Mother the earth and her human family.
„Yes, yes, Elspeth responded, „I know, I know. I will, I can feel it already. Oh, thank you so much, Lesley. Oh lovely, lovely.
„No, we thank you, Lesley said with warmth, embracing her warmly around the shoulders.

Francois, a bubbling French girl of about twelve, eagerly stepped forward and announced her desire to help understand and befriend all animals just like Franco Caesaria, the highly regarded man who managed the menagerie I saw when I first arrived. I had met him briefly that morning during my tour of the stables where he was „administering to one of the pregnant mares. Hed told me that only yesterday he had to have a „talk to a pack of local goannas about their distressing attacks on some of the hens and ducks.

Francois enactment was a bunch of laughs as every member acted as an animal of some kind. The air was abuzz with the menagerie of animal calls and sounds; dogs barked and whimpered and lions roared and horses neighed and bulls bellowed and cows mooed while baboons and monkeys skulked and scampered. Some wolves bayed at an imaginary full moon, cats meowed and hissed and spat as sea lions yelped and donkeys brayed. Ducks quacked, roosters crowed, pigs grunted, pelicans flapped, penguins waddled, crickets chirped and bullfrogs croaked and hopped about the lawn with absolute hilarity., bees buzzed and mosquitoes whined.

And of course Razz, as expected, gave a brilliant pantomimed performance as great Silverback gorilla walking on his knuckles with his cheeks puffed out and with his posterior protruding almost offensively as he let off an enormous fusillade of fake farts and scratched his arms and testicles; and I rather fancy he was playing himself. All the creatures fawned over Francois for her attention, and between giggles of ecstatic merriment, she patted, petted, pinched, brushed and spoke to them all in turn, and rather pointedly admonished Razz with a wagging finger to mind his manners and beg his pardon, at which point he sullenly slunk away, picking his nose in retaliation to her rebuke. One dog limped with a wounded paw, a pelican hung down a broken wing and an elephant dangled an agitated trunk for her compassionate examination.

There was much warmth, camaraderie, communal humour and compassion, and I thought how wonderful it must have been in the Garden of Eden where every creature lived in harmony and were companions to one another before the advent of the predatory system hinted at in Malcolms painting. In her dissertation, Lesley spoke of the oneness of all Gods creatures and that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was harmony and mutual regard for each other, and how the mother planet nurtured and supported them all without preference. She spoke of legendary times that implied men and beasts were crossbred and that at an evolutionary level our human heritage is directly related to the animal kingdom as a result of that union. And then came a comprehensive run down of how animals and men have worked together and supported one another throughout their association and howmans grasp for power and superiority over the animal world has reduced us to being primary predators and meat eaters, which in a spiritual and enlightened philosophy is tantamount to eating ourselves. She also emphasised unconsciously that this cannibalism produced deep psychological and artificial guilt, which the more we learned to repress, the more it enabled us to continue the destruction.

„With the New Age coming, she said earnestly, „many like little Francois will be needed to demonstrate the beatific joy of our union once more with our animal family. And under the sensitive and loving guidance of such gifted people the New World would restore the forests and the oceans and the environmental prospects for regenerating the diminishing species and producing healthy food sources for a world that will turn away from devouring flesh. „Francois, I sense in you this purpose with which you are blessed. Jesus said, “suffer the little children unto me…and ask and thou shall receive”, and you my darling…just have, Lesley said as her hands danced delicately around the childs radiant head and blessed her.

Goya, the Spaniard with his dark eyes that seemed to burn through you and into other portions of your being, wanted to become a trance medium. Fatweena and Havsomhed, the Egyptian couple spoke of their irresistible sense of connection with the ancient Middle East. They essentially desired to develop their combined gift for dreamscape exploration in order to retrieve knowledge about the customs and cultures and Scriptures of those times of antiquity. In particular they hoped to reveal the truths that are hidden behind the flaws and falsity of all religious scripture and dogma; as Fatweenasaid so pointedly. „We wish to find the truth in religion and use that as a basis for the true spiritual faith of the coming New Age.

Caspar, a small German boy, desired to be a great magician, but no ordinary tricks for him, however. He wanted to dematerialise objects, levitate and use telekinesis to move mountains of energy from one place to another and create objects and buildings and illusions of reality. He desired that his already adequate psychic ability would develop so he could prove that the magic of the mind was truly metaphysical and valid. He warned us convincingly that one day he would be the Grand Master of the New Age world of magic, using global media to reach the masses. I didnt doubt it for a moment…his conviction of belief was carved in stone. Matuess, a Mexican man in his late forties was concerned with the scientific use of mental energy as a means of propulsion and power generating sources, as well as using it to direct alpha, beta and theta energy waves to enhance perception and awareness and trigger states of Enlightenment and Illumination. Sudza, an extraordinarily hermaphrodite looking young Zambian who I would later have a good chat to about the „old country, was intent on using the art form of sculpture to intuitively direct energy impulses to the spiritual receptors in the human brain, thus opening up the pathways to greater self awareness and artistic perception.

Roggameesha and Devi, twin Indian girls, Alec from Poland, Starsi, a Greek, Moshe, an Israeli and myself were the “guests there gathered. Alec and Moshe were uncertain as to what desires they might venture to have incubated, but promised to give it serious thought while I vigilantly kept my mouth shut, knowing full well that apart from desiring to be a famous movie star and possibly a writer, there was nothing of value to humanity and the New Age that I might contribute. Starsi confessed to his deep respect for the aims of the others and the Aquarian Principle and said that he felt he would like to teach a type of highly specialised and esoterically advanced form of trance meditation, in which the hypnotist would be his own subject;but he wasnt sure if even such a thing existed. Lesley assured him that „everything exists the moment you can think of it as existing, and „everything is possible if you desire it to be so. „From all thought, new thought seeds, she said casually. Starsi however, declined to do an enactment.

Because Roggameesha and Devi were so identical, each could read the others mind, and it was this facility which they wished to improve to the point of being adept at reading the deeper thoughts of others. „That is to say, said Devi, „that we can read the thought that hides behind the specifically created subterfuge defence system which results from neurotic repression. Raz piped up, [I realised now that hejust couldnt help himself] „Hey, I resemble that remark. to which he received the usual round of unrepressed chuckles. „Anyway, he added, „isnt subterfuge a character in a Shakespearean play? There was more laughter and I shook my head and prayed to God that I would never get trapped in a mineshaft with him.

The twins were avid students of all forms of psychology and therefore felt that as counsellors they would be of great use in the healing process that would be required by so many as they make the transition into the New Age. However, they too declined to go through an enactment. Our amiable lecturer, o rather I should say show woman reminded us all that we were masters on the path to a greater understanding of ourselves and others; and she insisted that no one was greater than another, for any reason. „We are all going toward the same setting sun, the only difference being that we each get their in our own way and in our own time, she said intently, and I liked that sentimentality of her remark. „The only difference between a small step and a large stride, is the length of ones legs, she said, adding that there was as much enlightenment and wisdom carried in a single word and a simple gesture, as there was contained in an epic poem or a miracle of great proportions.„The key to perpetuating and increasing Love is to be it, in every way that you can. Now; if at any time you wish to