Life Manual: How to live Life by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Chapter 07

Everybody has Problems


Problems are guidelines,

Problems are not stop-signs.

If only we learn how to deal with problems,

Our life can be full of smiles.

How does one traverse through life with so many problems? Whether or not there is rainfall, there is always a shower of problems in life. Everybody has problems. It is not unique for you and me. A problem-free life is an illusion. It is like a mirage in the desert. It doesn't exist.

How does one deal with problems? How do you live life when there are so many problems? Maya had a good job. But her husband made her quit because he wanted her to take care of their child. Thereafter, every day he would insult her and accuse her of being useless. There was a constant fight. Because they lived in a small house, their child would hear his parents arguing and fighting all the time. Soon, another problem followed. Her husband quit his job and forced Maya to go back to work so that the family could survive. By now, Maya was so frustrated doing all the household chores and being insulted by her husband that she was eager to get back to work and start her new career. But problems never stop, do they? They keep knocking at the door. It was only a matter of time before her husband found another job and once again, he asked her to quit and take care of the house and the child. She refused, and the problems only magnified.

Maya's life is not a rare example of modern-day full-of- problems life. Those who don't have problems with money or their better halves, have issues with their in-laws or their health. It seems like life is a journey of problems and our primary focus each day is to solve the problems of life.

But those who learn how to live life, learn how to deal with problems. They realize that just because we have problems, it does not mean we should not be happy. They learn to put their problems in a proper perspective as they view life with the paradigm that problems are like zooming trains. While they come, they don't stay. They go away! Yes, there are people who have learnt to deal with life and its problems, without problems defeating them. They face their problems with courage and confidence and more often than not, defeat their problems and live blissfully.

Then, there are those people who know how to live without creating problems. They identify the cause of their problems and avoid creating new problems. Raj knew that if he questioned his wife on her expenses, there would be a problem. They would argue and fight. He had learnt to avoid all such discussions. Many of us aggravate our problems. Not only do we suffer a cut on our hand, but we also scratch it till it festers and becomes a bigger wound. But is life all about problems? Have we come to planet earth just to face problems, to live and die resolving them? It starts with problems in school and gets only more complicated as we get into college. Then further on, there are financial problems and family issues. Once we grow older, poor health is added to the list. Life is consumed with dealing with problems and solving them. But that is not the case with one who understands life and learns to live it.

The wise ones don't get paranoid with problems. They understand that problems will come, and problems will go. This life is just a show. Therefore, they anticipate problems, they welcome them, and they deal with problems with a game-playing attitude. They laugh at their problems and look at each problem in its micro-size. They don't let the wolf look bigger than it is. They learn to say, 'For every problem under the sun, there is a remedy or there is none. If there is one, try to find it. If there is none, never mind it!'

While such people are the ones who don't get overly hassled by problems, there are people who don't get affected by problems at all! They realize the true meaning of life. They understand that problems are challenges and whatever happens in our life, is not happening by chance or luck. It is our own past actions or Karma, the fruit of our past deeds, which is unfolding as problems. Thus, they deal with issues of life without being overburdened or defeated. They put on a positive coat and fight life's battles in the best way they can. They realize that problems have a limited life span.

These people realize the truth about life. They realize that nothing is real. Everything is like a dream. Even though we are awake, and it seems that whatever is happening in our life is real and the problems are not imaginary, they realize that nothing lasts forever. This drama of life will come to end and so will our problems.

We must live life as observers of a big drama that is unfolding on the earth-stage. While we are actors and we must do our part and face the challenges of life, we must come to the realization that soon the show will be over. Thus we should live as the audience and enjoy the drama called 'Life'. We should view both comedy and tragedy as an exciting part of the drama of life.

Those who read the Life Manual, learn the art of managing problems. They learn the uselessness of worrying about problems. Why? Because if there is no problem, then there’s no need to worry. But even if there is a problem, there is still no need to worry. For when there’s a problem, there are only two options: one, we can do something about it. If so, then, why worry about it? And two, if we can’t do anything about it, then why should we worry? Therefore, they realize that it is useless to worry. Whether there are problems or not, life must go on. They are the ones who truly live life!



  • A problem-free life is an illusion. It does not exist.
  • Problems are guidelines, not stop signs.
  • Those who realize the truth about problems, face them courageously.
  • Problems have a limited life span. They don't last forever.
  • The wise understand that problems are our own Karma or past actions returning to us.
  • They welcome problems and deal with their issues without being defeated.
  • Those who realize that life is a drama, live with bliss and joy despite their problems. They know this just a show, we come and we go.