Life Manual: How to live Life by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Chapter 42

Consciousness is Bliss


Consciousness is Bliss!

Because we are caught in a world of illusions,

This Divine bliss we Miss.

How can anybody explain to us the feeling of Divine Bliss that we have never experienced? How can we imagine a life devoid of any misery or suffering, when we have always been troubled by them? We human beings are used to seeking happiness and becoming happy. We have not learnt the art of being happy. Why?

Throughout our life, we are slaves of our mind. It drives us to act and to do what the ME wants to do. The ME – Mind and Ego, sets the agenda, and as helpless puppets, we dance through life as if the strings of our destiny are not in our hands. We go through a cycle of pleasure and pain. We struggle through loss and gain. We experience sunshine and rain. But we live and die in vain. We don't understand life. Before we even know it, life escapes us.

At first, we are little children and the first two decades pass as we play with our toys and are busy with girls and boys. Then, the next decade is about waking up and wanting to be somebody, finding a life partner and creating a career or an occupation. Before we even realize it, we have lost 4 decades. The fifth decade is the one where we enjoy the rewards of success or struggle through the pangs of failure. Very few among us wake up in the sixth decade of our life to realize the true meaning of life. Most of us slip into the seventh decade and even further into our grave, without even realizing what life is all about.

A rare minority is able to tame the monkey - their mind. They are able to let go of their ego and experience Divinity within. They become conscious of their Divine Soul, their true identity and they defeat their physical self with their spiritual strength. They become observers of this drama called 'Life', as they live in Divine Consciousness.

What is this Divine Consciousness all about? To most of us, it is an unheard experience because the mind never lets us get to that point, a point where we watch the mind as it wanders. A state of being where the physical pain does not elevate into suffering, a blessing where the agony of the ego does not let us become aghast in anger, hate, revenge or jealousy.

Consciousness is experiencing the Divine at all times. It is that Blissful state which is rewarded to a fraction of humanity. In this state of blissful consciousness, one does not get excited with pleasure, nor does one suffer with misery. One lives a life of Divine surrender and acceptance as they enjoy the show called 'Life'.

Those who enjoy this Bliss, are conscious that everything is a manifestation of the Divine. We may see it as a butterfly or a bee, a fruit on a tree, you or me, but in reality, everything is HE Holistic Energy of the Divine. When we become conscious of this, the mind ceases its monkey business. Even if it tries to jump from thought to thought, Consciousness brings it back to be a silent monk. It tames not just the mind, but also the senses of the body as it enjoys the Divine bliss that it experiences in all the beauty around.

Beauty is Divinity. But normal mortals are not conscious of this. We think of natural beauty as a creation of the Divine, and continue to live in duality, not realizing that we are ourselves the cause of all these effects which appear beautiful.

Only those who experience this Divine Consciousness experience this state of Satchitananda. They experience Ananda or bliss that comes from the Consciousness - Chit of the Truth - Sat. Those who live in this Ananda, are liberated from all misery and sorrow. Like waves dancing on the sea, nothing matters to them. Neither do they fear death, nor are they concerned with the petty issues of life. They learn to laugh as they live with love and laughter. They have realized the truth and have gone beyond mundane living. They are the few who have mastered the Life Manual and discovered how to truly live life.

Most of us miss this Bliss. We miss experiencing the Divine Consciousness that comes by overcoming ignorance and realizing the truth. We struggle through life as the body- mind complex and miss enjoying the beautiful journey of the Divine Soul.

Consciousness is Bliss, but how will anybody understand this? If they don't experience Consciousness, they will only be caught in petty pleasures and temporary triumphs, till one day before they realize, life is over. They never bothered to open the Life Manual, to read it, to understand it, and to drink from the nectar of it. They never took the help of a life coach or a Spiritual Master to discover how to live life. They abused the gift that was priceless just because they did not discover the value of it and the purpose and meaning that was hidden.

It's not too late. Even now, we can study the Life Manual and discover how to live life. We can still learn from the Life Manual how to realize Satchitananda, consciousness of the truth that is bliss.



  • Most people live and die without discovering how to live.
  • They do not make an effort to read the Life Manual and life escapes them.
  • They do not even understand the meaning of Consciousness that is so Blissful.
  • Those who experience Bliss, being conscious of the Divine, truly live.
  • They observe this world as a Divine drama and enjoy every moment of this show.
  • Before this gift of life is over, we must read the Life Manual, discover how to live and make the best of this gift called 'Life'.
  • We must reach the state of Satchitananda, bliss that comes from consciousness of the truth.