Life Manual: How to live Life by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Chapter   37

Where is God and Heaven?


Where is Heaven and where is God?

What is the real name of our Lord?

Are there many Gods or is there just one?

In search of this truth, life goes on.

Most of us live and die, but we never learn the truth about God. We believe in some kind of heaven and that if we pray to our Lord, one day, we will go there.

Although human beings are intelligent, it is strange that we get carried away with such fairy tales. Most of us believe in what we are told. Of course, we might have learnt it when we were kids but even after we grow up, we still believe that Santa Claus leaves gifts under the Christmas tree, and this is a real pity.

There is a difference between fact and myth. Most of our religious stories are mythological. They are epics crafted to make children believe in God. Once we start believing in God, and as we grow older, we must discover on our own the real nature of God and where the so-called heaven truly is. Is God a person made of bone and skin or is God a Power that lives within? Many of us don't question. We just believe in the God of our religion and we think it is blasphemous to ask any question.

Although the scriptures of most religions reveal the truth, we adults go around in the merry-go-round of life like kids believing in fairy tales. The Bible says, 'The kingdom of God is within you,' Luke 17:20,21. 'Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?' Corinthians 3:16. The Upanishads say, Tat Tvam Asi and Aham Brahmasmi - Thou That Art, the Divine Soul. Most of the scriptures indicate that God is within us, still we search for God in a temple, monastery, and church. How will we ever find God?

Saints and sages over the centuries have tried to make us realize the truth. The Buddha, ‘The Awakened One’ even said that enlightenment is about going within to realize the truth. Guru Nanak, the revered Guru said that we have 9 doors or openings in the human body. The eyes, the nose, the ears, the mouth and 2 organs, one each for procreation and excretion. We must open the tenth door – Dasmay Dwar, to realize God within. We human beings are so caught up with what the priests of our religions tell us that the truth hides behind their narratives. Unfortunately, we don't discover the truth about God.

Then, we want to go to God. So, we go to our place of worship temple, church, monastery, synagogue or gurudwara. Not only this, but we also go to faraway places of pilgrimages to get a glimpse of God. The more exotic the destination, the better. Up in the mountains or in the middle of the desert or ocean, we get carried away by the fantasy that our God's 'heaven' is somewhere on this pilgrimage. After visiting these places, we then dream of 'heaven' being up in the skies, somewhere on a distant planet and we are so sure that after death, we will go there. We don't use our God- given intellect to realize that the body returns to dust as it is cremated or buried. Then, how will anybody go to that distant heaven? We live and die, but we don't realize the truth that heaven or hell, are experienced right here on earth as we live in a human body. Rewards for our good deeds or punishment for our sins will not be proclaimed by a God wearing a crown and long robes as we are made to imagine. The Divine resides in each one of us and we are redeemed of our deeds right here on earth after we die as we return in a new body to experience the results of our actions in the so-called heaven and hell right here on earth.

Why is that we human beings live as an ignoramus when it comes to the subject of God? There is no doubt that God is, although we don't know who, what or where God is. When will we realize the truth that God is not a statue or saint, the Divine is a Power that no human can paint? God defined is God denied. We don't need to prove God. Our existence itself is enough proof of it. All the beauty around us is a manifestation of the Divine. Because we live and die in ignorance, we don't experience God's Divinity all around us.

The very life inside us, the Soul, the Spirit or the Atman, is nothing but a God particle. It gives life to each of the over 30 trillion cells in the human body. But we don't realize this. We see a person die, but we don't question, 'Why?' We don't realize that when the Soul departs, there is no breath. We don't realize that the Soul is Divine, and thus, Divinity reveals itself in all of humanity, in the animals and plants that surround us. Still, we human beings search for God, when in reality, God is within us, in each and every cell of the body.

Those who read the Life Manual, realize the truth about God. It may be only a few who get to know the truth, and even a lessor minority who are blessed from taking the knowledge further to realization. But it is these blessed ones who ask, investigate and realize God. Not only do they live a life of bliss, overcoming ignorance, living fearlessly without any concern of death or disaster, they feel the Divine presence all the time. They believe in the God of their religion, but they go beyond the kindergarten of religion as they yearn for God, love God, and seek God. If we do not realize the truth about God and heaven, we will never learn to truly live.



  • We don't know who God is, where God is, what God is. But beyond doubt, God is.
  • God is not a statue or saint. God is a power that no human can paint.
  • We live and die as we get carried away by mythological tales about God and heaven.
  • God is within, but we search outside.
  • We go to a temple, monastery, and church, instead of taking our search inwards.
  • We believe in the fairy tale that heaven is somewhere faraway, up in the skies.
  • Those who really learn to live, realize God within, in the temple of their heart.
  • They realize that heaven or hell will be experienced right here on earth as we return in a new body to experience our own past actions.