Life Manual: How to live Life by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Chapter 30

Overcoming Ignorance


We human beings are ignorant,

We don't realize the truth.

We suffer on earth again and again,

We don't get to the root.

While we human beings think we know everything, the fact is that we know nothing. What we know as compared to what we don't, is a tiny fraction. Unfortunately, we are ignorant about our ignorance. As long as we don't overcome our ignorance, we will not discover how to really live life.

What is life? It is a journey on earth between birth and death. Death is certain. We come and we go. Alas, we don't realize that this is just a show!

This Life Manual has already opened several doors for us to contemplate life. But it is just the beginning. We have discussed the body, mind, ego and the Soul. Everybody wants to be happy, but we are so busy sorting out our problems, that we become miserable. Before we realize it, life escapes us.

By now, we have learnt how to tame the monkey, our mind and how to live, moment by moment. Don't we know that nothing belongs to us, then why is it that we continue to hoard and collect things that we will ultimately leave behind? Why have we not learnt the art of giving? It is because of our ignorance.

We all want to be happy, but we are prisoners of our material desires. We don't use our intellect. We let our emotions take charge of our life and continue to let negative toxins poison us. We live with hate, anger, fear, worry and jealousy, only because of our ignorance. If only we realize the true meaning of life, we will not only forgive those who harm us, but love one and all, as we overcome our ignorance.

What is the cause of our ignorance? It is our own mind. Along with our ego, the mind becomes the ME that keeps us lost in this cosmic illusion. This is often known as Maya. Maya has two powers – it conceals the truth and projects the myth and we just believe it. Our mind and ego are slaves to the cosmic illusion, and we don't realize the truth because we don't use the gift of the intellect. Thus, we  continue to experience suffering as long as we are alive.

If we want to be truly happy, if we want everlasting peace and tranquillity, we have to overcome our ignorance and realize the truth. We have to use our intellect to discriminate, just as we live with discipline and with detachment. This is the way to live a life of bliss and joy. Unfortunately, because of our ignorance, we continue to suffer. Not just during this birth, but we are born again and again to repeatedly suffer due to our ignorance.

Statistics show that about 1% of the world is visually blind, but it seems that 99% of us are spiritually blind. We cannot see the truth because of a 'spiritual cataract'. Just like we need a cataract surgery for our physical eyes to see, we need a spiritual awakening to overcome ignorance and see the truth.

We human beings are lost in this world of attractions and distractions. Our senses are attracted by all the allurements of this material world as our mind is distracted by thoughts and emotions that keep us caught in a trance of the cosmic illusion.

Although we have the gift of the intellect and we are privileged as human beings to ask, to investigate, and to realize the truth, we don't use this weapon effectively. We follow the herd and believe in whatever we read or hear. We don't question our religion which only teaches us the basics about God, and we remain distant from the Divine because of our ignorance. We let the mind and ego get the better of us as we suffer each day that we live.

Is there a way to overcome suffering? There is good news. If only we overcome our ignorance of who we are and why we are here, if only we see through the cosmic illusion, we will be able to discover the truth that is beyond and be free from all suffering.

What does ignorance do? It acts like a blanket of dark clouds that blocks our vision of the truth. Our ignorance continues to make us live with an opaque vision as it blinds us from reality. We live and die, again and again, life after life, being ignorant about the truth. If only we overcome our ignorance, we can escape from Karma and rebirth. For this, we must realize the truth.

To realize the truth, it is necessary to let go of our false beliefs. We human beings are programmed to believe and live in a particular way. Just like we reset our laptop or mobile, we have to wipe out all our ignorance and reprogram our thought process with a fresh spiritual philosophy. We must remove all the mythological viruses that continue to create ignorance. Most importantly, we have to learn to investigate as we go in quest of the truth. Only then, will we overcome our ignorance and realize the truth about life.



  • We human beings suffer because of our ignorance.
  • Our biggest problem is that we are ignorant about our ignorance.
  • Due to a cosmic illusion, we do not see the reality that lies ahead.
  • We seem to be spiritually blind due to a 'spiritual cataract'.
  • Unless we eliminate our ignorance, we will continue to suffer as we are born again and again.
  • To overcome ignorance, we must learn to ask questions and investigate till we realize the truth. We should not just believe in myth and superstition.
  • We have to reprogram our life with a fresh spiritual philosophy to realize the truth.