Mass Murder: From a Spiritual Perspective by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

Energy Being (Your Soul)


Souls are simply energy creations, as God is infinite energy.  This energy is basically that part of God which connects all living things to each other, and therefore connects us all to God.

God created energy beings in his own image and those on planet earth call them Souls; these souls then experience what God has created and that which is still being created.  Creation has no ending, it is infinite. 

As a Soul we have the limited ability to create which was given to us by God, so we grow and experience the knowledge and truth of God, and then add to his creations.  God then in turn experiences through us, the positive and negative aspects of our creations which is a never ending cycle of life.

As energy beings we are experiencing and gathering information not only for God, but for our individual advancement.  No matter whether we are in the human form or back in our true dimension, we are always seeking to grow more God-like in our own right.  Remember your true form is that of pure energy, all things are energy; you will always maintain your individuality as long as you desire to do so.  Just know that as an energy being you are part of a larger grouping of energy beings.  That is the connection we all have to God. 

As you combine your energy to this larger group, Gods energy expands and continues to grow.  Worry not about joining your energy with other energy beings, for you still retain your individual identity, for we are all a part of that infinite energy of our loving God.