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Chapter 35  

True Love is Bliss


True Love is Bliss,

It's not just a Kiss.

Those who don't learn what True Love is,

This Divine ecstasy, they miss.

A Life Manual without love would be incomplete. Everybody who lives, loves. But we have not discovered the true meaning of love. Those who live life at the surface, think that love is just about kisses, hugs, romance, sex and Valentine's Day. We think that love is all about broken hearts. What is the secret of True Love?

True Love is Divine. Just like white light from the sun creates a rainbow with VIBGYOR, the 7 beautiful colours of Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red, pure White Divine love from the Soul manifests as the 7 different colours of love throughout our life. When we are born, we experience the love between children and parents. This is a beautiful love and often lasts throughout life. Our first love is Violet as is the first colour of the rainbow.

As we grow, we experience Indigo love, love between friends. Haven't we all had best friends in our school, whom we loved a lot? This friendship is another manifestation of Divine love and as per some philosophers, more powerful than other forms of love.

Blue love is romance. Who doesn't fall in love as we grow up from a child to an adult? However, this love is very transitory, although deep, as it soon evolves into other colours of love.

The love that is Green is very unique. It is love for ourselves. Self-love or self-esteem is known to exist throughout the world. In fact, many people believe that the strongest love in us is love for the self.

Yellow love is intellectual love. As people mature, they often get into an intimate relationship, driven by the intellect. People with intellectual love will love to talk to each other for hours or days and not get bored of each other.

Orange love is emotional love that blooms more in women. Women are said to be more emotional than men. So, they say, 'Men are from Mars and women are from Venus!' While both genders love, their love manifests in different ways. For men, love is all about Red erotic love. It is the physical expression of love. The whole world is gripped by sensuality and sexuality, mostly to do with red erotic love.

As we define the 7 colours of love, we must realize that all these 7 colours originate from the White love from the Soul. Just like the rainbow appears from sunlight that is white, the 7 colours of love, appear from the Soul. If there was no Soul, there would be no love. Can you ever imagine a dead body loving? Impossible! Because there is no Soul, thus there is no love. All the manifestations of love emanate from the Soul, the source, the fountain of love.

Unfortunately, the world has not come to terms with the truth that true love is bliss, which is not just a kiss, but far more divine and beautiful. All the 7 colours of love create an ecstasy of joy and bliss. Why then does the world only imagine love as hugs, hearts, and Valentine magic? It is because we have not discovered True Love.

Because we have not discovered the truth that we are in fact, the Divine Soul, we continue to believe love to be that of the body and of the mind, when in reality, the fountain of True Love, springs from the Soul.

White Soulful love is Divine and thus finds its presence in all the scriptures of the world. It would be rare to find any scripture of any religion, where love is not talked about. We talk of love for God. What is this love all about? It is love that is born from the Soul that is seeking the Universal Soul that is omnipresent.

Because we have not learnt the true meaning of love, we have not learnt to live with this beautiful gift called love. To love is to live, but most of us live with a very narrow perspective of love. Love has become a taboo as it is connected only to the physical aspect of sexuality when in reality, it is all about Divine spirituality.

Those who go in quest for God, experience Divinity and they love one and all. They realize the truth that God appears not just as human beings, but as everything alive on earth. A true lover of God, therefore, loves without hesitation and unsparingly.

How should one live and love? One should eliminate possessiveness that restricts love to be only between two people. This love is just from body to body. But love from Soul to Soul is universal. Thus, sometimes, philosophers have considered Indigo love between friends as more powerful than Blue love between lovers or Red erotic love. True Love is unconditional and flows from Soul to Soul.

True Love is bliss, not just a kiss. True Love is the source of all joy and ecstacy but it’s not the love that we talk about. True Love is Soulful Divine love that comes from the very essence of our life power. True Love used to be called as Ishq Haqiqi by the Sufis and Agape by the ancient Greeks. Its origins are found in history that is a few thousand years old. Let us learn the meaning of True Love in this Life Manual.



  • As we live, we must learn the true meaning of love.
  • True Love is bliss, not just a kiss.
  • True Love emanates from the Divine Soul that is within.
  • It manifests as the 7 colours of love, just as the white light of the sun creates 7 colours of the rainbow.
  • Violet love is between kids and parents.
  • Indigo love is between friends.
  • Blue love is romance.
  • Green love is self-love.
  • Yellow love is intellectual.
  • Orange love is emotional.
  • Red love is erotic physical love.
  • All love comes from the Soul. One who is dead has no Soul and is incapable of loving.
  • It is this White Divine Soulful love that is the source, the fountain of love and of all joy, bliss and ecstacy.